Slice & Dice – Achievements & Unlocks

Achievements & Unlocks

All Achievements with ? listed for the unlock are Secrets. They do not unlock anything.

Note: Descriptions may be slightly off, data is from the game’s code rather than the game itself. Hopefully they’re all correct, at least.

Stat Achievements

Achievement NameRequirementsUnlocksUnlock Type

Battles Won

VictoryWin 25 BattlesCustom PartyMode
Victory+Win 50 BattlesShortcutMode
Victory++Win 75 BattlesPasteMode
Victory+++Win 100 BattlesGenerateMode
Victory++++Win 150 BattlesInstantMode
Victory+++++Win 200 Battles??
Victory++++++Win 300 BattlesOldMode
Victory+++++++Win 500 BattlesShow RarityOption
Victory++++++++Win 1000 Battles??

Challenges Accepted

ChallengerAccept 3 ChallengesChestEnemy
Challenger+Accept 10 ChallengesTreasure ChestItem
WisdomReject 20 ChallengesGraphAlmanac Page

Hero Deaths

25 Deaths25 Hero DeathsAmbrosiaItem
50 Deaths50 Hero DeathsEarly GraveItem
75 Deaths75 Hero DeathsRitual DaggerItem
100 Deaths100 Hero DeathsWraithHero
150 Deaths150 Hero DeathsRouletteHero
200 Deaths200 Hero DeathsPermadeathCurse

Enemy Kills

Pile of BonesKill 100 BonesGraveEnemy
Pile of Bones+Kill 500 BonesBones KilledLeaderboard
SpinesKill 20 ImpsThornEnemy
Spines+Kill 100 ImpsSilver ImpItem
BramblesKill 10 ThornsBrambleEnemy (Boss)
GONGKill 10 FanaticsBellEnemy (Boss)
Troll SlayerKill 2 TrollsTroll’s NoseItem
Troll NemesisKill 10 TrollsTroll’s BloodItem
Anger the GhostsKill 5 GhostsBaronEnemy (Boss)
Stone RevengeKill 5 SlatesQuartzEnemy
Stone Revenge+Kill 15 SlatesBasaltEnemy
Hidden EmeraldKill 10 SlimersEmerald ShardItem
Caw EggsKill 10 CawsCaw EggEnemy
Dragon EggsKill 3 DragonsDragon EggEnemy
FadingKill 15 WispsIllusionEnemy
Lich’s SecretKill 5 LichesLich’s TomeItem

Hero Picks

Gambler-pickChoose Gambler twiceGambler’s AceItem
Ludus-pickChoose Ludus twiceSudulEnemy
Dancer-pickChoose Dancer twiceBallet ShoesItem
Bard-pickChoose Bard twiceEnchanted HarpItem
Dabbler-pickChoose Dabbler twiceDabblestHero
Dabblest-pickChoose Dabblest twiceDabbleHero
Statue-pickChoose Statue twiceStatuetteItem
Collector-pickChoose Collector twiceHoarderHero
Curator-pickChoose Curator twiceAlloyHero
Fiend-pickChoose Fiend twiceCultistHero
Artificer-pickChoose Artificer twiceSplintHero
Herbalist-pickChoose Herbalist twiceAll Potions?Multiple Items
Jester-pickChoose Jester 4 timesJester’s CapItem
Ace-pickChoose Ace twiceCheater’s SleevesItem
Poet-pickChoose Poet twicePoemItem

Item Picks

Pocket Mirror-pickChoose Pocket Mirror twicerorriM tekcoPItem
Pocket Phylactery-pickChoose Pocket Phylactery twiceCracked PhylacteryItem
Emerald Shard-pickChoose Emerald Shard oncePolished EmeraldItem
Polished Emerald-pickChoose Polished Emerald onceEmerald MirrorItem
Emerald Mirror-pickChoose Emerald Mirror onceCracked EmeraldItem
Pair of Kings-pickChoose Pair of Kings onceAceHero
Sling-pickChoose Sling onceUpdogItem
Updog-pickChoose Updog oncePoodleItem
Soul Link-pickChoose Soul Link onceWretched CrownItem


Awoo!Lose to Alpha 10 timesAlphaLeaderboard
CasterCast 100 SpellsSpellbladeHero
Caster+Cast 200 SpellsBansheeEnemy
Caster++Cast 300 SpellsWispEnemy
Cursed BoltCast 1000 SpellsCursed BoltItem
HealHeal for 300 totalScarItem
Change of HeartHeal for 1000 totalChange of HeartItem
Heal+Heal for 2000 totalIchor ChaliceItem
Blessed RingShield for 300 TotalBlessed RingItem
StatueRoll 300 CrossesStatueHero
Steady HandsRoll 2000 DiceCoinItem
ExpertDefeat 500 MonstersEventsFeature
BenevolenceAllow enemies to flee 20 timesFriendship BraceletItem
Custom Party MasochistBeat Custom Party with every combination of 5x the same hero??


Normal StreakGet to a streak of 2 on Classic Normal??
Hard StreakGet to a streak of 2 on Classic HardThe HandEnemy (Boss)
Unfair StreakGet to a streak of 2 on Classic UnfairForceful DiceOption
Brutal StreakGet to a streak of 2 on Classic Brutal??
Hell StreakGet to a streak of 2 on Classic Hell??


IndecisiveUndo 100 TimesJesterHero
I wish I could undo this achievementUndo 500 Times8 Items*Tier 0 Items

Timing Achievements

Achievement NameRequirementsUnlocksUnlock Type


Y***zeeRoll all sides 3 pipsOrdinary TriangleItem
StraightRoll sides with values 1,2,3,4,5Golden D6Item
Snake-eyesRoll 5 Blank sidesBent SpoonItem
BlankedRoll 4+ different types of Blank??
PetrifiedRoll 3 Petrified sidesBasilisk ScaleItem
Fully PetrifiedRoll 5 Petrified sides??
Wand RegretRoll 3 Single-Use Blank sidesWand of WandItem


BedtimeEquip Pillow and Duvet to the same hero??
EncumberedEquip 2 Curse items to the same heroSoul Link, MartyrItems
HoardEquip 3 Items to Hoarder??
CollectionEquip 3 Items to Collector??
MuseumEquip 3 Items to Curator??
7 Damage!Equip Gambler’s Ace to GamblerGambler’s TwoItem

Fight End

Barrel RollAllow a Barrel to flee??
Dragon FlightAllow a Dragon to flee??
Cheat DeathWin the Tarantus Fight with no dead heroesDeterminationItem
DrawWin and lose a fight at the same timeKnife BagItem
SurvivorWin a fight with only one surviving heroCandleItem
Alpha StrikeWin a fight on the first turnHourglassItem
CrushedBeat a boss fight on the first turnSpell: InfinityItem
Crushed+Beat the final boss fight on the first turnRoman Numerals ModeOption
Last LegsWin a fight with 4+ heroes on 1 HPRelicItem
Curse MasteryWin a fight with 7 cursesJinxEnemy
Curse Mastery+Win a fight with 13 cursesCurse-HyperMode
Curse Mastery++Win a fight with 21 cursesCurse InstantMode

Run End

Hard victoryWin a run on HardUnfairDifficulty
Unfair victoryWin a run on UnfairBrutalDifficulty
Brutal victoryWin a run on BrutalHell + HeavenDifficulty
Hell victory?Win a run on Hell???
Classic Hard VictoryWin a run on Classic HardCursedMode
SpeedrunWin a run on Classic Normal with a time of 45m or less??
Custom Party 3xComplete Custom Party on Normal or harder with 3 of one hero colourSpell: LightItem
Custom Party 4xComplete Custom Party on Hard or harder with 4 of one hero colorRed FlagItem
Custom Party 5xComplete Custom Party on Unfair or harder with 5 of one hero colorLightning RodItem
Brute ForceComplete Custom Party on Unfair or harder with no Red or Blue heroes??
All T1Win a Classic run with only T1 heroes??
All T2Win a Classic run with only T2 heroesDe-level Top, Mid, BottomCurses
Quick ShortcutWin a run on Shortcut Normal or harder in 15m or less??
Loot ModeComplete any mode with 12+ itemsLootMode
Raid ModeComplete any mode with 0 items equipped on the final levelRaidMode
Generate VictoryComplete GenerateGenerated Heroes 5%Option
Generate Victory UnfairComplete Generate on Unfair or harderGenerateAlmanac Page
Cursed DefeatGet defeated on CursedBlursedMode
Unfair DefeatGet defeated on Classic Unfair or harderComplex Hard/EasyOption
AloneComplete Classic with a single hero in your party??
Turns taken <= 50Complete Classic with 50 or fewer turns-takenCompassItem
Turns taken <= 40Complete Classic with 40 or fewer turns-takenBalanceMode
Turns taken <= 35Complete Classic with 35 or fewer turns-takenPickMode
Turns taken <= 30Complete Classic with 30 or fewer turns-taken??
Turns taken <= 25Complete Classic with 25 or fewer turns-taken??
Total-deaths = 0Complete Classic with 0 total-deaths??
Undo-count = 0Complete Classic with 0 undo-count??
Crosses-rolled = 0Complete Classic with 0 crosses-rolled??
Total-kills = 0Complete Classic with 0 total-kills??
Damage-taken = 0Complete Classic with 0 damage-taken??
Total-blocked = 0Complete Classic with 0 total-blocked??
Total-healing = 0Complete Classic with 0 total-healing??
Spells-cast = 0Complete Classic with 0 spells-cast??


OvergrowthActivate Growth on a single side 4 timesSmelly ManureItem
IroncladShield a single hero for 10QuicksilverItem
Inner StrengthGive a hero +10 Max HPSiphonItem
ImmortalityGive a hero +20 Max HPVisceraItem
WizardCast 6 spells in a single turnDeadly BoltItem
NOT FAIR!Stun an enemy with 20+ Max HPWand of StunItem
MandrakeHave 10+ poison on an enemyHorned ViperItem
Green BloodHave 5+ poison on an allyWineItem
ManastormAccumulate 10 manaMana JellyItem
Manastorm+Accumulate 100 manaLich FingerItem
Challenge AcceptedDefeat a Dragon before level 20??

One Ability

SaviourSave 3 heroes with a single abilityShimmering HaloItem
ReaperKill 5 monsters with a single abilityDemonic DealItem
Dead HorseOverkill an enemy by 10+??
ChaosUse a side with 4+ keywordsEnchanterHero
Chaos+Use a side with 5+ keywordsNinjaHero
Chaos++Use a side with 6+ keywordsChaos WandItem
Chaos+++Use a side with 10+ keywords??
OopsLose a hero by using an abilityThimbleItem
Oops+Lose 2 heroes by using an abilityGlass HelmItem
Oops++Lose 3 heroes by using an ability??
Oops+++Lose 4 heroes by using an ability??
Oops++++Lose 5 heroes by using an ability??
Oops+++++Lose 6 heroes by using an ability??
Double-reviveRevive 2 heroes with one ability??
Triple-reviveRevive 3 heroes with one ability??
Quadruple-reviveRevive 4 heroes with one ability??
Pentuple-reviveRevive 5 heroes with one ability??
Sextuple-reviveRevive 6 heroes with one ability??

Spell Targets

Hex hexCast Hex on Hexia??
Die!Cast Blaze on Illusion??

Meta Achievements

Achievement NameRequirementsUnlocksUnlock Type
10 AchievementsComplete any 10 Achievements5 T1 Heroes*Heroes
20 AchievementsComplete any 20 Achievements5 More T1 Heroes*Heroes
30 AchievementsComplete any 30 AchievementsMimic, TwinHeroes
40 AchievementsComplete any 40 Achievements25 Items*Items
50 AchievementsComplete any 50 Achievements9 Items*Items
60 AchievementsComplete any 60 AchievementsSimpleMode
70 AchievementsComplete any 70 AchievementsMortalCurses
999 AchievementsComplete any 999 Achievements (good luck with that)??
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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