The missing Digger location in Fool’s Path can be found on the provided image.
Guide to Missing Digger Location
When receiving the quest from Kolya the area displayed will be:

The missing Digger is located here (Yellow arrow is my standpoint):

The Digger is behind a garage wall near the camp nearby:

Afterwards you get a note and have to go back to Kolya (The Bar) – hf and enjoy.
Decodder Location
After finding the missing Digger, the next location for the secret meeting will be revealed inside SW of Dump:

Be careful with PVP, Blackholes and Vortex anomalies in the area, the secret meeting place is inside the small village SW of Dump:

Finding this guy took me ages. He is in the attic of the destroyed house:

Afterwards you need to head back to the Bar.
Guide Location
After finding the secret meeting with the bandit, the next location is inside the Graveyard:

The guide is an NPC sitting at this location: (Agree with the NPC, he teleports you back to the Bar).

Afterwards talk to Kolya and receive a Seer’s Akaban as a quest reward.
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