Monster Hunter Wilds – Dual Blades (DB) Gearing Guide

Quick Wilds DB Gearing Guide

Ву Refia.

Low Rank

Low Rank really doesn’t matter that much since the skills you get are so paltry and small in comparison to what you get later on. It is recommended though to pick up Guardian Ebony pieces near the end as they provide a lot of damage to dual blades.

Also try to pick up the Fire Quematrice dual blades and Uth Duna dual blades if you can spare some time to kill one or two of the said monsters.

High Rank

There aren’t many choices either, so just keep using the low Rank Guardian Ebony until you get to the High rank version and upgrade to that. We will use the armor until the end of high rank and swap eventually to our current endgame sets.

For the list of best craftable dual blades it should be these:

  • Fire: Wyvern Lovers (Raths)
  • Water: Master Sabers (Guild)
  • Thunder: Fulgurtwins Guardiana (G.F. Anjanath)
  • Ice: Precipice Ulokiem (Jin Dahaad)
  • Dragon: Inspired Ywain (Arkveld)

Along the way feel free to experiment with other Elemental Dualblades as some of these listed aren’t available at the start of high rank.

Endgame Armor Sets

Gore+Ebony Odo mix (Agi 4/5, Burst 5) Recommended

Set should focus on getting Anti Virus3, Burst 5, Agitator 4 or 5, and I put in Adrenaline Rush 1 in place of the 5th level of Agitator.

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Arkveld+Gore (WEX 5, Burst 5)

You might go for this set instead if you think Agitator is too inconsistent and you want a little bit of herb healing from Arkveld 2pc set.

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Weapon Decorations

The decos change from person to person but I would focus mostly these things in priority of order:

  • Elemental Attack 3.
  • Sharpness skills (Protective Polish, Razor Sharp, Handicraft).
  • Generic Damage skills (Attack Boost, Critical Eye, Critical Boost, Critical Element in order).

How About Relic Weapons?

Their stats really go high when optimized. Here’s a quick guide to build them for each element for dual blades:

  • Recipe: x3 Attack Infusions of all of the same element/status.
  • Reinforcement: x4 Element and 1 attack reinforcement (the last attack reinforcement can be any tbh as rolling for x4 element is hard enough).

You’re looking into making a 350 element dual blades of each element basically with at least 205 raw attack and 5 affinity.


Why the lack of crit skills in comparison to World and Rise?

A lot of crit skills have been nerfed, have been harder to get and more conditional (RIP WEX, Crit Ele). It is still good to get some amounts of crit as a result of slotting in other skills (IE: Challenger and Antivirus with Black Eclipse 2pc), but it generally leads to less damage compared to getting more raw.

Where is raw dual blades?

It has some rare usage cases like probably Arkveld as we discovered that the monster has terrible elemental hitzone values. It’ll probably look like a Blast Tiltkreise (R8 Relic DB) with full investment into Raw attack and affinity to put in.

However, Dual Blades is a weapon that scales better with element compared to raw. (Like 10 element is probably around 2-3x as effective as 1 point of raw) It is recommended to almost always match elemental weaknesses due to this.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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