Space Crew: Legendary Edition – Useful Tips and Tricks

Tips for All Players

The leading fire is based off level

If any of you have played a sim game like War Thunder, Arma, etc., without aim assist and tried to make a 4km shot hitting a helicopter with a tank cannon, you’d know it’s pretty hard to gauge in a split second just where that shell is going to land, especially if you’ve never played the game before. People get better with experience, and accuracy lowers with range.

Some people don’t like the bomber crew thong of using periscope

Well, guess what, it’s not needed and hasn’t been for a long time. There’s a setting in the mess hall pretty much as old as the game called difficulty options; this allows tweaking. You can add an extra gunner here, allowing a 7th crewman or change the tagging from manual to semi-auto (auto if radar station is crewed) or 24/7 automatic.

The boarding

Evasion increases time for them to get behind and grab on. If you fly straight, it’s pretty easy to grab ya…power to engines to buy more time, evasive maneuvers pilot skill once they get behind and before grabbing to shake them off and make them loop around. Or let them board and have the sec officer with phase rifle meet them.


Gravity being powered increases movement speed and that’s it. Disabling it and adding it to engines, especially in early stages, is a godsend for multiple reasons. First, at the start of the game, your evasion is 5%, as in you basically magnet all bullets into your face. Putting a second point into engines speeds you up and doubles evasion, meaning you take less damage and finish missions sooner. Also worth noting, boarding aliens are slow and inaccurate without gravity allowing the sec officer with rifle to take an entire team often without even getting hit.

The biggest tip I can give is to arm your ship with Flak asap, ignore the other options. Flak bypasses shields allowing you to defeat most targets before other weapons would be able to get through their shields. This also allows you to remove all weapon power as they don’t benefit, making them by far the best weapon. (Missiles take second best, as if/when they miss their initial target they’ll pick another and turn towards it if possible, giving extra chances to hit things. They can also work as side turrets supporting flak front and rear as they have a wider field of fire than other turrets as the missiles themselves will hit targets directly above the ship.)

  • Ignore the dual pod weapons entirely; it takes far too long to swap weapons. You’d get far better results just continuing with whatever you were using before.
  • Whoever is doing the anti-boarding with no gravity generator needs the gravity boots; everyone should probably have a set for emergencies.
  • If the game pauses to give you a big warning box, don’t skip it; stop and read over the thing.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 4311 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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