Where to Find Trapdoor Vine
To get trapdoor vine:
- First, you need to do a superior repeal fog
- Then you build four aegis fog, and you put two, one in front of the other, on each side of the fog.
- Take Quinn, and you make him top priority for ward
- Your aegis fog need to be priority 5.
The fog is blocked, you can wait for your trapdoor vines to mature.
Update: Since the latest patch, Ignium now requires Thorntooth, meaning you will now have to farm vines before you can get Tier 3 wands. Seems a bit of a weird change unless they make the vine spawn rate (or growth rate) substantially higher.
I think we’ve established that the only consistent way to get vines is by using Fog Aegis, and yet the Fog Aegis is further down the tree than the Tier 3 wands…
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