Game Modes Guide
If you want to learn more about game mechanics, secrets, or just to get useful tips, then don’t forget to check out our Type Soul Beginners Guide. It will be useful for beginners and experienced players alike.
Faction Raids
Faction raids have a chance to happen every 30 minutes server time. In order to start, you need at least 4 players from your faction, and 4 players from an enemy faction in the server.
In this gamemode your objective is to capture the 4 points (A, B, C, D) around the map.
In order to win, you and your faction must capture points to 100% for your score to start going up. You are able to go to other faction’s points and disrupt their captured points. You win when your faction gets to 800 points, or if your faction has the most points when the timer runs out.

Art of the Soul
In this raid, your objective is to kill the enemy faction in a team deathmatch style gamemode.
Every player has 2 lives, represented by a butterfly. When you die, you lose your butterfly and are set to 1 life. If you die a second time, you are out of the gamemode and have to wait until a side wins to spawn back in.
In order to win, you must eliminate every player from opposing factions. (The player count for every faction is shown on a GUI at the top of your screen). An alternative way to win is to just be the faction with the most players standing by the time the timer ends.

In this gamemode, everyone is brought to an arena as a spectator. 2 players from every participating faction will then be teleported inside the arena. The objective is to then eliminate the enemy faction’s players.
When someone dies, they will randomly be replaced by another player of the same faction. If there is only 1 player from a faction left, no one else can be teleported in. If you join late, you will not be a participant.
In order to win, your faction must be the last one standing. An alternative way to win is for your faction to have the most players before the timer runs out.

Karakura Town Raids
Karakura town raids have a chance to start every XX:00. There has to be at least 3 players from your faction, and 3 players from an enemy faction for the raid to start.
King of the Hill
In this gamemode, the objective is to capture the point. the first faction to get the point to 100% wins.

Team Deathmatch
In this game mode, the objective is to kill players from enemy factions. In order to win, your faction must get 30 kills (30 points) first.
You can also win by having the most points when the timer runs out.

Capture the Flag
In order to win Capture the Flag Karakura Town raid your faction must turn in 3 flags, the flag that you’re capturing must have members in order to pick up the flag
You can also win if your faction has the most flags before the timer runs out.

Clan War Gamemodes
Tales of The Past
A game mode only available when both teams have the same amount of members. Each team must fight and capture 4 points located around the map, and the first team to reach 900 points wins. Each team member located on a point increases the capture % rate by 4%.
- 1.8x Loot
King of The World
A game mode consisting of a series of 1v1s between random members of both clans. A maxImum of 4 1v1s can occur at once, and the first team to eliminate all of the enemy teams members win.
- 0.8x Loot
Thrill of The Hunt
A team fighting game mode where fallen teammates can be revived by bringing their souls to Kisuke at the fountain in the middle of the map and staying in the circle for a short time. First team to eliminate the other teams members completely wins.
- 1x Loot
Cascade of Souls
A Team Deathmatch like game mode where two clans continuously fight against each other until one team reaches 20 kills or the timer runs out.
- 2x Loot
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