Guide to Poly Safety Eggs
The main threat when your are on a long run is poly, it can instantly end your run no matter how much immunity or how many hp you have. There are a very few ways to protect you from poly and one of them is the poly safety egg: its concept is to hold in your inventory a hollow egg with certain spells inside it and when you get poly’d, it release its content. (needs to be changed each time you get poly’d or you load the save)
Here are a few examples:
This one is very basic: when you get poly’d, it create a projectile transmutation field that stay on you and protect from projectiles. (does not protect from melee attacks).

This one first remove all projectiles in the air (for your own homing projectiles that can kill you (explosive detonator alone could make you own projectiles with an explosive component kill you)), then create a circle of transmogrification and a shield to protect you from both projectiles and melee attacks. (not melee attacks from enemies that are immune to poly).

This one is a combination of the two wands above, it create a big chunk of soil on you and all projectiles, then let you dig your way out and when it’s done give you a shield and a circle of transmogrification for melee and projectile protection.

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