Outpost: Infinity Siege – Useful Tips and Tricks

Gameplay Tips and Tricks for New Players

How to save your XEN Mods when swapping them out

Changing your XEN mods in the middle of a tour will result in the mod being replaced to be deleted and never return.

If you wait until you’re back at home-base and speak with Yulia though, she can help edit the gun and swap out mods to then stay in your inventory.

This video should help to show this off:

Infinite Xen from Rare Reforge

In the Reforge Xen menu the 3 cost Rare Reforge can be repeated for a profit in Xen. You can do it repeatedly to get infinite Xen.

While it is tedious it’s possible to use a macro to make it much faster.

After I run a simple AutoHotKey program for around 45 seconds you can see I have more Xen than I did before running the program.

  • I start with: 49 Divine Might /// 48 Mend 1 /// 65 Cryo Affinity 1
  • I end with: 71 Divine Might /// 52 Mend 1 /// 82 Cryo Affinity 1

There are also many other Xen that also increase, but my video doesn’t show them very well.

Electro Plug trick

  • Take the plug, throw it on the core of your base.
  • Grab ElectroHammer, it spawns at the top of the tower.
  • Toss Electrohammer (the ball) into the machine (net) the longer/further the ball travels, the more energy you get.

Radius Boosters Test

Did the test for the Radius boosters thanks to the supergravity and the shooting range (using the metal patern to calculate the changes)

  • Release I 20%
  • Release II 25%
  • Release III 25%
  • Intensify I & Detonate I 30%
  • Intensify II & Detonate II 45%

Note: There is a max the radius can be boosted, and its 50% (tested quite a few combination, all stop at 50%) So Intensift and Detonate II are 100% worth it. Not sure why Release III is same as the II variant, probably a bug.

Specific tower POIs have drones flying around them

Grabbing these and selling back at the base through your warehouse, gives you time-skips on research projects.

Each rarity of drone flies at different speeds, with legendary ones being fairly fast but offering a lot of time off research, but they are worth the effort for faster projects.

How to increase my energy?

Energy total can be increased in the outpost creator, as building capacitors/batteries (can’t recall which it’s named as but it’s blue and is a long cylinder) can be attached to your base giving you +5 total for each on your outpost.

Ammo Boxes come with you when a Tour completes. Energy and Materials do not!

After you finish the final defense, make sure to use all your Energy and Materials. If you have a ton of Energy, break down trees for 40 Resources for 6 Energy. If you have a ton of Materials, make Ammo Boxes for 80 Materials and 4 Energy.

Don’t return home until you have as low Materials and Energy as possible, and making more ammo is the way to do this as ammo is important.

How to speed up the game startup!

The in-game audio settings do not work on the startup splash screen. So simply go into your game install location. Example:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Outpost\U01\Content\Movies

And rename or delete Outpost_Splash.mp4 as an extra, the game starts super fast.

How to get artillery weapons to actually just keep shooting at enemies?

You can set them to auto fire, but they only have 3 shells each. You can reload them manually if you have the ammo.

How to get other operatives?

Look for recruitment beacons. I’ve found only a couple in a level before, but most have been from me refreshing the store and buying for 300 gold.

Drone POI

You dont have to kill the drone to get the battery. You can run upto it and take it off of it. I’ve found you can crouch up until the stairs before it notices you and thenm just run in and grab it.

Ammo Farm Tip

If you want to farm ammo and shells go to the school in woodlands 3 and go into the underground lab also grab the keycrads from the crater to get into the locked room on recall day.

How to increase the resource and power capacity of the outpost?

You need to add storage and batteries to the outpost in the editor. Other items can use those resources so if you put down flooring after the batteries went on, those reduce your power output.

Tip for new players trying to find Blueprints

Look for areas that are golden and not white. Means its has either a Blueprint or a very important location. Other blueprints can still be found else were tho.

Having trouble finding the mission item to extract?

Try using the ‘Area Scan’ ability on your Core and they should show up on your HUD!

Is putting direct fire weapon somewhere else than the front is usefull? Can ennemies attack from the back?

Yes if there’s ambushes or when extracting loot from an area, if the base is facing the wrong way it can cause issues. On exploration days enemies can wander in from any direction, but otherwise there are certain Risks and enemies that can approach from different directions.

How do conveyor belts work?

There is an auto ammo producer and a an upgraded auto loader you need first before they are useful. Once you have both the auto ammo producer drops it on the conveyor belt to the auto loader to pick up.

How do you access the shooting range?

You have to research the shooting range, it is under Junior.

How the Cargo Drone works?

It takes loot all the way to main base so even if you fail, you keep the loot. drone has like 6 mins cooldown so you can spam send loot every few mins. I have 2 cargo drones, the reason why one of them might be blocked is because you probably have roof or core tower above the drone. He needs a clear air above him.

From what I’ve seen drone loot doesn’t get doubled because it directly at warehouse storage and not considered part of the recovery day findings, also the loot sent away via drone goes to the base of whomever sent the drone.

Which is good in multiplayer since gear/xen isn’t duplicated/shared on recovery day, you’re not needing to hold onto the gear you want to bring back, you can just send it off via drone.

How to remove things that exceed limit?

Check left side of the screen. Should have a warning window you can click to remove all issues.

Tip to farm Red / Orange components

So once you have Drone, put all the Purple Components in there and send them back to your base, only keep Red / Orange Components and try to get the “Recovery Day Give 3 stack of “Epic or above” Components > Profits.

Or if you dont have Drone, you can just not Recovery those Purple Components if you farming for Orange/Red stuffs.

No Purple / Orange Stuffs > Only Red Duplicate:

Running low on power on a tour?

Best thing I have found by far is to actually deconstruct the Huge Wrecks. Some maps are absolutely littered with them and can extend your tours quite a bit if you see them in large quantities.

The cost to deconstruct a huge wreck is 25 Power, which does seem a lot, however… It gives you 300 material in return!

With that understanding, you can then use the generators in your outpost to convert material to power and bam, you’re up in power.

Those vehicles are really good if you need power, can also gather them with fuel to save power if you bring a stack or 2 of fuel with you.

I was running a city area with my friend last night, we started stacking the buff that gives an extra 30% for materials gathered by hand, ended up getting 3 of those buffs for a total bonus of 90%, we were set on power for that entire run and explored the entire map.

With those buffs we were getting 570 mats per vehicle.

Also, the modifier that give 30% on collected ressources work on wrecks you deconstruct (300 -> 390 -> 480…). Got 2x the bonus at the start of a snow 3 run. Never had so much power and resources overflow.

If you have the Power Converter you can munch trees and use the wood as power. Each wood gives 2 power, 3 wood per tree, 6 power. Trees take 6 power to salvage and you get 40 resources. Good power/resource farm if you’re in a pinch or trying to minmax for a difficult extraction. Sadly this is midgame but still a useful tip.

Value per Slot

  • MRE/Pre-war Beverage: 140 per stack per slot
  • Red gear (2 slot): 100 per slot
  • Chocolate/Military Canteen: 85 per stack per slot
  • Portable repair bench/Advanced Armour plate: 75 per stack per slot
  • MGT card: 50 per slot (this means 1 day is worth 10?)
  • Small care package: 48 per slot
  • Electro Ammo Box: 32 per slot

More Tips

  • You can convert material into energy in the generator, if you know how much you need to go somewhere it can be usefull.
  • A tip is to get ammo crates before leaving mission as you can bring them with you for the next one.
  • It’s worth having multiple stairs in different places or at least well defended. If your stairs gets killed power is cut to the floor it’s connecting.
  • If you destroy a self with a fire barrel you will get scrap metal.
  • You can skip cutscense with loading back to menu.
  • Only go to a new area when you can max the time on your current area so for example go to woods 1, max the timer, if that seems easy go to woods 2 etc.
  • Before going to a new area try that new area with a local operater without or with minimal gear (so you don’t lose you best gear set) en try.
  • Dont try to max time on that new area right away, see what you can expect of that new area.
  • If that new area seems to difficult farm the previous area a bit more for more turrets and more core output (more core output means more turret damge).
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

1 Comment

  1. Snow area has a “Lab Ruins” location. The lab itself has a small building with two big containers of artillery shells. My last run had 15 of them and a run before that had 20. Just looking at the containers, there is a potential for up to 32 if RNG is on your side.

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