Sons Of The Forest – Gumshoe Achievement Guide (All Note Locations)

A detailed guide showing the location of all 50 notes in the Sons Of The Forest game (version 1.0) Collecting them all will get you the Gumshoe achievement.

Cave A / Rebreather Cave

Click to enlarge…

Cave B / Rope Gun Cave

Ice Cave / Frozen Lake Grotto

Mountain Ice Cave / Mountaintop Lake Grotto

Hell Cave / Final Bunker

Small Cave

Abandoned Fishing Huts

Cult Boat Wreckages

General Points of Interest

POI #1

POI #2

POI #3

POI #4

POI #5

Helipad A

Bunker / Maintenance A

Bunker / Maintenance C

Bunker / Food

Bunker / Entertainment

Bunker / Residential

Bunker / Luxury

Golf Cart Wreckage

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. nice guide. for those who still have 49/50 in the game even if u collected every note: i use this guide to verifiy every note i have and i noticed that the game erased from my inv the noter about “the star pattern of solants” that was one of the latest notes i get but i had to go again and pick it, after that i completed the achievment, so check again bros.

    • Verify your game’s cashe and then pick up an item like a can of soda, or a stick to update your inventory, I was just stuck at 49/50 and did that and got the achievement

  2. I was missing all the notes at the gulf cart wreckage, Crazy lol I do not know if there is any hint towards that location but after collecting the last 3 pages, i have not gotten the achievement despite being 50/50 i’mma reset my game and verify the game’s cashe to see if that fixes it.

  3. Thanks for guide helped a lot. but am at 50/50 pages and no ach, and seeing global is at 0%, ach is bugged?

    • the achievement is obtainable even though it says 0%. simply load your save file with all notes collected and pick up a stick or any other item, which updates your progress. if it doesn’t work the first time close the game, verify the integrity of your game files and try again.

  4. It worked for me and the process was updated after:
    * Loaded the game into an earlier version (there was a warning that the game process would be reset based on items)
    * Checked the integrity of the files. Everything is 100% good
    * Deleted all old saves.

    After that, I left the game. The cloud save was synchronized and everything was resolved. Everything worked and showed the whole process using the newly collected data.
    Thanks, it worked!

  5. it’s a pity I collected all the files, but for some reason they didn’t give me an account in steam (

    • try restarting the game, load up your save file and once you’re in pick up a stick or any other item that you can pick up, then the game will update your progress and the achievement should definitely pop. if it doesn’t work the first time, close the game and verify your game files and try again.

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