Mind Over Magic – Things You Should to Know

A loose collection of stuff I’ve learned while playing where I was thinking “hey, that one I would love to have known earlier”.

Move Founder’s Grave

The Founder’s grave can be moved. You “just” need to disable the harvesting first.

This becomes important later on as you need many hallowlilies for textiles and a shaded one delays the growth.


Room Height

The perfect Room height is difficult, since different rooms have different requirements. Besides that, you don’t want to make your rooms to tall, because this means additional stairs to move up.

The absolute minimum height is 3 blocks, so that your people can still move trough it, doors have a height of 4. For Rooms, I don’t know the requirement for the tier 3 learning stations, but until then, the biggest height I’ve seen was 7.

I’ve ended up with a default room height of 8. This is high enough for everything to stuff in and you got some extra height in case you want to build a room with 2 floors.

Rooms with multiple floors

As addition to this, in some rooms you want them to be taller then wide but you also want to put some stuf in (e.g. the hospital). In order to not end up with wide and very tall rooms you can also add multiple floors. The Important trick here is that as long as 1 floor/wall tile is missing, it counts as the same room.

With this trick you can also build an Common House (the ultimate student room) in 2 floors and therefore more space efficient.


Some rooms need to be towered. Besides the obvious way of placing it on top of your library (where place will most likely be limited, especially if you don’t want lots of stairs up and down), there is another way. Build sideways and make sure there is at least 1 tile of floor between 2 walls. This way you can seperate a room e.g. for the mage’s tower without “wasting” a bigger tower place at the top.

Same can also be done by building one (or more) 3 tile outdoor support column(s) and build the room ontop of it. This also qualifies the room as elevated.


They are kinda anoying, since they like to eat your bitterrice, you’ll need for various meals. The “obvious” way would be to remove the croa nests as soon as they show up so that you never get a problem with them. What worked better for me to keep them away later on was building a small room between them and my bitterrice. They don’t seem to go trough doors.

Spectral Croa’s

These beasts are especially nasty, since they come when your stuff is usually asleep and try to make trouble within your buildings. They appear at night if there are croa corpses around.

So the simple solution to this is researching “Second Sight” at the right end of the tree and let your Midden Jelly consume them. Set the Jelly on “forever” for eyes or brains (I prefere the latter). Now you can hunt the Croa’s and only rarely see a spectral one going for revenge.


For More Efficient Crop Growth!

You can place your crops outside, but that’s kinda space hungry. A Greenhouse can grow in height and therefore offer a more space efficient solution. Besides that, with enough windows you can even boost the production.

The ground floor shows the room I intend to build my Atelier in. Above I got a 2 floor Greenhouse. As you can see on the screenshot, with 8 small round windows I managed to archive a growth rate of 419% in stead of the common 300% for the ones outside.

Little hint: don’t build it to big and put to much stuff in it. my 9×4 room with 4 large arched windows + 2 small round windows ended up with 519% growth rate. This means with a big greenhouse, you can keep alot of stuff busy and clutter your chests in no time.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 4311 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

1 Comment

  1. One tip to add: you can make a room elevated by adding a roof to the room below. Anything between a roof and the next room is outdoors, and not considered a room. Helps to save on supports when you have lots of rooms requiring the elevated condition.

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