Shapez 2 – Blueprints Collection Guide

Blueprints Collection

2×1 12 Belt Crystallizer (Mixed Outputs)

Requires at least 43’200 L/min paint (6 full pipes or 24 fluid launchers). Fluid input only on one side, shape input at the bottom, output at the top.

It’s recommended to use a homogeneous notch for all 24 fluid inputs and 12 shape inputs. Otherwise output belts will result in mixed contents.

This BP contains no more than 19 launchers and 19 catchers only present on the 3rd floor, ensuring functionality with collisions. There is potential for improvement, a variant with no mixed outputs (both for shapes & fluids) is technically perfect but even more challenging.

12 Belt White Paint 1×1 Island

RBG goes in each row for the inputs.

Color Converter

Prime the mixers with the desired output color, and the mixers will continue to make that color with only one color input.

Extraction Platform Omni Miner V3

A normal scenario Omni Miner. You can change the Floor Output exits to floors 1, 2 or 3. Requires Wires + Included a Overflow system.

No-Wire Priority Splitter

Trashes 1 out of every 1.8 quadrillion shapes (1,853,020,188,851,841 or 1/3^32).

1×1 Spacebelt Filter

Requires all three floors, wires, and logic gates. This will filter a complete spacebelt of throughput.

Signal input is restricted to the first layer. With no signal input, shapes are redirected out the side. With any wire input, it behaves just like a normal belt filter; truthy out the top and falsey out the side. The button will override and always direct shapes out of the top, regardless of signal input.

Omni-Miner with Overflow Filter

Uses the new improved omni swapper by lycoshayes.

Crystallizer 24 Belt 3×3

Not sure this is even that useful due to corner inputs but its something.

1×1 12 Belt Painter

Requires at least 7200L/min paint per layer. Layers aren’t connected, so they can paint different colours if necessary.

Calculator V1

By Foltin.

I was working on this fun project recently and thought I would share. A 20 bit calculator using wires. This is more of an interesting thought-provoking experiment than an actual gameplay related blueprint. Can be used to study the inner workings of a calculator and learn more about wires and circuits.

How It Works?

At first it converts the decimal input numbers to BCD (binary coded decimals) and then it converts them binary numbers. It builds a shape to compress the binary number so it can be sent using only one wire. (5 layers, 4 quadrants, red quadrant is 0, uncolored is 1). Then it executes the required operator on the 2 binary numbers. Only 3 operators available yet (multiplication, subtraction, addition). Then converts the result back to decimal and shows it on a display. If the result is out of the possible range (0-999999) it shows an error.

1×1 4 Belt Pin Maker

By Hybrid.

Requires 4 belts of any non-full one or more layered shapes and 14’400l/min paint. It can also be reduced to a simple 4 belt crystallizer by removing the pin pushers and rerouting the paths.

This is a byproduct of my journey to a 12 belt 2×1 crystallizer, and was only possible using a new 7×8 double module (compared to 2x 5×6 from Sikerow’s) without the use of extensive (and potentially collision causing) belt launchers. The bp only features 8 launchers (fluids) on the 3rd floor guaranteeing no future collisions.

4-Way Separator with Stuck Protection

10×8, entry on the side. Have places to put rotators for the required result. Built in trash to avoid getting stuck. Because of the trash it only produces the 4 belts at 99.6% speed.

P-P-P-P- Maker V2.1

Requires wires. On a 3 Shape Asteroid it will output 2 full speed belts of Pin shapes. On a full Shape Asteroid it will output 3 full speed belts of Pin Shapes. Do not forget to set the extra Shape Miner Extensions. Do not use this on a 2 shape Asteroid, it will not work.

2-Floor Mixer Platform (1 Color)

This platform has 16 mixers to make 8 fluid launchers worth of paint.

Overflow System 12 Belts (1×1)

This fits on a 1×1 platform but did a building BP< so you can place it everywhere.

2 Floor 8 Lane Painter, Takes Paint Inputs at Any Side!

An extremely flexible 2×1 painter that can take paint on ANY of the 4 inputs on the sides, with in/out for shapes on the short ends.


Quadrant Extractor (1×1, 2-Floor, 1->4 Max Belts, Sorted)

A single extractor platform that splits the shape into quadrants, rotates each quadrant to the top right (this can be modified), and outputs them as 4 max belts on the bottom layer, sorted clockwise starting from the top right quadrant.

Not using swappers, and using 6 parallel lanes so that output is still maxed when belts are 1 level ahead.

Tileable and Compact 12 Belt Shape Making Blueprint Set + Bonus Operator Shape Blueprints!

Why make a MAM when you can become the MAM?

Here’s a collection of completely tileable blueprints that allow you to make complex shapes in a breeze!

There are 18 blueprints in total, including:

  • Stackers (3 1×1 platforms making 12 belts per blueprint)
  • Painters (3 1×1 platforms making 12 belts per blueprint)
  • Colour Mixers (3 1×1 platforms making 12 belts per blueprint)
  • Crystal Generators (3 2×1 platforms making 12 belts per blueprint)
  • Example blueprints using this set, using only the most basic shapes and colours, for all 6 operator level shapes producing 12 conveyor belts’ worth with 100% efficiency!

Compacting some of these down was a nightmare, hope some of you out there find these useful.

12-Lane I/O Painter with Jumps

All floors are identical copies of each other. Can be adapted to accept fluid from the other side of the platform by flipping the fluid jumps in the middle of the platform on each level.

Quarter Combiner

At belt speed, takes 4 inputs and combines them into one shape. With my divider, we can take any base 2×2 shape and rearrange the pieces. It doesn’t handle rotation, so those operations will have to be done after dividing and before recombining.


1×2 No Loss 12 Belt Stacker

Takes in 12 belts of one shape and 12 belts of another shape and stacks them into 12 belts without sacrificing efficiency.

Note: This stacker IS floor dependent, meaning input floors do NOT necessarily correspond with output floors.

1×1 Mixer 12Belt (No Mixing Inputs)

This 1×1 mixer take each pair of input individually and mix them together meaning each entry can be a different color without any trouble while handling that. As it is a tiling one it is possible to reproduce for only 2 floors. Should also work with a minor modification if collision for fluid laucher is later implemented and that upper pipe do not count as collision.

1×1 Omni-Rotator

It uses a 1×1 block, with three output directions: counterclockwise 90 degrees, 180 degrees, and clockwise 90 degrees. All inputs and outputs are on the first level, with no use of the third level. The clockwise and counterclockwise output directions can be changed by flipping the blueprint using the F key.

Note: Only one output can be used at a time, as it operates on an overflow principle.

3 x Compact Painter (3 Floors)

Modular, allows you to copy and paste 3 lanes at a time. On a 2×2 island you can make 12 lanes of full painters all side by side.


Ultimate Corner Starter for Early Game

Want to breeze through the early game? Slap one of these in the corner. Better yet, all four corners!

Each side takes 1 belt of full shapes, outputs 1 belt of half shapes, and 2 belts of quarters. Outputs are spread out and clearly visible for easy access.

The only research you need for this is the split cutter. Nothing else is required except access to Blueprints.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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