Achievements & Unlocks
All Achievements with ? listed for the unlock are Secrets. They do not unlock anything.
Note: Descriptions may be slightly off, data is from the game’s code rather than the game itself. Hopefully they’re all correct, at least.
Stat Achievements
Achievement Name Requirements Unlocks Unlock Type
Battles Won
Victory Win 25 Battles Custom Party Mode Victory+ Win 50 Battles Shortcut Mode Victory++ Win 75 Battles Paste Mode Victory+++ Win 100 Battles Generate Mode Victory++++ Win 150 Battles Instant Mode Victory+++++ Win 200 Battles ? ? Victory++++++ Win 300 Battles Old Mode Victory+++++++ Win 500 Battles Show Rarity Option Victory++++++++ Win 1000 Battles ? ?
Challenges Accepted
Challenger Accept 3 Challenges Chest Enemy Challenger+ Accept 10 Challenges Treasure Chest Item Wisdom Reject 20 Challenges Graph Almanac Page
Hero Deaths
25 Deaths 25 Hero Deaths Ambrosia Item 50 Deaths 50 Hero Deaths Early Grave Item 75 Deaths 75 Hero Deaths Ritual Dagger Item 100 Deaths 100 Hero Deaths Wraith Hero 150 Deaths 150 Hero Deaths Roulette Hero 200 Deaths 200 Hero Deaths Permadeath Curse
Enemy Kills
Pile of Bones Kill 100 Bones Grave Enemy Pile of Bones+ Kill 500 Bones Bones Killed Leaderboard Spines Kill 20 Imps Thorn Enemy Spines+ Kill 100 Imps Silver Imp Item Brambles Kill 10 Thorns Bramble Enemy (Boss) GONG Kill 10 Fanatics Bell Enemy (Boss) Troll Slayer Kill 2 Trolls Troll’s Nose Item Troll Nemesis Kill 10 Trolls Troll’s Blood Item Anger the Ghosts Kill 5 Ghosts Baron Enemy (Boss) Stone Revenge Kill 5 Slates Quartz Enemy Stone Revenge+ Kill 15 Slates Basalt Enemy Hidden Emerald Kill 10 Slimers Emerald Shard Item Caw Eggs Kill 10 Caws Caw Egg Enemy Dragon Eggs Kill 3 Dragons Dragon Egg Enemy Fading Kill 15 Wisps Illusion Enemy Lich’s Secret Kill 5 Liches Lich’s Tome Item
Hero Picks
Gambler-pick Choose Gambler twice Gambler’s Ace Item Ludus-pick Choose Ludus twice Sudul Enemy Dancer-pick Choose Dancer twice Ballet Shoes Item Bard-pick Choose Bard twice Enchanted Harp Item Dabbler-pick Choose Dabbler twice Dabblest Hero Dabblest-pick Choose Dabblest twice Dabble Hero Statue-pick Choose Statue twice Statuette Item Collector-pick Choose Collector twice Hoarder Hero Curator-pick Choose Curator twice Alloy Hero Fiend-pick Choose Fiend twice Cultist Hero Artificer-pick Choose Artificer twice Splint Hero Herbalist-pick Choose Herbalist twice All Potions? Multiple Items Jester-pick Choose Jester 4 times Jester’s Cap Item Ace-pick Choose Ace twice Cheater’s Sleeves Item Poet-pick Choose Poet twice Poem Item
Item Picks
Pocket Mirror-pick Choose Pocket Mirror twice rorriM tekcoP Item Pocket Phylactery-pick Choose Pocket Phylactery twice Cracked Phylactery Item Emerald Shard-pick Choose Emerald Shard once Polished Emerald Item Polished Emerald-pick Choose Polished Emerald once Emerald Mirror Item Emerald Mirror-pick Choose Emerald Mirror once Cracked Emerald Item Pair of Kings-pick Choose Pair of Kings once Ace Hero Sling-pick Choose Sling once Updog Item Updog-pick Choose Updog once Poodle Item Soul Link-pick Choose Soul Link once Wretched Crown Item
Awoo! Lose to Alpha 10 times Alpha Leaderboard Caster Cast 100 Spells Spellblade Hero Caster+ Cast 200 Spells Banshee Enemy Caster++ Cast 300 Spells Wisp Enemy Cursed Bolt Cast 1000 Spells Cursed Bolt Item Heal Heal for 300 total Scar Item Change of Heart Heal for 1000 total Change of Heart Item Heal+ Heal for 2000 total Ichor Chalice Item Blessed Ring Shield for 300 Total Blessed Ring Item Statue Roll 300 Crosses Statue Hero Steady Hands Roll 2000 Dice Coin Item Expert Defeat 500 Monsters Events Feature Benevolence Allow enemies to flee 20 times Friendship Bracelet Item Custom Party Masochist Beat Custom Party with every combination of 5x the same hero ? ?
Normal Streak Get to a streak of 2 on Classic Normal ? ? Hard Streak Get to a streak of 2 on Classic Hard The Hand Enemy (Boss) Unfair Streak Get to a streak of 2 on Classic Unfair Forceful Dice Option Brutal Streak Get to a streak of 2 on Classic Brutal ? ? Hell Streak Get to a streak of 2 on Classic Hell ? ?
Indecisive Undo 100 Times Jester Hero I wish I could undo this achievement Undo 500 Times 8 Items* Tier 0 Items
Timing Achievements
Achievement Name Requirements Unlocks Unlock Type
Y***zee Roll all sides 3 pips Ordinary Triangle Item Straight Roll sides with values 1,2,3,4,5 Golden D6 Item Snake-eyes Roll 5 Blank sides Bent Spoon Item Blanked Roll 4+ different types of Blank ? ? Petrified Roll 3 Petrified sides Basilisk Scale Item Fully Petrified Roll 5 Petrified sides ? ? Wand Regret Roll 3 Single-Use Blank sides Wand of Wand Item
Bedtime Equip Pillow and Duvet to the same hero ? ? Encumbered Equip 2 Curse items to the same hero Soul Link, Martyr Items Hoard Equip 3 Items to Hoarder ? ? Collection Equip 3 Items to Collector ? ? Museum Equip 3 Items to Curator ? ? 7 Damage! Equip Gambler’s Ace to Gambler Gambler’s Two Item
Fight End
Barrel Roll Allow a Barrel to flee ? ? Dragon Flight Allow a Dragon to flee ? ? Cheat Death Win the Tarantus Fight with no dead heroes Determination Item Draw Win and lose a fight at the same time Knife Bag Item Survivor Win a fight with only one surviving hero Candle Item Alpha Strike Win a fight on the first turn Hourglass Item Crushed Beat a boss fight on the first turn Spell: Infinity Item Crushed+ Beat the final boss fight on the first turn Roman Numerals Mode Option Last Legs Win a fight with 4+ heroes on 1 HP Relic Item Curse Mastery Win a fight with 7 curses Jinx Enemy Curse Mastery+ Win a fight with 13 curses Curse-Hyper Mode Curse Mastery++ Win a fight with 21 curses Curse Instant Mode
Run End
Hard victory Win a run on Hard Unfair Difficulty Unfair victory Win a run on Unfair Brutal Difficulty Brutal victory Win a run on Brutal Hell + Heaven Difficulty Hell victory? Win a run on Hell? ? ? Classic Hard Victory Win a run on Classic Hard Cursed Mode Speedrun Win a run on Classic Normal with a time of 45m or less ? ? Custom Party 3x Complete Custom Party on Normal or harder with 3 of one hero colour Spell: Light Item Custom Party 4x Complete Custom Party on Hard or harder with 4 of one hero color Red Flag Item Custom Party 5x Complete Custom Party on Unfair or harder with 5 of one hero color Lightning Rod Item Brute Force Complete Custom Party on Unfair or harder with no Red or Blue heroes ? ? All T1 Win a Classic run with only T1 heroes ? ? All T2 Win a Classic run with only T2 heroes De-level Top, Mid, Bottom Curses Quick Shortcut Win a run on Shortcut Normal or harder in 15m or less ? ? Loot Mode Complete any mode with 12+ items Loot Mode Raid Mode Complete any mode with 0 items equipped on the final level Raid Mode Generate Victory Complete Generate Generated Heroes 5% Option Generate Victory Unfair Complete Generate on Unfair or harder Generate Almanac Page Cursed Defeat Get defeated on Cursed Blursed Mode Unfair Defeat Get defeated on Classic Unfair or harder Complex Hard/Easy Option Alone Complete Classic with a single hero in your party ? ? Turns taken <= 50 Complete Classic with 50 or fewer turns-taken Compass Item Turns taken <= 40 Complete Classic with 40 or fewer turns-taken Balance Mode Turns taken <= 35 Complete Classic with 35 or fewer turns-taken Pick Mode Turns taken <= 30 Complete Classic with 30 or fewer turns-taken ? ? Turns taken <= 25 Complete Classic with 25 or fewer turns-taken ? ? Total-deaths = 0 Complete Classic with 0 total-deaths ? ? Undo-count = 0 Complete Classic with 0 undo-count ? ? Crosses-rolled = 0 Complete Classic with 0 crosses-rolled ? ? Total-kills = 0 Complete Classic with 0 total-kills ? ? Damage-taken = 0 Complete Classic with 0 damage-taken ? ? Total-blocked = 0 Complete Classic with 0 total-blocked ? ? Total-healing = 0 Complete Classic with 0 total-healing ? ? Spells-cast = 0 Complete Classic with 0 spells-cast ? ?
Overgrowth Activate Growth on a single side 4 times Smelly Manure Item Ironclad Shield a single hero for 10 Quicksilver Item Inner Strength Give a hero +10 Max HP Siphon Item Immortality Give a hero +20 Max HP Viscera Item Wizard Cast 6 spells in a single turn Deadly Bolt Item NOT FAIR! Stun an enemy with 20+ Max HP Wand of Stun Item Mandrake Have 10+ poison on an enemy Horned Viper Item Green Blood Have 5+ poison on an ally Wine Item Manastorm Accumulate 10 mana Mana Jelly Item Manastorm+ Accumulate 100 mana Lich Finger Item Challenge Accepted Defeat a Dragon before level 20 ? ?
One Ability
Saviour Save 3 heroes with a single ability Shimmering Halo Item Reaper Kill 5 monsters with a single ability Demonic Deal Item Dead Horse Overkill an enemy by 10+ ? ? Chaos Use a side with 4+ keywords Enchanter Hero Chaos+ Use a side with 5+ keywords Ninja Hero Chaos++ Use a side with 6+ keywords Chaos Wand Item Chaos+++ Use a side with 10+ keywords ? ? Oops Lose a hero by using an ability Thimble Item Oops+ Lose 2 heroes by using an ability Glass Helm Item Oops++ Lose 3 heroes by using an ability ? ? Oops+++ Lose 4 heroes by using an ability ? ? Oops++++ Lose 5 heroes by using an ability ? ? Oops+++++ Lose 6 heroes by using an ability ? ? Double-revive Revive 2 heroes with one ability ? ? Triple-revive Revive 3 heroes with one ability ? ? Quadruple-revive Revive 4 heroes with one ability ? ? Pentuple-revive Revive 5 heroes with one ability ? ? Sextuple-revive Revive 6 heroes with one ability ? ?
Spell Targets
Hex hex Cast Hex on Hexia ? ? Die! Cast Blaze on Illusion ? ?
Meta Achievements
Achievement Name Requirements Unlocks Unlock Type
10 Achievements Complete any 10 Achievements 5 T1 Heroes* Heroes 20 Achievements Complete any 20 Achievements 5 More T1 Heroes* Heroes 30 Achievements Complete any 30 Achievements Mimic, Twin Heroes 40 Achievements Complete any 40 Achievements 25 Items* Items 50 Achievements Complete any 50 Achievements 9 Items* Items 60 Achievements Complete any 60 Achievements Simple Mode 70 Achievements Complete any 70 Achievements Mortal Curses 999 Achievements Complete any 999 Achievements (good luck with that) ? ?
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