Starfield – All Ships from Quests (and How to Get Them)

Kepler R / Kepler S

Сrеdit gоеs to eternalreflect !

These ships are obtainable through the quest Overdesigned. You can only obtain one of these. The choices you make during the quest determine which one you get.

You get the quest by talking to Walter Stroud after the Constellation quest “All That Money Can Buy”.

He will ask you to visit his company’s space station in the Narion system and help his team design a new ship.

You’ll be asked about budget options; go for the biggest possible budget. You’ll need to pass a persuasion check to convince the team to go for it, but you won’t be able to get the Kepler R without it. Next, you will need to complete a few bounties from the nearby job board in order to get data on ship performance. Grab a passenger and a bounty mission to cross off more boxes from the objective list. These bounties are randomly generated, but they are very simple and easy to complete. After that you’ll have to go around the team and hear all of their big pitches for features on the ship. When the team lead asks you what to do to resolve this deadlock suggest that everyone makes one cut. Take the design back to Walter and you’ll receive Kepler R.

If you want the Kepler S you want to do the opposite, however I would not recommend it as Kepler R is better in every way.


The quest Mantis, where this ship is from, is obtainable through reading “Secret Outpost!” Data slate which drop from dead Spacers. Additionally you also get a legendary space suit and helmet from this quest.

The slate will lead you to Denebola I-b, you need the slate in order to be able to land at the Mantis lair, otherwise it won’t show up on the moon as a landing option. The enemies you’ll encounter range from Level 8 to Level 30. Once you land you’ll be met with a couple of Spacers, kill them and proceed into the Lair. Go through the Lair and clear it, at the end of it there is a puzzle room with letters on the ground and turrets which will shoot you if you don’t proceed correctly.

The word you want to spell is Tyrannis.

Once you get past the turrets you’ll find both the ship Razorleaf and the legendary space suit. In order to board and fly the ship away you need to press a button that lifts the platform with the ship outside.

Star Eagle

The Star Eagle is acquirable by finishing the Freestar Collective questline which you can start after first arriving in Akila City and helping out with the bank robbery.

After that you’ll be told to speak to a woman if you want to become a Freestar Collective Ranger. You start the questline by talking to her.

UC Prison Shuttle

You get the ship at the end of “Echoes of the Past” which is part of the Crimson Fleet questline. Although I can’t imagine why anyone would want this ship.


This ship is one of the gifts you’ll eventually receive from your parents if you’ve chosen the “Kid Stuff” trait. It has its own questline with your parents, you’ll receive this ship at the end of it.


Starborn Guardian

You unlock this ship by completing the game and starting a New Game+ playthrough.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 13500 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. Kepler designs look uninspired and too fat, Like they were made for a “How to make yourself an easy target for ai”

    PSA: If you have the annoying fan perk he will flood your ship cargo with trash items over time, remember to sell or Jettison unless you like having no room for anything.

      • I am assuming three things:

        1. Class A, Class B, and Class C items are the same size so upgrading does not involve pulling the ship apart to fit and replace things.

        2. There is no way of pulling parts off one ship to add to another.

        3. You do not get any credit on parts pulled and ‘deleted’ AFTER they were installed.

        (I have limited playtime with ship building/upgrading atm)

        • The Class of your ships depends on the kind of reactor you’re using. You can’t take parts from one ship and add them to another. You can’t sell parts but if you deleted them and then buy another part you will get a discount based on the value of the sold part.

  2. Knocked down the kepler R to 3 stories, removed fuel tanks, and upgraded all engines, drives, reactor. Best ship ever now. I have 15k cargo and still nominal mobility and enough reactor juice to keep all weapons maxxed. Loved that ship design quest.

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