Do you want to go to the other sector? oh, you got drugs on you? walking through the police checkpoint won’t work! Here are every way to cross the border wall and smuggle all your heart’s content without getting searched!
Guide to All Ways Between Sectors
List of Ways to Smuggle Dope
Police checkpoints
We already realised this won’t work for us, fine dealers
Pesky sewer system
As perplexing as it is, it’s actually not the worst! (other than the checkpoints it really is, but it has it’s uses)
The technical tunnels
For a nice fee of $100-350 you can not only smuggle but teleport your way between the sectors in a fraction of a second! perfect for late game rich drug lords
Illegal ways (parkour)
Wanna smuggle illegal stuff? ya gotta do it the illegal way. Choose your favorite parkour route that best fits your needs, hideout location and current position.
Police Checkpoints
Did you really think I made a whole section for this?
Everyone can walk through the checkpoints, except me and you; the people that have dope in their pants.
You can certainly just floor it by running right through the checkpoint and hiding in your crib, or better yet dropping in the sewer temporarily until you lose your tail, but that’s no consistent solution (it kinda is not gonna lie, I do this all the time) but for a high level dealer like you; you’ll need to upgrade your smuggling game, keep looking for a better way down below.
Sewer System
Ah yes, the good ol’ sewers. Who likes them, the rats? hopefully not you.
Well when it comes to the sewer system, it is a very consistent way to move between both sector A & B, for free, and in a very reliable time (depending on how well you find your way down there)
The sewer has it’s pros and cons..
- Very Reliable.
- Free of charge (unlike the technical tunnels).
- Very Safe (no cops down there, and you can peek out of the sewers to check for cops before popping back out).
- Very confusing.
- No map.
- Tedious gates around the sewer (they also get locked again after some time).
- Takes some time to move around (depending on how well you know your way around).
You can certainly improve how this sounds on paper by getting better at navigating the sewers, using a map of the sewer system, doing this and that blah blah blah..
At the end of the day it’s not the best way to cross the border, it is very safe & reliable but only recommended early on when you can’t afford to drop $350 each time you wanna smuggle your dope around the ghetto.
Technical Tunnels
Now we’re talking!
A bit of everything, speed, reliability, Take-Ma-Money, Scam, and convenience!
The best way in general to smuggle dope. I wonder if there’s anything else to it.
..you say?
It’s not cheap. Well for most people, upto $350 for a one-way trip between sectors ain’t a deal.
To me, it definitely is, when you have stacks on stacks later on the game you won’t mind it.
You can’t just move between the sectors from anywhere, ya gotta go to the stupid entrance, talk to the ‘scammer’ (construction guy) pay him his hard-earned money and jump in.
Sometimes (rarily) when going from sector B to A, you can be spotted by a patrol walking by your left, if your timing is really unfortunate. The wooden fence there is transparent and any cops walking to your left will be able to see you. F for those who had this happen.. poor dealers.
That’s all the cons. Everything else is good. Other than the fact you can pay the guy multiple times and he won’t tell you he’s already paid for the trip. That’s why I call them scammers, they will take your money, even if they already took everything.
This is the real deal. What every dealer is dreaming of, a perfect way to smuggle their sh-t around the ghetto like a true sigma male dealer would.
Take a look at these illegal, gamebreaking, immersion-breaking or whatever you wanna call them ways to get the job done (just watch this video because I’m too lazy to make separate videos for every way, sorry dealers!)
To sum it up, you can smuggle stuff by straight up ignoring the intended ways the poor developers implemented just for you to make use of and just jump over the d-mn wall. Ain’t that a OG certified move? you tell me.
These ways are quite useful because they’re really convenient as you can jump over the wall whenever and in many ways, and depending on where you are/your hideout is, you can choose one of the ways that best fit your location.
Here is every way and how they score out of 10
Police checkpoints (run through) -> 5/10
Surprisingly reliable, easy, fast and convenient. You can’t “smuggle” a whole duffle bag of dope though as you will be a running turtle.
Sewer System -> 3/10
Great for small game early on, but useless later. Can be the way if you just forgot your cash, but if you forgot your cash for a technical tunnels trip you probably forgot your bobby pins aswell.. Try not to get lost down there alright?
Technical Tunnels -> 10/10
All around the best way to smuggle anything and everything around the ghetto. No matter how much you smuggle, this is the way, for only $350 (which isn’t much late game) you can instantly pop out and back into existance at the other side of the map! (you can carry two bags per trip, one you wear and one in your hand)
Parkour -> 8/10
Great, convenient, sigma male approved. Recommended if you just don’t care or in a pinch. For the developers and your immersion’s sake, you should use the intended ways over this unless really necessary (who cares though, you’re dealing dope and you gotta do whatcha gotta do to get dat paper)
- Best way is the Technical Tunnels!
- Worst way is the Sewer System!
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