Reverse: 1999 – Lucy Tips (Version 1.9)

Tips to Play as Lucy

By Destroth

Top Priority to Sustain Forcefield

Lucy’s gain a large boost after using her Ulti, using her Ulti every other Round (for PO) and every 3 Rounds (for P2 and above) is recommended.

  • Merge her incantation when Forcefield is inactive. Don’t merge when Forcefield is active, but make sure 5 incantations (4 incantations after her Ulti is reinforced) is used within 2 Rounds so Ulti can be generate on the 3rd Round.
  • For PO and P1 users, while it is better to use AP to spam as much incantations for dmg but do consider merging for moxie, especially when low in Timekeeper’s moxie.
  • If have enough moxie for Ulti on the next Round, don’t waste moxie and save some incantations for next Round.
  • Always use Ulti first, before to ensure Forcefield is up and subsequent incantations after Ulti is used in the same Round will also generate moxie.

Save this for next Round.

What to Reinforce First

  • Reinforced ST incantation first, then AOE incantation, then Follow-up Attack if fighting against ST or Duo Bosses or Boss that have limited minions (meaning if the minion dies, they don’t respawn).
  • Reinforced AOE incantation first, ST incantation, then Follow-up Attack if fighting against 3 enemies or fights where enemies spawns continuously.

Recommended Tuning

Generally, [Unfinished Tune] is recommended for more consistent control on availability of incantation and merging incantation for moxie, especially one incantation is already available. However for P2 and above, [First Melody] can be considered as it is cheaper to reset incantations, especially after Lucy’s Ult is reinforced, there is no need to merge to gain moxie. Ult + 4 incantations (reset over 2 Rounds) = 5 moxies.

Recommended Rotation

Rotation (using [Unfinished Tune] for PO and P1):

Assuming party of 4 members

  • Round 1: only use one of Lucy’s incantation (1 moxie)
  • Round 2: generate 2 Lucy’s precast, merge one of it and cast both (5 moxie)

Round 3, and Round 4 (Before Ulti is Reinforced).

Condition 1

  • Round 3: No available Lucy’s incantation, then generate 2 precasts. Cast Ulti and cast 2 precast.
  • Round 4: Hope for 1 Lucy incantation, generate 2 precast and merge it. Use only one of the incantation and save the other for next rotation. If you are unlucky and gain no Lucy’s incantation, then you will need one more Round to get her Ulti.

Condition 2

  • Round 3: 1 Lucy’s incantation, then generate 2 precast, cast Ulti, merge one of it, and cast it.
  • Round 4: generate 2 precast, and cast both precasts. You should still have one more incantation left. Save it for next round.

Condition 3

  • Round 3 – 2 Lucy’s incantation, then save Timekeeper’s Moxie and only use one incantation after casting Ulti.
  • Round 4 – generate precast, merge 1, and use both.

After Ulti is reinforced, simply use 2 incantations after Ulti, and 2 more in the next round.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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