SpellRogue – Tips for Playing Hazel

How to Play as Hazel

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I’ve had great success with Hazel by stacking power and grow. She has quite a bit of multi-hit spells that benefit a lot from it.

If you can get the Maul spell with some power scaling the run is pretty much a win. Maul deals damage and grants you block equal to the unblocked damage.

Find earthquake early if you can, for bosses you want a skill that increases power and find the rare that doubles power. if you can get a crit relic that will help as well for last boss.

There’s also a strong spell that grows on every kill, it can get pretty absurd if you get it early enough.

For me personally I think she is the strongest character to play, the water one i haven’t even completed with yet because there’s so few good damage options and poison is quite slow to build so it’s real bad for regular or elite encounters.


Multi-attack combined with power scales very well.

Here’s an example of a run I won recently. I was lucky to find “Spirit Arrows” early, and then built around it. These spells are probably too rare to find reliably but there’s quite a lot of spells that could be used in similar roles.

The final build relied on these main pieces:

  • Spirit Arrows: Deal 1 Damage to a Random Enemy X times where X is the value of the die spent to cast.
  • Morphosis: Deplete Target Spell: Gain 1 Power for each Charge removed.
  • Gleaming Force: Deal 4 Damage to Target Enemy. When Depleted: Gain 1 Power.
  • (ritual) Arcane Infusion: Spell gains +5 Damage this combat.

Gleaming Force is never actually cast, it’s included as a target for Morphosis to deplete!

When upgraded this means that casting morphosis on gleaming force gives you about +6 power (most from morphosis but also some from gleaming force’s upgraded “+2 power on deplete” trigger. Then, the upgraded spirit arrows attacks 6 times if you plug a 6 into it. So pretty quickly you end up in a position where you plug one 6 into spirit arrows each turn, and it attacks for 6 x 30+ damage. Arcane Infusion is an example of a ritual that boosts the damage of a spell which gets multiplied if you apply it to a multi-attack spell.

You also need to throw in a few other spells to help avoid death until turn 3 or so as your power and damage ramps up.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7615 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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