Sengoku Dynasty – Major Iron Mine Locations

A simple guide to iron locations I’ve found.

Locations of Major Iron Mines

Major Ore Locations

People have asked about iron quite often. You are guided by quest to the village of Iwasaki and one mine but where are others? Here are the main sources of iron outside of Iwasaki that I have found so far.

Near the watchtower you go to during the main quest after speaking to the onibaba:

Note: That’s my village so don’t get confused and start looking for buildings. Only the watchtower will be present in your game.

Map location: (look for the “You” marker)

To the west of this, under a watchtower special project site on the hill.

Map location: (look for the “You” marker)

In the southern lakes area:

Map location: (look for the “You” marker)

Exit to Iwasaki Mines:

Map Location:


Map Location:

Inside Enjiro Village:

Map Location:

South of Segi:

Map Location:

There are a few small caves near Enjiro with a couple iron deposits but nothing major.

How to Make Workers Gather Iron Ore

The farming update enabled the possibility to have workers mine iron ore but it will only work under the following conditions:

  • Build a Special Project Iron Processing Building
  • Place a bell tower that has the special project in it’s radius.
  • Build a village with the necessary storages and housing for the workers there.
  • Build a mining hut in that village. It will then be possible to assign workers to collect iron ore in that mining hut.

(Note that you can assign Iron miners directly in the Iron Processing Station itself too)

Note that simply building a mining hut close to a normal cave with iron nodes or anywhere else not is proximity to those 2 special projects specifically will not do the trick. That is the way it is intended.

There are only 2 such special projects (for now), one is South of Segi (see screenshot) and the other is South East of Iwasaki).

This is the 1st implementation of the “MotherLode” mechanic in the game and it should be improved and better explained in the game in the future.

Please note that there is a bug atm that affects the Iron Processing Special Project where when re-loading the game after correctly setting up the iron mining, you find that the worker gets un-assigned and the tools you gave them have disappeared. So you may want to stay away from this until it is fixed.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2508 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. There’s a cave with iron ores at the bandit village (NE of the watchtower there on the lowest level)that’s partly accessible until halfway through which is then blocked by a large stone deposit.

  2. theres also i believe an iron cave all the way up north near the singular road at the end near the parts where there is nothing, idk if its a major one but its definetly there, and all the way top right the small stone formation theres a cave that goes all the way into the cave from iwasaki, also by any chance do you know how to unlock the mining building or is that not in game yet

    • The northern cave is blocked by a large stone deposit and directly connects to Iwasaki so – no sence include it. Mining building is currently broken but should unlock at level 7 dynasty when you speak to the abbot. Unknown when that will be fixed.

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