Sengoku Dynasty – Helpful Tips for New Players

Useful Tips for Newcomers

The game has seasons that last 5 days each. Right now, you can’t pause the game unless you go to the Main Menu. Here are some tips for new players to help make things easier:

  • Villager needs are food and water. For them to access it, you need both a food storage AND a water storage.
  • If you are having a villager collecting the water, you also need to have a Dynasty Storage to keep buckets for them to use.
  • You also need to build a well for beverages (IE water).
  • The Dynasty tab is where you control/assign houses to homeless villagers as well as jobs. For food, you select on the building (which is a house) and increase the number until the “faces” are either neutral or happy. For beverages, you assign the person to work at the well, but you have to have enough buckets for whatever number you select.
  • Make a wood cutter’s shed ASAP because you can get 6 planks per log versus 3 per log using an adze. Plus you need it to make buckets.
  • Craft 2-3 tools, they replace a broken tool automatically and you can speed up the task.
  • A wood storage is great to store most of the space consuming items you’ll need later on.
  • After you have rebuilt the bridge, don’t forget to add yourself to a job for the season change. Example – Using a stone axe and assigning yourself to the woodcutter’s hut will net you 8 logs. It’s not a lot (you need a better axe), but it’s better than nothing. Or you could make food or beverages etc. Assign yourself a job.
  • Build a Well. You can either manually “drop the bucket” in the well to get water – it consumes the bucket though OR assign a villager to water collection.
  • Once you build a well, water collection under jobs should appear.

General Tips

How to Get Clay

Clay can be found on river sides in general, it is quite easy to find if you know what you are looking for so look at the screenshot. It is harder to spot in winter because it gets covered in snow. It is harvested with a pickaxe. I didn’t think that clay would be such an issue but many players keep asking about it.

How to Get a Bucket for Water?

  • Use your hammer and go under the furniture tab. Once you’re there select woodcutter and make the workbench that will allow you to craft the buckets.
  • Build a woodworking hut, then building the woodworking station that inside which is under Furniture -> Production Furniture -> Woodworking Hut.

Tips about Maintenance

The most efficient way to provide maintenance is clay. Clay requires only a pickaxe to extract, requires no processing to use, and provides 5 maintenance points per unit. A full stack provides 100 maintenance. The only downside is that clay cannot currently be gathered by NPC workers so you will have to mine it yourself.

When calculating item use, the game currently takes everything it can from General Storage before moving on to planks in the Wood Storage and takes from left to right before moving down the inventory list. Putting what you want first in the General Storage will ensure that it is used when you want it too. If you wish to use planks, store nothing in the General Storage that provides Maintenance. Store these items in Tawara Bags or other unattached storage containers that have universal storage ability.

Hunting Tips

  • Save Arrows while hunting Deer, one is enough, they are slowed soi you can hunt it down with a spear.
  • Boar activly atk. you so walk backwards and hit with a spear
  • Bunnys, traps, but why ?` why you want to hunt bunny ? seriously dont hunt bunnys!!!!

Housing Tips

  • Standard House can have 2 Beds, tooltip state one… seems to be worng.

Trading Tips

  • Bring your goods, Gras is good also dried. its a 100 Stack and worth 200, easy to get.
  • You can buy what ever you need, and for sure all the Traders do love to have grass like flies on a pile of ***.
  • Thats the new Money, Grass, Grass Grass, on the way to Iwasaki is a Huge Load of Grass, youll never need any money yourself. Bring Grass.

Tips for Early Game

Make sure to check all around your start point. There is flotsam and debris and several items you can collect. Same with the second boat you encounter, and then Ako’s site.

There is a Temple above your start point. The stone arch bridge connects it to a “Power (something)” point on the rocky outcropping into the sea. When you get to Ako, take a left and go through all the Wineberry Bushes and Gobo plants (Hint: Gather all these for FOOD – you can straight eat the Wineberries, but you cook the Gobo roots over a fire).

Feel free to collect lots of the white Eulalia Grass as you hand-convert it to Straw in your Crafting Wheel to build with.

You will reach the path or see a wood/rope bridge overhead that leads southwest to the Temple. Grab some Yellow Chrysanthemum on the way for a Tribute.

Once at the Temple, there is a path to the right that curves down and around to cross the bridge to the rocky outcropping. There are a number of Crow’s Nests in the area. 5 eggs each, plus the feathers. Gather all you find.

The path leading away from the Temple (across the wood/rope bridge) will take you down to the “Start” village. You can then double-back to Ako (you’ll need to build a tent and campfire near her) and talk to the Fisherman on the way.

Make sure to have 3-4 Wooden Yari spears on your person (hand-craft with 1 Log + 1 Stone), a Stone Knife (hand-craft with 2 Sticks + 2 Stones), and a Stone Axe (hand-craft with 3 Sticks + 3 Stones) when you venture out.

If you are hunting an animal and hit it with a Wooden Yari spear, it will run. You can pursue and catch it the strike with another Yari or Stone Axe until you kill it. Then you have to use your knife to skin it. Eventually you will be able to collect Fur from the carcasses.

There is Bamboo just east of the village as you travel up the path and reach the trees. Over the rise is the building where you will find Chiyome the priestess for that quest.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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