Spirit City: Lofi Sessions – Troubleshooting Guide (Save Files/Steam Cloud Saves/Direct X)

Saves Workaround

First of all, save files for Spirit City: Lofi Sessions should be saved here on Windows:

  • %userprofile%\appdata\Local\SpiritCity\Saved\SaveGames

You can copy & paste this in your Windows folder explorer URL bar, and land directly at the location.

If you want to disable Steam Cloud Save for privacy reasons

You can do so on a per-app basis in your Steam library. Simply open the options for Spirit City in your library, and in the “General” tab, deactivate Steam Cloud Save for this game.

If you want to reset your save files

Because you’re an early tester, or because you want to simply experience the game from scratch again

You can go to that location and delete everything there. Keep in mind that if you have Steam Cloud Save activated, you will have to turn it off in order to properly reset your files – otherwise Steam would just re-download your last saves.

If you’ve played the game and don’t see any save files in this directory

Ie: the game doesn’t save any progress whatsoever

Try reinstalling the game in a different location such as your main drive where your Windows OS is installed.


General information

The game is running with DirectX11 by default, which has been around for longer and is more common across many different devices including old and recent.

We’ve chosen this so that a majority of players can experience the game with the least amount of friction, as DirectX12 usually involved having to do graphics drivers update for our players which are not always tech-savvy.

Choosing to use DirectX12

Some users might want to use DirectX12 if they’re experiencing graphical issues or to see if they can get any performance gain. And we’ve got you covered!

So If you want to game to use the more recent DirectX12, simply follow this tutorial:

  1. In your Steam library, on the game app Spirit City: Lofi Sessions demo
  2. Hit the cogwheel icon on the top-right to open the options
  3. In the “General” tab on the left, search for the Launch options section
  4. Enter -dx12 in the launch option text bar
  5. Close the options window, then try launching the game again

… and it should fix most issues!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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