Type Soul – Guide to Items

All Items in Type Soul

If you want to learn more about game mechanics, secrets, or just to get useful tips, then don’t forget to check out our Type Soul Beginners Guide. It will be useful for beginners and experienced players alike.

Mythical Items

True Hogyoku

The ability to read the hearts of those around it… and realize their deepest desires.

  • Upgrades Lesser Vastocar/Vizard/Letz Stil into True Vastocar/Vizard/Letz Stil.
  • Doesn’t drop on death.

Ranked / Clan War Mythical Drop / Boss Raids.

Hollow Essence

The remains of what was once named Hollow.

  • Changes Partial Skills with M1.
  • Doesn’t drop on death.

(Does not reroll your res).

Purple Elixir

(Yes its blue ingame).

Removes your current essence while keeping your SBs.

World Ticket

  • Grants 24 hours of time in the AFK World.
  • Time will only expire while you are inside the AFK World.
  • Can be obtained through boss raids or the dev product shop for 1000 robux.
  • If you use it and it doesn’t initially work rejoin and get on the slot again. Rejoin again and it should allow you to enter the AFK World.

Does not drop on death.

Soul Ticket

  • Obtained through Karakura Town Raids (XX:00 irl time).
  • Can also be obtained through bosses like Bawabawa and Jidanbo.

Wipes the slot you are on.

Legendary Items

Cybernetic Box

  • Allows you to obtain/reroll a Quincy Attachment.
  • You do not have to be a Quincy for the box to drop.
  • Drops from Clan Wars, Raids, Ranked 1v1s/2v2s, and World Bosses.
  • Bosses have a higher chance of dropping boxes.
  • Drops on death.

Skill Box

  • Skill boxes are legendary boxes that contain skills for each skill tree that you have 25 skill points in. You can only have 2 skill boxes at a time if you want to change or use more skill boxes you must blue pill.
  • Skill box rates are doubled during Weekends (UTC time).
  • Drops on death.

Hogyoku Fragment

  • Can be obtained at faction (Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, Wandenreich) raids. (Not In KT Raids).
  • Can be obtained from Ranked.
  • Can be obtained from Clan Wars.
  • (You need 7 to be Vasto, 9 to get Gran Rey Cero, and 10 to become Letz/Vizard.)

Drops on death.

Shikai / Res / Volt Reroll

Obtainable via raids, ranked, or as a gamepass.

Rerolls your Shikai/Partial Ressurecion/Schrift.

Quincy Medallion

Allows the holder to steal and use a soul reapers Bankai. Lets you use the Bankai abilities you steal for 1 hours.


  • Must be ranked top #100.
  • Opponent must be in bankai.
  • Hold out the Medallion and press J.

Example of a Quincy stealing Berserk Bankai:

Drops on death.

Rare Items

Red Elixir

  • It provides you 5 skill points.
  • You can pop it twice on every faction.

Blue Elixir

Blue Elixir resets your build. Giving you all the skill points back. However, you would receive all the skill points but the red elixir skill points. In order to get the extra 10 skill points back, you would have to pop another red elixir to receive the extra 10 skill points. You would also lose the skill boxes or essences you have popped when you blue elixir.

Removes current essence if it has a stat requirement.

Hollow Box

Hollow Box gives you a unique weapon. (Ulquoirra’s Katana, Harribel’s Dagger, Wonderweiss’s Sword, Grimmjows Claws, Barragan’s Axe, Neliel’s Lance, Nnoitra’s Scythe, Tessen, and Bloodedge).

  • Obtain the unique weapons in the Arrancar’s Faction through a Hollow Box.
  • Hollow Boxes can be obtained through raids.
  • or either from KT shops (they cost 40k Kan).

Spirit Box

Spirit Box gives you a unique weapon. (Antithesis, Cutlass, and Cang Du, Warden, Quilge, and Quincyglock).

  • Obtain the unique weapons in the Quincy faction through a Spirit Box.
  • Spirit Boxes can be obtained through raids.
  • or either from KT shops (they cost 80k Kan).

Hierro Plating

  • An item used to upgrade an arrancar’s hierro, it can only be used two times.
  • Using one plating will increase hierro from 10 → 15, using it a second time will increase hierro from 15 → 21.
  • Can be obtained by killing Bawabawa in Hueco Mundo, buying it via the Karakura Town Shop, or through winning a raid.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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