Monster Hunter Rise – Recommended Keyboard + Mouse Control Settings

Like World, Rise kinda goes crazy with mouse & keyboard if your mouse has more than the average amount of inputs- Here’s a recommended list of changes I think you should make to your keybinds, as I find this the most comfortable setup.

How to Find These Settings…

Get into the game itself, complete some of the basic “run around the village and greet people” objectives.

Then, you can press ESC to go into the menu. Select the fifth and final tab in the menu, Options is the first selection from the dropdown. From there, most of the things I tweak in this guide are in Controls, Key Bindings, but I list a few other things too in the other section.

Key Binding Changelist


Lock On/Change Target changed to T (Note: I just use T here because it’s an intuitive button for “target” and more importantly, I barely use it. Lock on is awful in Monster Hunter’s combat, so not being able to reach the button conveniently isn’t an issue)

Guard/Special Weapon Action changed to Ctrl This governs actions like blocking as well as moves like Performance on Hunting Horn, and what you press to Wiredash in the aimed direction in the wirebug aim.

Weapon/Wirebug Reticle (Hold) changed to both V and Q as primary and secondary inputs (Order doesn’t matter) This governs what you hold to aim Wirebugs and what you hold to use a Silkbind Attack afterwards. V and Q both means your left hand has a way to reach this function from both angles, which can be more comfortable depending on the situation. I usually like Q for combat/silkbind attacks, and V for traversal.

Multi-Button Action/Mounted Punisher changed to middle mouse button. This is a convenient bind for some input simplifcations, things like a Hunting Horn Overhead Smash can be executed with one button press instead of two simultaneous ones. (Note: I go back and forth on this one, because using middle mouse button for the Wirebug Reticle instead of V is genuinely neat too. Consider this one more personal preference)

Item Bar (Hold)/Reset Camera changed to R This just moves the function around to a perfectly fine, unused key.


Note: Please bear in mind, I don’t really use ranged weapons, so this is a control scheme based from a giga casual’s perspective. You also don’t need to really customise the keybinds of Ranged weapons if you aren’t planning on using them, and vice versa for melee weapons.

Lock On/Change Target changed to T Same reasoning as above.

Dash (Toggle)/Sheathe Weapon changed to Shift By default, this bind is EMPTY which is borderline unplayable, sheathing your weapon is an important button and IMO should be consistently mapped to Shift.

Dash (Hold) changed to Ctrl (this way, your Silkbind Attack button to hold is Ctrl. yep, that’s the real use of this bind, the name is very msileading) Ctrl is easy enough to reach while pressing either Q or R.

Special Attack (Weapon Drawn)/Silkbind changed to Q Easy button to reach from your WASD hand.

Reload/Load/Remove Coating/Silkbind changed to R “R” is a classic bind for “reload” and more importantly is easy to reach.

Item Bar (Hold)/Reset Camera changed to Z An unused button within reach of the left hand.

Stuff That Isn’t Keybinds

Sheathe Settings in Controls should 1000% be Manual Sheathe. Auto Sheathe is terrible! You shouldn’t need the game to sheathe for you, especially when it locks you into an animation that might get you killed.

Mouse Wheel Settings 1/2 should be inverted, so 1 is Item Bar and 2 is Action Bar. This allows you to scroll through your Item Hotbar with the mouse wheel, and scroll through your Action Bar instead if you’re holding Ctrl (R, with this keybind setup). I don’t understand why the game isn’t like this by default, TBH. 

Alternatively, if you run Ranged Weapons, you should make the 2nd Action Bar setting your Ammo/Coatings Bar. (or, if you’d prefer, make that Setting 1, and your Item Bar Setting 2)

In Game Settings, you can turn a Player Silhouette on so you can see yourself while being obscured by monsters.

Hopefully, all these settings create a control scheme that feels a little more intuitive for you, it sure did for me!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. Heya all, occasionally while playing all of a sudden our mouse buttons just stop working. The only fix is to log out and back in. Is this a bug or something we are doing? Please help, very frustrating.

  2. If you can spend $60 on MHRIse, you can spend $15 to get a mouse with extra side buttons so you don’t have to use crap like CTRL for keys.

  3. Thank you for the brief guide! I sorta felt lost trying to remap keybinds, trying to make it feel similar to MHW.

  4. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why I couldn’t use silkbind attacks with bows and shift until I read this. Thanks.

  5. Hey all. Question. Every now and then our left and right click just stop working. Seems like it’s usually after a silk bind but not sure. The only way we seem to be able to fix it is by logging out and back in. Any advice or ideas? Thanks

    • After looking I can’t find any information on other people having this bug.

      The way your question is worded, it sounds like its happening to you, and another person? If that’s the case, it’d be best to look for whatever’s in common with both of your PCs.

      If not, some ideas for troubleshooting would be asking some questions like:

      -Does it apply to ALL your mouse input (eg. moving it around) or just the buttons?

      -Does unplugging and replugging your mouse while the bug is happening change anything?

      -Does alt-tabbing out of the game (and/or changing the way the game displays on your pc, like switching from fullscreen to borderless windowed mode) change anything?

      However, I’m just taking shots in the dark with those suggestions.

  6. Good guide for those in need but Z is definitely not out of reach as it’s next to T. Wouldn’t Y be the better option there? If you have a mouse with 12 additional buttons on the side you can pretty much keybind a lot of stuff from the keyboard onto there. For example I have set my sprint to 5 there as my thumb always rests there and the special weapon thing (the one that let’s you switch from axe mode to blade mode on switch axe for example) to 6 while this other new weird thing (I think that’s the skillbind attack) is at 7. However I’m still having quite a hard time using these new bugs (definitely the worst mechanic yet in the series).

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