Frequently Asked Questions
What characters should I use like from the beginning ones?
- Marco is main dps and very good till you get Lyla.
- Nadia 100% must have. Best support in game in regards to keeping team alive.
- And third is a debuff Flex.
- You could run Fio or Eri but I recommend Fio.
What the difference between an officer, an elite and a VP for clubs?
- Officer can only accept and reject new applicants.
- Vicepresident can also kick people, change the internal and external info section.
- Elite is just like a normal member, but they just get a fancy extra name that has no extra perks besides being elite instead of member
Just got the golden saw launcher. Any tips on who to equip it?
- Saw launchers are the worst weapon in the game.
- Hate to say that but if you want someone to equip, you can give it Marco or Nadia.
- The weapon has attribute to increase critical rate but i doubt you want to give this to Gru/Trevor/Lyla.
- Saw good for shootout.
- And if you are skilled and time it well it can be very crazy your hp is falling in miliseconds.
- Everyone wants the legendary tier Kephri glory, otherwise there are always a better weapon to replace the saw blade.
- Take it to Djin to test out the weapon.
Nobody like to charge and shoot a weapon, its the worst kind especially if played on a mobile.
Legendary tier as in golden color?
- Epic is what they called yellow, the one you got presumably.
- Legendary is more of a gold, with SS on the background.
- This is the epic variant (yellow or half gold as people say):

- This is the legendary tier (full gold):

Should I pull in the ruby banner for a higher chance? Or is the normal weapon banner good enough?
It depends. Normal digs you get a random legendairy at 30 digs.
With rubies you get a guaranteed legendairy which you choice out if the 3. Or atleast a 50% chance of pulling it.
What is the best way to grind the books to upgrade your weapon?
Buy them in shop as well as arcade. Same for core upgrade exp.
Is there a good tier list I can use for weapons, characters, cores, etc.?
A tier list is only good with certain combinations.
For example, gatling is only perfect with Lyla so you can’t say Gatling is A tier weapon when other characters can’t maximize the effectiveness of the weapon.
It’s easier to list out your available character and weapons first to we can help you see which combination is the strongest. As for cores, until you are able to max out all 18 rare cores in the 3 main weapons, only you start optimizing the core layout.
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