Secrets of Grindea – Console Commands (Cheat Codes)

Console / Chat Commands

There are console / chat commands for certain effects.

Note: I would suggest to backup your save before you try any of these.

/dcspawmSpawns in a damage counting dummy (only in Evergrind City).
/dc3spawnSpawns in 3 dummies in a group (only in Evergrind City).
/dcstartStarts the DPS counter for the dummies.
/sadfrostyDisable’s Frosty Friend’s aggro for all bosses and most enemies
/godshieldGives all shields 100000 SHP, aka virtually unbreakable by regular damage
/eqshieldGives all shields a baseline 100 SHP, reduces all shielded damage to 10 (PG will take less)
/quickshieldMakes shields regen very fast when lowered, and also halves shield break duration
/iframebreakA shield break counts as damage as far as i-frames is concerned
/repetReset the stats of your current pet
/winterresetResets the Winter fight. Use /byenaniva after.
/nameLocally renames your character. Useful for highscores.
/respecRefunds all skillpoints, including ones from quest rewards.
/seasonresetResets the entire Temple of Seasons, including bosses.
/beeresetResets the festival quest, allowing fighting the Queen Bee.
/dragonresetReplays the Dragon Cutscene, and resets the festival quest.
/festivalresetIn the festival, reloads the area with progress cleared. (Unclear)
/labresetReset’s progress made inside of the collector HQ
/taimingresetResets the entire Tai Ming area. Useful for getting Miki’s Ball.
/taiming1resetResets the Cursed Priestess segment of Tai Ming.
/taiming2resetResets the Inner City segment of Tai Ming.
/taiming3resetResets the Sacred Shine segment of Tai Ming.
/desertresetResets the entire desert.
/desertmainresetResets the main storyline quests of the desert.
/desertsideresetResets the side-quests of the desert.
/marino2resetResets the 2nd Marino fight in the desert.
/solgemresetResets the Sol-Gem fight.
/farmaresetResets the Farmamera fight.
/ghostshipresetReset the entire ghost ship
/f2resetReset the 2nd floor of the ghost ship
/f3resetReset the 3rd floor of the ghost ship
/psykresetResets the 2nd part of the 3rd floor of the ghost ship
/captainresetResets the Captain Bones Fight
/lukeresetResets the Luke fight
/evileyeresetReset’s the Evil Eye fight
/dadrevealresetReset’s the cutscene with dad after the ghost ship is complete
/skipgamesSkips the festival’s minigames
/batswarmSummons a swarm of bats on screen. Ends with area change.
/beastmodeGives monsters bonus stats that increase with the player’s level.
/crashCrashes the game.
/shutupSilences Naniva to a degree. Truly a Godsend.
/speakUndoes /shutup
/toggleguiToggles the User-Interface. Useful for screenshots and videos.
/trollpvpToggles PvP/Friendly Fire in Story Mode. Pretty much garbage.
/neversubmitDisables the “Upload to Steam” popup after an arcade run
/toggletrunkEnable/disable Trunk’s speech bubbles in arcade
/cuteDisplays a cute emote above your character.
/angryDisplays an angry emote above your character.
/annoyedDisplays an annoyed emote above your character.
/fishDisplays a fish emote above your character.
/?Displays a question mark above your character.
/upsetDisplays an upset emote above your character.
/!Displays an exclamation mark above your character.
/…Displays a “dot-dot-dot” above your character.
/loveDisplays a heart emote above your character.
/dropDisplays a water droplet emote above your character.
/examineDisplays a magnifying glass emote above your character.
/emoteDisplays usable emotes.
/preloadLoads all textures. Laggy for a while.
/byenanivaMakes Naniva go away. Useful after /winterreset.
/pingServer only. Shows a list with each client’s ping.
/showpingServer only. Shows each player’s ping beneath their feet.
/equipGives you several items that you can equip. Useful for testing.
/lockinputPrevents the client from accepting input from any other device.
/netautoDetects lag spikes and limits network traffic based on info.
/netset [1-5]Limits network update frequency, from 30/sec to 10/sec (1-5)
/seed <anything>Provided seed forces Arcade Mode layout. Nukes your payout.
/setlevel [x]Sets your level to the specified number. Does not affect skill points.
/simulateplayers [2-4]Useful for testing combat with 2-4 players without having players.
/skillpointGrants the player 50 of each type of skillpoint.
/startlogBegins logging your keypresses. Theoretically useful for TAS runs.
/stoplogOpens a notepad with your log.
/arcadetransferAllows the player to reset specific portions their arcade mode progress.
/forget [quest ID]Allows the player to reset specific quests.
/kick <id>Returns a list of player ids if blank, kicks a player if id is provided.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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