STALCRAFT – Guide to Clans (Divisions)

Clans are an integral part of your endgame progression as they unlock clan wars which is currently the primary endgame activity and are the main source of Anomalous serum required for endgame barters.

Clans Guide


To join or create a clan you first need to join a subfaction as clans are tied to them. You can create a clan in your PDA for 5 000 000 (5kk) rubles. Joining a clan is free but you need to be invited first. Currently clans have 30 member slots and 3 levels with more levels that unlock new features currently in the production pipeline.

After you become a clan member all activities that provide barter resources in the North and Army Warehouses/Fool’s Path will now give additional resources called Nanoparticles (or nooparticles). You need to sell these things to a clan vendor to level up your clan and earn money for your clan treasury (they serve no other purpose). You can also sell other stuff to that vendor however only nanoparticles provide clan XP so it is generally not worth it to sell other stuff. Traditionally clan leaders pay members using money from clan treasury for grinding XP with average rate on RU servers being 100 000 rubles for 10 000 XP points.

Additionally after you join a clan you unlock an additional page at the exchange vendor where you can spend casings (currency you receive from clan wars) allowing you to obtain some very useful endgame items but at first you’ll spend most of your currency on anomalous serum required for endgame barters.

Clan Wars

Clan wars in Stalcraft revolve around small camp-like bases in the North. These bases serve as underground shelter from emissions and have a small storage box (I think 3×8 but don’t remember and can’t be bothered to check) and supplier who sells ammo and consumables at increased prices. While only one clan can be a winner of each given war, every member of that clan’s subfaction can access that base and use its facilities. If you leave some loot in the stash of a base and another faction overtakes it, you’ll have to wait for one of the clan from your faction to take it back to access the storage.

So how do you actually participate in CW? First of all, you need to get your clan to level 2. After that you can sign up for the available war for a fee by selecting that base on the map. Even though Yanov is considered to be a stalkers zone and Radar Station bandits one, bandits can still sign up for CWs in Yanov and vice versa. CWs are presented as a tournament bracket with clans divided into groups with up to 4 clans. Winning in a group stage earns you rewards respective of the tier of that base and allows you to proceed further. To actually join the match of the tournament you must proceed to Session Battles section in ESC menu and select Conquests.

During the match players can buy ammo, consumables and special items like FOBs, rally points and barricades using money from clan treasury.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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