So, you suddenly can’t ADS huh. Don’t worry, this should hopefully fix it.
Guide to Fix the Aim Down Sights Bug
The Fix
So, you suddenly can’t ADS.
I too suffered from this awful bug for about 15+ hours of gameplay.
It’s easy an easy fix.
- Step 1: Save and Quit the Game.
- Step 2: Load your save.
- Step 3: Look at the bottom right of your screen, you should see your Cutter slotted in 0/100 Ammo regardless of what gun you are holding.
- Step 4: Go into your inventory, and drop your cutter and while it’s on the floor HOLD E (or your controller pick up button) to Equip it.
- Step 5: Swap to any weapon on your Quick Swap tree.
This should of fixed your ADS bug.
Amazing! i encountered this bug after about 35 hours of play. Thanks for the quick fix