Longsword Guide and Tips
Ву timmy & Mikalya.
New Standard Combo
Longsword plays completely different from World and Rise. While the main goal is still to reach Red Spirit, things change once you reach red. To start, the main standard combo of LS is the Crimson Combo, or Crimson Slash I -> Spirit Blade I -> repeat as quickly as possible. Crimson Slash I replaces overhead slash when on Red Spirit.
The new loop has a total of 80 MVs and 2.4 Ele Modifier, which may not seem like much, but it is very strong with how fast LS can spam it.
SHB + SRS vs New Loop
While LS in the Wilds Beta used primarily Spirit Helmbreaker into Spirit Release Slash, Capcom buffed the Crimson Combo as well as nerfing Spirit Release Slash.
Even though SHB + SRS has been nerfed, it still does more immediate burst damage than the Crimson Combo. Therefore, it still has its uses which are:
- Red Spirit Gauge is running low, so you can dump SHB + SRS on the monster right before dropping to yellow
- For the knockback immunity since both the SHB stab and the entirety of SRS have hyper armor (ie: ignoring a roar with Spirit Thrust)
- Monster is about to leave the area, so you can throw out an SHB + SRS for some damage since Red Gauge will likely run out anyways while chasing the monster
While there are more specific uses, these are the most common.
Just to give a rough estimate on the difference between Crimson Combo and SHB + SRS, a few damage tests were done with a 190 base raw weapon, 100% affinity, white sharpness, and Critical Boost 5. What we found was that while SHB outdamaged Crimson Combo by ~17.5% in the 6s it takes to use the move, Crimson Combo outdamaged by ~15% when considering the time it takes to get back to red and use SHB again.
TLDR: Crimson Combo is better.
Getting to Red Spirit
With the new loop, LS became far less counter centered compared to Sunbreak. This does not mean counters are bad; they are still a core part of the weapon.
The main goal of Longsword up until Red Spirit remains the same – get to Red as quickly as possible. Theres are several ways to do this:
- Iai Spirit Slash is the fastest way to level up the Gauge, and it does decent damage as well. This will be your primary counter.
- Foresight Slash has a very generous window and allows you to follow up with Spirit Roundslash after a successful counter. Used alongside ISS to chain counters.
- Spirit Combo, usually not used to get to red since it is slow and eats sharpness, but sometimes there are no other options (such as during long topples).
- Longsword’s Focus Strike does good damage and instantly levels up the Spirit Gauge if a wound is destroyed. Also goes into Spirit Blade III so it is a quick way to gain 2 levels.
Red Spirit Level Gameplay
It should be noted that once in Red Gauge, a successful ISS or Roundslash will not refresh the Spirit Gauge, but restore a small amount.
As mentioned before, Longsword in Red wants to spam Crimson Combo. Unfortunately, monsters can move. Foresight Slash becomes Foresight Whirl Slash, which changes FSS into a backflip that does additional damage. A successful FWS will allow you to go into a quicker roundslash, which restores some Red Spirit.
ISS is still used in Red to some degree, usually to counter attacks that would be difficult to dodge normally. It also chains straight into Crimson Slash I, so it allows you to maintain the flow of the hunt nicely.
Refer to the earlier SHB + SRS section for notes on Spirit Helmbreaker.
Just use Lala Barina weapon and cripple monsters lmao
Low Rank
There isn’t much going on in Low Rank, so early progression will focus on a few weapon and armor options.
Chapter 1
Standard Quick Sheathe 3 armor, the only thing Longsword needs early on. Arms and Waist dont matter, so feel free to choose whatever.

For the weapon, anything with more attack than the default weapon is fine, but Lala Barina is nice for the Paralysis.

Chapter 2
Chapter 2 unlocks the Quick Sheathe Talisman. Grab it as it will be used throughout progression.

At this point, still no great armor pieces. Hirabami is an option if you want some comfort skills, but not needed.

A couple weapon recommendations:
- Rompopolo LS is nice for its decent green, Power Prolonger, and Poison for a bit of extra damage. Power Prolonger makes Red Spirit last longer allowing for more Crimson Combos.

- Nerscylla LS has less raw than Rompo Hacker I, but makes up for it with better sharpness and affinity. Also has Power Prolonger.

Chapter 3
Guardian Ebony allows us to get to finally some decent damage skills. Burst 2 with the 2p set bonus gives a solid +13 raw. Anything works for the chest, Rey Sandmail is just there as a placeholder.

Guardian Rathalos LS is the best option at the end of Low Rank with good raw, decent sharpness, and some base affinity. Comes with Master’s Touch which doesn’t do much just yet, but better than nothing.

High Rank
HR 10
High Rank starts with using pieces farmed from low rank Guardian Arkveld. Flayer is nice for creating wounds, and the set bonus restores 25 HP when wounds are destroyed, making for a very comfortable set.

Rathian LS is the recommended upgrade. While it has the same raw and affinity as G. Rathalos LS, the extra sharpness and poison are good. From this point on, slot any Razor Sharp/Handicraft decos that drop.

HR 15
We upgrade our Rathian LS to Rathalos. 20 more raw and a bit more blue sharpness for only 5% less affinity. Also comes with Critical Boost 3 which is nice, but minimal.

HR 20
High Rank Guardian Rathalos and Fulgur Anjanath unlock the upgrade for the Quick Sheathe Charm, allowing us to drop an Alloy piece. Rathalos Coil is used here for +15 raw from Adrenaline Rush, which works with Foresight Slash.
If you happen to have a Quick Sheathe decoration, slot it and use Rathalos Greaves α instead for Adrenaline Rush 3, or +5 raw.

Also grab the Weakness Exploit Charm. It will be used later.

Minor optional upgrade, Guardian Rathalos LS has 5% more affinity than its counterpart.

HR 35
Gore Magala unlocks after hunting Jin Dahaad and the other Apexes, and its set bonus with Antivirus 3 gives a nice 25% affinity. Only a single Quick Sheathe decoration is considered for now, but slot any decent decorations you have.
If you still don’t have a QS deco yet for some reason, swap Ebony Helm for Alloy.

Some weapon recommendations after Gore Magala. Whichever weapon you use, slot any good decorations you have.
Rey Day LS for its good sharpness and raw.

Lala Barina LS has less raw than Rey LS, but Paralysis, better sharpness, and affinity can make up for it.

Rompopolo LS can be worth with some Handicraft/Razor Sharp decorations since Power Prolonger helps with Crimson Combo uptime.

HR 40
Upgrade your Weakness Exploit Charm, it will be used in most builds going forward. Hunter Symbol III needs Tier 3 Tempered Investigations.

Barebones set to start farming endgame investigations. Slot any good decorations you have, Quick Sheathe is the only mandatory one.

Two more weapon upgrade options before endgame.
Gore Magala Longsword has good white sharpness, 210 base raw, and 20% affinity. This allows us to reach 80% affinity, or 50% without Max Might. Slot any Critical Boost and Handicraft/Razor Sharp decorations may have.

If you don’t have any Crit Boost decorations, Rathalos Longsword is better because it has it innately.

Artian Weapons
In endgame we switch to Artian weapons. Artian weapons are strong because they come with great slots, customizable Status/Element, and good base stats once upgraded. Artian weapons can be forged with parts obtained from Investigations.
To forge an Artian weapon with a specific Status or Element, it’s best to use 3 of the same type. Whether you choose attack or affinity affusions will depend on the set.

To upgrade an Artian weapon, you need to reinforce with ores melded from the smithy in Azuz. The available reinforcements for Longsword are as follows:
- +5 attack
- +5 element
- +5% affinity
- +30 sharpness
Unfortunately, reinforcements are completely random. Good luck!

Raw but it’s actually Element flavored

Infusions and Reinforcements:

Paralysis is used here for the free CC, but matching Elemental Longswords with this set gives around 5-7% damage. Reinforcements will be the same, although Element in place of Attack is fine (for Elemental Longswords only).
Full Element
Full element is pretty niche, only having two matchups. Currently, only water is worth using for Gravios and Odogaron.

Infusions and Reinforcements:

Monster | Element |
Rathian | Dragon |
Rathalos | Dragon |
G. Rathalos | Dragon |
Gravios | Water (Belly) |
Yian Kut-Ku | Ice |
Gypceros | Fire |
Congalala | Fire |
Blangonga | Fire |
Nerscylla | Fire |
Gore Magala | Fire |
G. Fulgur Anjanath | Ice |
G. Ebony Odogaron | Water |
Doshaguma | Fire |
G. Doshaguma | Dragon (Arms) |
Balahabra | Thunder |
Chatacabra | Thunder |
Quematrice | Water |
Lala Barina | Fire |
Rompopolo | Water |
Rey Dau | Ice |
Uth Duna | Thunder |
Nu Udra | Water |
Ajarakan | Water |
Arkveld | Dragon |
G. Arkveld | Dragon |
Hirabami | Fire |
Jin Dahaad | Fire |
Xu Wu | Ice |
Zoh Shia | Dragon |
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