Samurai Bringer – Guide to Action Building The Sword

Having trouble swinging that sword? Don’t fret, for this guide is all about the sword, and all of the moves that can be mastered in the Action Builder.

How to Action Building The Sword


A list of all possible moves (so far) with ol’ reliable. Most of these moves only require a handful of basic skills, so they should be easy to make for you squires. Also, these aren’t official move names, so rename them to “loosey juicey” or whatever.

Most of these moves can also be complemented with extra skills to slightly alter them. Other skills that generally work on anything (Expand, Samidare, Power, Wave , any elemental skills, etc.), won’t be mentioned, unless it changes that move significantly.

Some of these moves work both on one/dual wielding or only in one style, and I’ll label them as such (pay attention!).

Also you get to see how the guide gets progressively lazier the further you go, because I’m tired.

Down Slash (Sword/Dual Swords)

  • Adding a 2nd Slash Down will turn it into a heavy attack, adding a slight delay when preparing to strike.
  • Step and Jump compatible.
  • Heavy Attack: Either add Wave for an AOE Shockwave, or add Lightning to summon a lightning bolt in front of the player.

Slash Up (Sword/Dual Swords)

  • Upward slash.
  • Step and Jump compatible.

Slice (Sword/Dual Swords)

  • Adding a 2nd Slice will turn it into a heavy attack, adding a slight delay when preparing to strike.
  • Step compatible.
  • Heavy Attack: Adding Wave will fire a project

Reverse Slice (Sword/Dual Swords)

  • Adding a 2nd Reverse Slice will turn it into a heavy attack, adding a delay when preparing to strike.
  • Step compatible.
  • Heavy Attack: Adding Wave will fire a projectile.

Slash Slices (Sword/Dual Swords)

  • A angled swing, combining the following: Down Slash and Slice, Down Slash and Reverse Slash, Up Slash and Slice, or Up Slash and Reverse Slice.
  • Wave compatible.
  • Dual Swords: Combining these skills will allow both skills to attack simultaneously. For example, using Up Slash and Slice results in one sword swinging upward, and the other going horizontal.

Fade Slice (Sword/Dual Swords)

  • The player takes a step back, then dashes forward with a heavy slice.
  • Wave compatible.
  • Adding more Step will increase the length of the forward dash, but not the backstep.
  • Dual Swords: Reverse Sweep can also be used for this move.

Thrust (Sword/Dual Swords)

  • Extra Skills/Moves
  • Step – Same attack but even further. Adding more Step increases the distance.
  • Heavy Attack: Wave compatible.

Heavy Thrust (Sword/Dual Swords)

  • Sword: Player charges forward with all their might, then thrusts really, really, hard. Wave can extend its range.
  • Dual Swords: Player throws a rapid flurry of mini-stabs.

Sword Throw (Sword/Dual Swords)

  • Fling the **** out of your sword (You’ll get it back).
  • Dual Swords: Need 4 Slash Down and 4 Manipulation to work. Throws both swords at a 45 degree angle.
  • Guidance compatible.

Ice Hop (Sword/Dual Swords)

  • Sword uppercut with ice pillars.
  • If you hit nobody with this, you’re going to land on your own pillar and freeze yourself, stupid.
  • Also you only need one Jump, not 4.

Frost Stomp (Sword)

  • The player stabs their sword into the ground, creating ice pillars, and freezing yourself, stupid.
  • You could run this without the Ice skill, but it’ll look kinda naked without it.
  • Of course Wave works well here.

Lightning Strike (Sword)

  • The player calls upon jesus christ, does a flip and summons a line of lightning bolts.

Super Reverse Slice (Sword)

  • A longer and harder version of the heavy Reverse Slice.
  • The player also gets visibly pissed.
  • Wave compatible.

Forward Spin (Sword)

  • Become a helicopter and decapitate those at far distance.
  • Use Evil to be M. Bison.
  • Wave creates multiple shockwaves.

Sword Uppercut (Sword)

  • Perform two perfect uppercuts
  • I’m just going to put Wave on everything now.
  • You can put Ice to make pillars, and freeze yourself.
  • Max Jump to go even higher!

Sawblade (Sword)

  • Locks you in place and starts vertically spinning your sword.
  • Stack Samidare for the best results.

Moving Thrust (Dual Swords)

  • Throws a flurry of thrusts, while also moving forward.

Air Spin (Dual Swords)

  • Spinning and flying upward. Like a helicopter
  • 3 Jump, not 5.
  • Wave creates multiple shockwaves.

Forward Spin (Dual Swords)

  • Turn into a beyblade!

Sub Weapon

  • Fling lots of swords into the crowds.
  • The more Manipulation, the more swords you get (Starting at 1).
  • You can have one sword on subs, and can still do this.
  • Guidance compatible.


Hopefully, now you sort of have an idea on how to cut off a limb or two with the sword(s). But more importantly, you can kinda grasp just how in-depth the combat is, even I don’t have a clue how far it goes.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2158 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

1 Comment

  1. Hahahah the description was very helpful and funny too. Thank you for the guide I needed this!

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