Console / Chat Commands
There are console / chat commands for certain effects.
Note: I would suggest to backup your save before you try any of these.
Command | Decription |
/dcspawm | Spawns in a damage counting dummy (only in Evergrind City). |
/dc3spawn | Spawns in 3 dummies in a group (only in Evergrind City). |
/dcstart | Starts the DPS counter for the dummies. |
/sadfrosty | Disable’s Frosty Friend’s aggro for all bosses and most enemies |
/godshield | Gives all shields 100000 SHP, aka virtually unbreakable by regular damage |
/eqshield | Gives all shields a baseline 100 SHP, reduces all shielded damage to 10 (PG will take less) |
/quickshield | Makes shields regen very fast when lowered, and also halves shield break duration |
/iframebreak | A shield break counts as damage as far as i-frames is concerned |
/repet | Reset the stats of your current pet |
/winterreset | Resets the Winter fight. Use /byenaniva after. |
/name | Locally renames your character. Useful for highscores. |
/respec | Refunds all skillpoints, including ones from quest rewards. |
/seasonreset | Resets the entire Temple of Seasons, including bosses. |
/beereset | Resets the festival quest, allowing fighting the Queen Bee. |
/dragonreset | Replays the Dragon Cutscene, and resets the festival quest. |
/festivalreset | In the festival, reloads the area with progress cleared. (Unclear) |
/labreset | Reset’s progress made inside of the collector HQ |
/taimingreset | Resets the entire Tai Ming area. Useful for getting Miki’s Ball. |
/taiming1reset | Resets the Cursed Priestess segment of Tai Ming. |
/taiming2reset | Resets the Inner City segment of Tai Ming. |
/taiming3reset | Resets the Sacred Shine segment of Tai Ming. |
/desertreset | Resets the entire desert. |
/desertmainreset | Resets the main storyline quests of the desert. |
/desertsidereset | Resets the side-quests of the desert. |
/marino2reset | Resets the 2nd Marino fight in the desert. |
/solgemreset | Resets the Sol-Gem fight. |
/farmareset | Resets the Farmamera fight. |
/ghostshipreset | Reset the entire ghost ship |
/f2reset | Reset the 2nd floor of the ghost ship |
/f3reset | Reset the 3rd floor of the ghost ship |
/psykreset | Resets the 2nd part of the 3rd floor of the ghost ship |
/captainreset | Resets the Captain Bones Fight |
/lukereset | Resets the Luke fight |
/evileyereset | Reset’s the Evil Eye fight |
/dadrevealreset | Reset’s the cutscene with dad after the ghost ship is complete |
/skipgames | Skips the festival’s minigames |
/batswarm | Summons a swarm of bats on screen. Ends with area change. |
/beastmode | Gives monsters bonus stats that increase with the player’s level. |
/crash | Crashes the game. |
/shutup | Silences Naniva to a degree. Truly a Godsend. |
/speak | Undoes /shutup |
/togglegui | Toggles the User-Interface. Useful for screenshots and videos. |
/trollpvp | Toggles PvP/Friendly Fire in Story Mode. Pretty much garbage. |
/neversubmit | Disables the “Upload to Steam” popup after an arcade run |
/toggletrunk | Enable/disable Trunk’s speech bubbles in arcade |
/cute | Displays a cute emote above your character. |
/angry | Displays an angry emote above your character. |
/annoyed | Displays an annoyed emote above your character. |
/fish | Displays a fish emote above your character. |
/? | Displays a question mark above your character. |
/upset | Displays an upset emote above your character. |
/! | Displays an exclamation mark above your character. |
/… | Displays a “dot-dot-dot” above your character. |
/love | Displays a heart emote above your character. |
/drop | Displays a water droplet emote above your character. |
/examine | Displays a magnifying glass emote above your character. |
/emote | Displays usable emotes. |
/preload | Loads all textures. Laggy for a while. |
/byenaniva | Makes Naniva go away. Useful after /winterreset. |
/ping | Server only. Shows a list with each client’s ping. |
/showping | Server only. Shows each player’s ping beneath their feet. |
/equip | Gives you several items that you can equip. Useful for testing. |
/lockinput | Prevents the client from accepting input from any other device. |
/netauto | Detects lag spikes and limits network traffic based on info. |
/netset [1-5] | Limits network update frequency, from 30/sec to 10/sec (1-5) |
/seed <anything> | Provided seed forces Arcade Mode layout. Nukes your payout. |
/setlevel [x] | Sets your level to the specified number. Does not affect skill points. |
/simulateplayers [2-4] | Useful for testing combat with 2-4 players without having players. |
/skillpoint | Grants the player 50 of each type of skillpoint. |
/startlog | Begins logging your keypresses. Theoretically useful for TAS runs. |
/stoplog | Opens a notepad with your log. |
/arcadetransfer | Allows the player to reset specific portions their arcade mode progress. |
/forget [quest ID] | Allows the player to reset specific quests. |
/kick <id> | Returns a list of player ids if blank, kicks a player if id is provided. |
Where can i find the questID