Newbie Starter Strategy Guide
By From Zero
If you are joining as a new player during anniversary and are looking to use Lucy as your account starting carry instead of beginner banner characters, what should you look out for?
Hi, I am a new player just like you, 3 days into the fantastic world of Reverse 1999. I have completed the entirety of chapter 4 main story and Artificial Somnambulism up to world 10.1 and hard mode 4-6.
The reason for this guide is because Lucy is such a Meta character that she is able to hard carry even in adverse stages that would prove too difficult for other carries.
This is my account 3 days into the game (This is how beginner friendly Reverse 1999 is).

To give some background, I started the earlier stages with the free 6-star Semmelweis, Sonetto, AAPLe and the other free characters like Leilani and Eagle until they were insight 1, level 20 to 40 depending on needs. The more resources saved on these characters while clearing story, the more resources can be allocated to Lucy in just a bit.
From Character Level 1 until Insight 1 Level 40
Focus on leveling Semmelweis as the carry while saving up Clear Drops from clearing story and stages for the first time to use them for Lucy Banner and the Promise of water banner. The other afflatus (element) characters will be used to min-support or overcome enemies based on their afflatus weakness
Sonetto’s level 2 skill (combine the cards) disarm will be very useful in the absence of a healer other than Mr. APPLe.
During main story, you will start to unlock resource stages that allow the farming of:
- Dust – under the Poussiere Stages. This is the main resource that should be given priority. It is used to level the characters and is the bottleneck and most demanding resource in Reverse 1999.
- Sharpodonty – under Mintage Aesthetics Stages. This is currency used and we will get quite the abundance of during the event exchange ongoing.
- Kern Baby – under Harvest Prime Stages. This will be lower priority and mainly used to upgrade the wishing well later on when we need to craft items to limit break character levels to insight 1 and insight 2.
- Engrave Materials for Psychube leveling (Psychube is character equipment) – under Pneuma Analysis
- Artificial Somnambulism – which allows leveling of logic
Try to clear the unlocked resource stages to the maximum level allowed once they are unlocked:

Getting Lucy
Once we get about 60 pulls’ worth of unilog (summon ticket) or clear drops, it is time to head over to Lucy’s banner. We should also have the 10 free pulls from the anniversary too. This 70 pulls total will guarantee we will get a 6 star even if we hit hard pity, whether it is Lucy or some other 6 star characters. If it is not Lucy, we will have to save another 70 as the next 6 star will be Lucy.
If we got another 6 star other than Lucy (which I did, I got Druvius III first), level her up to insight 1 level 40 to continue clearing main story stages and gathering rewards to make a 2nd roll attempt. Eventually we will have enough. It was near the end of main story chapter 2 that I got Lucy.
Assuming we got Lucy, level her up through farming dust under Poussiere stages and clearing all those beginner task lists to get rewards. All this while, you should be using the event’s vending machines to get the bare minimum low materials, Dust, and Sharpodonty to level up the team. From here on, Lucy should be given priority for all resources including dust (leveling), Sharpodonty, engrave materials, and logic leveling materials.

The next priority will be Lucy’s Psychube named “Steps forward”, which is her dedicated Psychube Equipment.

Also be sure to prioritize leveling up her resonance to level 9 as they add a hefty amount of stats:

With Lucy leveled, with leveled Psychube and logic, she will overpower enemies 10-20 levels above her actual levels.
She will be used in conjunction with Semmelweis in battles from here on. Semmelweis will take a more damage buff support role with her ultimate and her buff skill from here on.
Using Lucy Properly in Battle
To use Lucy properly in battle, try to combine her cards to generate dynamo through moxie before using them. Use skills with 10 dynamo rather than vanilla as they make a big difference in damage. Every 20 dynamo gained, regardless if you used them or not, will lead to reinforce. Reinforce based on the skill cards available. I tend to prefer to upgrade electric surge due to the genesis (pure) damage. Try to use her skills after her ulti, to maximize damage.
Just rinse and repeat what we have done in main story and clearing of resource stages and Artificial Somnambulism when they become available and you will have a pretty strong starting account for your enjoyment.
Post Lucy
Using the Promise of the water banner, go for a character that would synergize with Lucy. I chose to go for Tooth Fairy. However, you should check out guides on operator synergies with Lucy.
End day, there is nothing wrong if you want to take things slow and just roll Gacha for characters you like. This guide is here for those min-maxers who are just starting out J.
Hope this guide helps!
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