STALCRAFT – Session Battles Guide

In addition to activities in the open world Stalcraft features several session based matchmade PVP gamemodes such as your regular TDM/Domination, PvPvE gamemode Dead Time and Clan Wars.

There are also duels with bets, you can mess around with friends but I’m too lazy to explain them. You’ll be able to figure it out yourself, I believe in you

Guide to Session Battles

Standoff Mode

This is your generic PvP gamemode that can be accessed from ESC menu after reaching the Bar. In this gamemode you use your own gear and there’s no gear scaling/normalization so people with better gear will dominate others. This being a gamemode pretty much only for top players and having rather poor rewards, TDM is not really worth your time currently.

Dead Time

Dead time is a 5vs5 gamemode that features 8 unique classes and PvE elements available during 3 time intervals per day. To win a match in Dead Time you need to have a higher score when time runs out (or make the enemy team rage quit). You can earn points by killing enemy players, capturing energy cells and killing the boss (of this gym).

Each team has 4 energy cells they need to capture + 2 in the middle (you can see locations of each one on the map indicated by crossed circles). It is generally recommended that one person picks Hunter class to capture cells around the edge of the map as they spawn mutants so other classes won’t be effective while 4 other players proceed to capture their outpost or if you’re playing in a team with coordination, you can try picking 5 PvP oriented classes and just ignore PvE elements of the mode.

If you decide to engage with PvE elements then after remaining 4 players capture their outpost, 3 proceed to hold the middle section or even try to capture the enemy outpost and the remaining player goes to capture either Server room or Control room. While the Control room will earn you more points, it is harder and more time consuming to capture than the Server room. After one team captures 5 energy cells the Boss will spawn. To unlock the boss room you need to get a key card that is randomly dropped by mobs but you are bound to get it before you capture all 5 cells. To get to the boss room you need to go up the stairs in the corner in the room with wisps cell (purple lines). There’s also a ladder in the server room that leads there as well. Unlocking the boss room, unlocks all entrances to it meaning the enemy team can access it as well. Killing the boss gives your team 2000 points.


While your regular rewards from Dead Time are hardly noteworthy, the weekly reward for achieving 10 wins is pretty good as it is your main source of spare parts that are required for honing your gear past +5. The win counter resets every Wednesday on patch day (might be still Tuesday for NA) so don’t forget to grind it out. On Ru servers DT is available from 10-12am, 2-4pm and 8-10pm server local time to consolidate the playerbase.

Server locations:

  • Germany for EU
  • Texas for NA
  • Singapore for SEA
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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