Nightingale – Fast & Sustainable Crop Farming Guide (with Tips and Tricks)

Guide to farming crops quickly and sustainably with more tips to farming.

Guide to Fast & Sustainable Crop Farming

Сrеdit gоеs to Ygdrad!

The Guide

  1. You need the Charm of Bounty, it gives you 2 to 5 times the harvested crops, farming doesn’t currently work without this.
  2. Use a Herbarium major card realm, this makes crops grow really fast(my marigolds take 60s-90s to grow.
  3. Use a tempest minor card to make it always rain otherwise you’ll spend most of your time watering.
  4. Still bring a watering can with a nearby rain barrel to refill it because if you get a blue water icon after planting, the plot is glitched and will need you to give it a tiny bit of non-rain water to function.
  5. Manually putting in the seed for every plant is a massive chore and I made a autohotkey 2.0 script I will share below. You will need to modify it to set your own hotkey and mouse position if your resolution is different from my 1440p. Autohotkey comes with a tool called Window Spy that can show you the coordinates for your mouse’s position, use this to find your own values. Alternatively for those less tech-savvy, take a screenshot of your game with the seed-planting menu open, press ALT+printscreen and then paste it in microsoft paint, put your mouse over the “autofill” button in the image, and check the coordinates at the bottom left of pain. My hotkey is set to F24 because I can set that to my mouse without messing with anything else. Use what you want instead.
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
; Click autofill icon for crop plot seed in nightingale
#HotIf WinActive("ahk_class UnrealWindow")
MouseGetPos &xpos, &ypos
MouseMove 856, 1120
sleep 10
MouseClick "left", 856, 1120
sleep 50
MouseMove %&xpos%, %&ypos%
sleep 10
Send "{Esc}"

Video Guide

Useful Farming Tips

Use a bounty charm on a piece of equipment and you’ll randomly gather between 2x and 5x the resources from your crops. I also suggest growing in a herbarium realm for faster growth. Things grow so fast in a herbarium, just use a tempest card for constant rain because watering things by can will take you longer than it takes stuff to grow.

You can also place a chest with seeds then check the survivor permissions to let your companion automatically plant.

For essence farming, purposely fail the intellect puzzles and use AoE spells in a small room, the 2nd floor of Fae Tower may have a puzzle that spawns enemies when wrong, and you can AoE them constantly using Quake. Do equip charms and use minor cards that grants more essence… But the time spent doing this makes you lose out on recipes from completing trials.

For storage, a follower who isn’t from your realm will despawn if you dismiss them with items in their inventory, and a infinite storage box will generate where they are… It will never despawn but can be destroyed for gilded lumber, etc. You can put all the huge volumes of materials in there like fuel, and let a survivor basically refuel it.

Clothing is pointless for survivor, their HP and stuff are scaled to your gear level. You can dispose of all their excess gear and keep them as a mule, though they are too dumb to be told to stay away from combat.

Mining and foresting tip

Do you wish to speed up gathering without putting all your stats into gathering speed for wood and ores?

Go to astrolab forest and pick up the “Oberon” spell.

It has to be on the axe or pick you are using.

It is a chargeable spell that lasts for 6 orenodes when fully charged. And it will shatter ANY deposit you can mine with one hit. Instantly.

I am theorizing that this will be perfect on an axepick because you can make one with higher yield and less damage. Put oberons on it and lumber or pick away at ores with insane speed.

Mining 300 ores in a good field takes you about 2 minutes with it where you would otherwise need to hack away for half an hour and waiting for stamina to come back.

This spell is crazy!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7622 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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