Path of Exile – Beast Farming Guide


Guide by: Shodokan

Beast farming has been changed to no longer encourage people finding ways to do shenanigans with full parties in a pseudo exploitative manner.  Now that the time of people being able to sit 5 accounts at the start of a map and gain 6 total copies of the beast are gone it opens up opportunities for solo players to actively participate in the market.

Beast farming is something that very few people fully understand and quite a few of the ones that do have learned it from me in some fashion. Realistically there’s a lot more to optimizing it other than taking all the bestiary passives on the atlas passive tree and slamming a beast scarab into each map.  You have to consider if you want it to be the primary focus of your farm or if you want it to be something you just add to a given strategy to add a bit of extra money on top.

The main reason you want to even do bestiary as a mechanic in normal mapping scenarios is because a majority of the high end crafting in this game revolves around using two beasts most notorious for causing “Game Breaking” issues (Craicic Chimeral & Fenumal Plagued Arachnid) and the fact that the players doing high end crafting will always need these beasts in bulk to accomplish their goals.  On top of these two beasts these players will always need “Yellow Beasts” as well as potentially other crafting related beasts as well.

In 3.20 Einhar Memories were released which changed how a majority of players interacted with the mechanic, namely a focus on the memories themselves rather than the overall mechanic since you don’t have to be invested into it on your atlas to maximize it.  

On top of this the beasts that were added also targeted the higher end of the spectrum playerbase wise as it most importantly introduced ways to re-roll synthesis implicit modifiers on items, force craft specific meta-mods for a “cheaper cost” as well as encourage gambling by letting you re-roll awakened gems and watcher’s eye modifiers.  Other important crafts were things that streamlined acquisition of Vaal Temple maps, instant leveling awakened gems as well as giving another means of generating guardian maps (elder, shaper, conqueror) to be used in invitation farming strategies.

Important Atlas Passive Tree Nodes

(This is not something you should use, this is just to show important nodes, look below for actual trees).

  • Great Migration – Bestiary’s “Ruckus.” This spawns between 27 and 42 total beasts in your map and is one of the main ways you obtain many yellow beasts.
  • Natural Selection – Required as its the main way to spawn more of the rarer beasts. The small nodes within this wheel need to be taken for 25% chance to spawn a red beast.
  • Hunt for Craiceann – Makes beasts from “The Deep” more common (Important for Craicic Chimeral, Craicic Vassal and Craicic Maw)
  • Hunt for Fenumus – Makes beasts from “The Caverns” more common (Important for Fenumal Plagued Arachnid)
  • Hunt for Farrul – Makes beasts from “The Wilds” more common (Important for Farrul and Farric Frost Hellion Alpha)
  • Big Game – Important to convert yellow beasts to red. This is doubly important when combined with Great Migration due to the massive amount of yellows spawned. The small notables in this wheel that add extra yellow beasts are also important because of this interaction.

The only other small nodes you want to have are the two around Animal Companion so that you get a chance to double the beasts you capture and the 2 notables that can spawn beasts on the right path to Great Migration.

Important Beasts: Their Drop Levels and Tiers

Data was collected for multiple leagues with over 30,000+ maps ran with varying atlas trees (going back to the different region system) and thousands more before your atlas could influence how common things were (Back then fenumal plagued arachnid was 1:300 red beasts as an example).

Beasts are rolled by choosing Tier of Beast > Genus > Beast Within Tier.  This means that if you have two “more common” notables from the above section they will not impact the amount of rarer beasts you get overall and will not actually increase the occurrence of the higher tier beasts in comparison to one another in all cases.  You should only choose multiple of these notables if you are farming t13+ maps.

No matter what you still will be beholden to RNG and even if you have specced into making The Deep more common you still might get more t1 beasts of other genus.

Normal Mapping

Beast Tiers

  • T1: Farric Tiger Alpha, Craicic Chimeral, Fenumal Plagued Arachnid, Fenumal Hybrid Arachnid, Craicic Spider Crab, Saqawine Rhex

These beasts appear approximately 1 in every 50 red beasts with Natural Selection active on your atlas passive tree. Beasts within the same genus share the same chance to spawn as one another. So if you want Craicic Chimeral you can also spawn Craicic Spider Crab just as often if you are doing a map tier where Spider Crab can spawn.

  • T2: Farric Wolf Alpha, Farric Ape, Farric Lynx Alpha, Saqawine Vulture, Craicic Maw, Craicic Vassal, Farric Frost Hellion Alpha, Farric Magma Hound, Farric Pit Hound

These beasts appear approximately 1 in every 25 red beasts with Natural Selection active on your atlas passive tree.

  • T3: Everything Else

These are the most common beasts and are normally considered filler beasts though some have had a lot of value in the past such as Craicic Savage Crab and Saqawine Cobra as a pair to “Exalt” maps.

Beasts to Look Out For

  • Fenumal Plagued Arachnid – Split Item.
  • Craicic Chimeral – Imprint Magic Item.
  • Farric Wolf Alpha – Suffix To Prefix.
  • Farric Lynx Alpha – Prefix To Suffix.
  • Craicic Vassal – Corrupt an item to 30% quality (mainly used to help you use 6l with tainted fusings).
  • Farric Frost Hellion Alpha – Convert Gilded Scarab to Winged.
  • Craicic Maw – “Conqueror Exalt Slam”.
  • Farric Tiger Alpha – Farrul Portal (Drops Farrul’s Fur).

Area Level Restrictions

Can Spawn At Any Tier: Craicic Chimeral, Fenumal Plagued Arachnid, Farric Wolf Alpha, Farric Lynx Alpha, Farric Ape, Saqawine Vulture and ALL “trash” beasts.

One thing to note is that the ilvl of the Lynx and Wolf influence the potential mod pool you can add to an item. So if you have an ilvl 83 bow you’re swapping a suffix to prefix if you aren’t using a wolf with the ilvl of the mod you’re looking to hit then you can never hit it. (EX if you want to hit Merciless or Dictators you need ilvl 83 wolf)

  • Start Spawning At Tier 5: Saqawine Rhex
  • Start Spawning At Tier 8: Craicic Spider Crab
  • Start Spawning At Tier 10: Fenumal Hybrid Arachnid
  • Start Spawning At Tier 11: Farric Frost Hellion Alpha
  • Start Spawning At Tier 12: Craicic Vassal
  • Start Spawning At Tier 13: Farric Tiger
  • Start Spawning At Tier 14: Craicic Maw

What this means is that as it stands now T1-4 maps have the highest chance of getting Fenumal Plagued Arachnid and Craicic Chimeral since all other beasts in Tier 1 cannot start spawning until at least t5 maps. This also means if you want to specifically farm for scarab upgrades its best to do it in tier 11 maps, if you want to farm for making your 5l unique chest corrupted you want to farm tier 12 maps.

This also means that if you want to find more craicic chimerals you should ONLY take the Hunt For Craiceann notable passive when doing t4 or below, and likewise if you only want to farm fenumal plagued arachnid you should only take Hunt For Fenumus. You do not want to take both unless you are running higher tier maps (T13+) so that you can get more of them than the “first one” beasts that are not in those genus (Farrul, Saqawal). You only ever want to take Hunt for Farrul if you want to get more tigers in high tier maps within the first 2-4 days of a league.

Another thing to understand is that specific genus supposedly had their “more common” in specific map tilesets removed after bestiary first went core. However from a dataset I had in Scourge league shows that may not be true or some maps slipped through. This might purely be confirmation bias (Though it was >2000 map sample size) so i wont go into more detail, but it’s something to consider trying yourself if you want to collect some data to share.

Einhar Memories

Most of the beasts in this type of farming are of similar rarity with Vivid Vulture and Wild Bristle Matron being the two rarer beasts and they also just so happen to be the most expensive due to their interactions with high end crafting. No specific area level is currently required to spawn any of these beasts the only differentiating aspect to them is that if you were to use a low ilvl primal cystcaller it will give you atlas missions appropriate to the area level of a given map type (EX: White would be 68-72, Yellows ilvl 73-77, Red 78-83)

  • Vivid Vulture – Reroll a Synthesis implicit modifier
  • Wild Bristle Matron – Add a crafted Meta-modifier to a non-Unique Item (Important for adding prefix/suffix cannot be changed)
  • Wild Hellion Alpha – Reroll a Watcher’s Eye modifier (Cannot change Life, Mana, or Energy Shield) [This is for “gambling”]
  • Vivid Watcher – Reroll an Awakened Support Gem (Cannot result in Awakened Empower, Enhance, or Enlighten) [This is for “gambling”]
  • Wild Brambleback – Adds 1 level to a non-corrupted Awakened Gem

What Map Layouts Are Best for Bestiary Farming?

You want to farm maps that are circular or linear. You do not want to farm indoor maps if you can help it though some are fine. Below is my personal opinion on what maps are best.

This does not take map tier into consideration at all just the map tilesets. Maps within tier are not ordered

S+ Tier

Strand, Coves, Beach, Atoll, City Square, Belfry, Jungle Valley

S Tier

Dunes, Dry Sea, Fields, Shore, Toxic Sewer, Wastepool, Tropical Island, Mesa, Mausoleum, Peninsula, Lookout

A Tier

Colonnade, Primordial Pool, Lair, Infested Valley, Cemetery, Tower, Pier, Fungal Hollow, Racecourse, Silo, Ramparts, Terrace, Arid Lake, Desert Springs, Canyon, Wharf

B Tier

Arcade, Bazaar, Underground Sea, Estuary, Dark Forest, Park, Ashen Wood, Bog, Frozen Cabins

Div card maps

Cemetery > Waste Pool > Colonnade > Ashen Woods > Wharf > Belfry

If defiled cathedral is t8 or lower it could also potentially be worth doing

What Pairs Well with Bestiary?

Ideally you want to be combining it with strategies that will look to be clearing as many maps per hour as possible such as Essence, Heist, Delirium Mirror (for orb generation only), Scarbs from Seance+Sextant or Boss Rushing (T14+). Arguably it can also go with harbinger as well since in most cases you will be seeing every inch of the map you’re running if you’re doing good layouts, if you’re doing harby its up to you if you want to spec into king harby as it adds extra time to each map compared to regular ones.

You can set it up to be complementary to pretty much anything but for things that look to just increase the time you’re in the map length wise such as abyss, ritual, breach, legion (unless low tier with giga clear speed) and blight. This doesn’t mean that combining them isn’t worth it as things like legion are also profitable in the map tiers which are most optimal to do beast farming in since its rewards are agnostic of tier.

My opinion on the best choices are as follows for low tier (since i don’t ever farm beasts in high tiers)

Pick either Hunt for Fenumus or Hunt for Craiceann depending on if you want spiders or if you want chimerals more.

Map sustain + Beast Only: Bestiary + Essence + One free strongbox + one free shrine + all adjacent map drop nodes and all map doubling nodes you can easily get

Getting The Most Out Of Each Map With Speed Content: Bestiary + Essence + Seance/Sextant for scarab drops + Harby + Strongbox + Shrine

We Are Legion: Bestiary + Essence + Seance/Sextant for scarab drops + Legion

If doing legion you really want to focus on maps like Dunes, Colonnade, Jungle Valley, Park, Primordial Pool, Cemetery, Infested Valley, Desert Spring and Arid Lake

Legion has no high tier specific drops so you will get maximum value out of everything other than potential outcomes of SOME of the incubators but most have no real differences.

Delirious Delight: Delirium + Essence + Seance/Sextant for scarab drops + Delirium (most other mechanics blocked)

This variant replaces strongboxes and shrines with delirium for the ability to farm delirium orbs which in bulk are 8-10c each depending on time of league. This is ideal for maps with longer layouts like strand, colonnade, tropical island, beach and other similar layouts however it does work perfectly well with nearly any map tier as you should hit enough tiles to have a decent enough chance at an orb each map. Has about a 50% chance for a natural delirium mirror per map.

I Want to Farm Low Tier Maps…

…Because Thats Where The “Best” Beasts Are More Common, How Do I Sustain My Maps?

There are a few ways to do this.

Shadow Shaping T1-4 Strat

The first being a strategy that specifically sets up using low tier maps and shadow shaping to allow you to use your favorite slots to stop specific maps from spawning instead of having a higher chance of other maps spawning. Basically you need a minimum of 3 favorite slots to be able to use Shadow Shaping to remove all t1 maps that aren’t one you want to farm. Ideally you want 5 or more so that you can also remove an adjacent map you don’t want to spawn or to remove all maps of the tier above other than a single map you want to run (hopefully adjacent). If you do have 6 or more favorite slots you can transition into Singluar Focus strategy instead.

When doing this you want to have a minimal interaction with other mechanics while also having a lot of extra mobs per map so you get more map drops. Basically you want maps per hour over all else.

If optimizing this you want to include harbinger, essence, seance and the sextant that drops scarabs since in almost every case you’ll be SPEED full clearing the map (30 to 90 seconds per map)

Baseline Atlas Tree Suggested (no thought required)

Optimized Tree

  • Scarab: Any Bestiary, Rusted Carto
  • Optional Sextants: Possessed Rares Drop Scarabs, Essence

Keep in mind if you are using sextants you will have to remove watchstones to get low tier maps to drop so think about that when deciding which variant of the strat you want to do

Singular Focus T1-4

Concept is simple; Because you are farming map tiers where there are never more than 7 maps it shares a tier with that the 20x weighting given to a map from favoriting it can allow you to easily shape your atlas to only drop the maps you wish to drop. This is slightly worse than shadow shaping in some situations because it is never a 100% chance to drop, but for map tiers between 3 and 8 on your base atlas its very important.

If you are using this strategy you should be taking some of the “Shaping the X” notables on the atlas passive tree to try to more easily maintain your current map tier, this is not required if you are doing t1/2 maps.

As an example if you favorite your strand map three times and it is a tier 3 map you will have a 61/68 chance to drop a strand if a tier 3 map drops (~90%), if you put a single favorite slot onto an adjacent map that map will have essentially a 90+% chance to drop if a map of the tier below it will drop and will allow the “Drop adjacent map” pathing nodes on the tree to function.

This is also doable for lower tier maps as even having 3 total slots will also make it so that your map you are farming (t1 as an example) would have a 93% chance to drop and your adjacent map of choice will be chosen 95% of the time if the game chooses the adjacent map option for its drop. Even though you have a 95% chance for the t2 map of your choice to drop if the game chooses adjacent and if it just chooses to drop the tier higher (t2) you will only have about a 75% chance for it to be that tileset you’ve favorited.

Delirium Orb Low Tier

Essentially you can use Cartographer’s Delirium Orb to force drop the map(s) you want with a proper atlas setup. You can either use shadow shaping or multi-favorite for the map(s) you want to get so you get the 20x drop multiplier as carto deli orbs respects your atlas favorites as far as its weightings. When at low tier you will get almost entirely the tier you are running if doing t4 or lower maps when doing this. This works if you have watchstones and you don’t want to remove stones between maps then this is how you can sustain them.

So to maintain your map pool if you’re running low just do one map with the following setup

1-5x Carto Deli Orb + Carto Scarab + Breach Scarab + Abyss Scarab + harby scarab, breach sextant, abyss sextant, Flex Sextant

This should give you 5-65 of the map of choice depending on tier of map being run, amount of delirium orbs (1 deli orb will max out at like 5-10 rewards so 5-10 maps) and if you are using your flex slot to add Delirium Rewards Fill Faster you can get much higher rewards especially if you’re running the harby variant already.

What If I Want to Run High Tier Maps? Does Anything Change?

Not really. The only thing that really changes is that you can opt into doing boss rush depending on the map you want to do. You can also pick natural maps that you will easily be able to horizon into (Like coves in Crucible league being a 1 in 3 horizon for T16 maps).

For this setup I’d opt for 4 stones and try to use two maps that are S or S+ tier if you can. At the very least do an A and S tier map if you also want a chance at div cards (like the patient out of colonnade).

You should also sacrifice map dupe to spec into the altar type of your choice for extra benefits. Normally this is best done with Exarch since you’re right next to all of the things already.

What If I Don’t Want to Do Bestiary…

…But Still Want to Do Low Tier Farming? Is That Worth It?

You can combine anything you want honestly that doesn’t require specific map tiers to maximize its benefits. Beasts take up about 25 atlas passive points to get some travel to them and many other mechanics from the base sustain tree can be done with this amount of points.

Currently breach is really bad so i’m not going to include any strategy using this.

This is the tree I’d personally opt for if you want to do low tier farming and not do beasts.

Legion + Harby + Essence + Delirium

This is strong because if you have the clear you’re going to be getting A LOT of liquid things that can just be sold in bulk. All harby currencies, essences, delirium orbs, legion emblems and potentially incubators along with all of the raw currencies from harbies, delirium rewards and loot tiles from legion generals.

My Menagerie Is Full…

…Are My Beasts on Danger of Being Deleted?

How its supposed to work:

  • Capture new red > Replaces Oldest Yellow
  • Capture new yellow > Replaces Oldest Yellow Or Red

How it actually works:

  • Seemingly Random

If you get a “Good Beast” you should immediately put it into a bestiary orb because of inconsistencies.

There are times where you can capture something and then capture an additional 200+ beasts and it won’t get deleted, while other times it might get deleted within the first 50 new captures.

I’ve never had it happen within a map I’m running even if it’s a “proc map” from Great Migration (30-40 beast captures in 1 map).

What Are The Best Builds for Beast Farming?

Anything that can ZOOM while still having enough single target damage to deal with the chimerals/spiders you find. Ideally you want your maps to take 30 seconds or less if you’re able to properly identify good red beasts and are not focused entirely on getting every yellow possible. If you want to sustain maps in low tiers you should also be able to screen clear with your movement skill or a single click of your attack skill/spell.

When doing maps this fast you have to be very specific with the additional content you want to add other than beasts, adding things like harbinger will detract from map speed compared to delirium as an example.

This means that there are tons of builds capable of this due to high movement speed or access to efficient usage of movement abilities.

Stuff like pathfinder toxic rain with queen of the forest, minions (with shield charge and spiritual command), autobomber, righteous fire (with fury boots), death’s oath, storm brand, hidden blade corrupting fever/poison/ignite and pretty much any build that can effectively use kaom’s spirit to maintain 100% uptime on berserk (throwing QOTF on top is ideal). Realistically as long as you can move through the map fast your build should be fine even if its not hyper optimal.


Q: Is this really profitable? Like should I actually do this?

  • If you do maps QUICKLY and add at least one other good mechanic with beasts then yes it’s worth doing. It’s not going to be the most lucrative strategy in the game but it is consistent and gets stronger as league progresses and Craicic Chimeral goes up in value due to more crafters needing savestates for their items (like for creating perfect synthesis affixes/bases).

Q: How much money would I make with this strategy?

  • Its RNG dependent. You can go on dry streaks for “good beasts” so it’s important to be running it with a secondary strategy on top like essence, harby, delirium or legion if you are not doing 15-25 second maps with a specialized build. When done fully optimized with a build specifically meant for this kind of strategy it’s going to net between 6 and 12 divines an hour in the game’s current state depending on beast RNG as long as you are doing about 1.25 maps per min. If you’re going slower you should have less expectations profit wise due to having less time efficiency. For the AVERAGE player this should yield about 3-5 div an hour due to time inefficiency or build not functioning well for optimizing this kinda strategy.

Q: Can you do this in red maps? Should it be done in red maps?

  • It’s absolutely possible to be done in red maps but the “good beasts” after the first 4 days are rarer because of a diluted pool of higher tier beasts. High tier maps are quite valuable since it’s a strategy you can sustain with singular focus or potentially done in a natural t16 map if the current atlas has a good one which lets you bulk sell any map tileset you want using singular focus (like selling cemetery/defiled/jungle valley etc). Adding altars adds difficulty and it also adds time per map so you will do a lot less maps per hour with any red map strategy meaning that beasts will make up significantly less of your overall profit compared to low tier maps. So while you CAN add it to red maps, if most of your profit comes from other things you might as well focus on those things though adding beasts can add decent value even from just yellows.

Q: Is this worth doing without adding things like the Possessed Monsters Drop Gilded Scarabs or the Beast Dupe sextants?

  • Beast Dupe sextant is all about math, if you don’t want to sell yellow beasts never use them. Otherwise if you net >1.5x the investment per 100 maps on average then you can use them if you don’t mind selling yellows. Gilded scarab sextant is also all about math and convenience, if you want to sell a bunch of scarabs you need to net >15c per 4 maps to really be worth it IMO.

Q: Can I do this without the notables? Like can I add it to my wandering path setups?

  • No, you need the notables unless you want to add bestiary specifically for getting bulk yellow beasts to sell.

Q: Is it worth it to not kill yellow beasts?

  • Yellow beasts vary between 0.75 and 1.5c each profit depending on market conditions. The main issue is that you have to spend the time to bottle them up and it takes a few seconds to bottle each up to be sold and costs 1c for each one you prepare. This means that you’re sacrificing a decent potion of your potential profit per map if you don’t do them, however you save yourself time efficiency if you’re doing other mechanics on top of bestiary by not doing them on top of saving about 2-3 mins per set of 60 you prepare to be sold (3-6 maps at peak optimization). So if you can make more than ~90c in the 3-5 mins it would take you to prepare them and then sell them on TFT… then you can opt to not do them. Or you can simply ignore them if you find the selling of yellow beasts annoying.

Q: Can this be combined with boss rushing?

  • Absolutely if you pick the correct map for it, but the maps which are normally best for rushing to boss are not really ones you full clear in most cases. So its slightly counter productive to add beasts to a boss rushing strategy depending on the map. This is also only done in t14+ maps normally and would tend to look to ignore altars which can also generate decent profit. While its possible to combine the strategies, it’s not ideal in my opinion.

Q: How common are craicic chimerals?

  • In low tier maps they are about 1:20-1:25 maps and in red maps they are about 1:45-1:50 maps due to the amount of beasts that get added to the pool in higher tier maps. This assumes polished or higher scarabs. So in white maps you should see one chimeral per ~100 red beasts seen and in red maps it should be about one chimeral per ~130 red beasts seen. Using RUSTED scarabs it is about 1:36 white maps.

Q: If you had to pick what other league mechanic to add to the strategy what would you add?

  • Delirium because mirror should add no real extra difficulty in low tier maps and yields consistent rewards. Legion is quite strong but adds a bit of time per map but has many different types of worthwhile rewards. The same can be said for Harbinger as they normally add time per map but fracturing shards are quite profitable although rare. Essence is the best thing to add but if your build can’t kill essenced beasts then you probably shouldn’t add it to the strategy.

Q: What do you think about adding the nodes on the atlas tree for trials? To go for gift of the goddess since you can tell if that is the reward before going in?

  • If you’re doing t6 maps only then this is a good addition! T6 adds one extra beast to the higher tiers but depending on how many maps you’re doing per hour the special offerings can add decent profit. One thing to note is that t6 maps are a bit harder to sustain due to how the atlas currently functions and going higher than t6 adds extra beasts and dilutes the chance to get chimeral a bit.

Q: Can i league start this strategy?

  • You can start farming beasts with as little as 39 atlas passives and ideally 3 favorite slots to use shadow shaping to block 3 of the 4 tier 1 maps so you can sustain a single t1 map. Most of the low tier beasts though don’t have a whole lot of value in the first 3-4 days compared to the end of week 1 or week 2 due to the items that normally require massive amounts of beasts to complete the crafting process not actually being created until late week 1 into week 2 and 3. That doesn’t mean they don’t have any value or that you can’t get value out of them very early as things like 6ls, unique maps and properly rolled flasks can be worth quite a bit.

Q: Why should I do this over sextant rolling or something else that many content creators talk about being amazing?

  • Sanity… you’re playing the actual game. Sextant rolling is a great strategy if you have tons of stash space and enough starting capital to have a string of bad luck not really affect you. If done optimally though the strategy should be equal or better than sextant rolling or any other “mid tier” strategy, but that also means running a specialized build.

Q: Are there any regex i should be aware of to make removing or taking out specific valuable beasts easier?

  • See below…

Regex for Getting Rid of Bad Red Beasts

I put 0 value on farric ape/hybrid arachnid and some other things that “do sell” so you can edit these as you wish:

1: c Shi|ic San|ine Rh|ine Ch|n Alp|c Chie|c u|c g|c pi|l sc|d vip|l qu|c sq|c ta|c wat|al dev|ne ret
2: al wi|ma ho|c shi|c san|c ape|c spi

3: Ine rh| c spi| c ape|al hyb|ine vul

ine rh = saquine rhex
c spi = craicic spider crab
c ape = farric ape
Al hyb = fenumal hybrid arachnid
Ine vul = saqawine vulture (6l)

Regex for “Good” Beasts

C chim|l pla|c lyn|ic wol|c vas|c tige|c fro|c maw|ne cob|c cra

Chimeral, plagued arachnid, lynx, wolf, vassal, tiger, frost hellion, maw, cobra, crab (last 2 together = exalt a map)

Regex for Beasts from Einhar Memories

D vult|d bris|d hell|d wat|d bra|l crush|l cys

Vivid vulture,wild bristle matron, wild hellion alpha, vivid watcher, wild brambleback, primal cruhclaw, primal cystcaller
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 4515 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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