Guide to monolith and stabilizer locations across chapter 5, spoilers ahead.
Chapter 5: Locations of Stabilizer and Monolith
I will call the cipher plates in order of acquired

1 and 2
The coordinates shall follow accordingly.
For example, if the player inserts cipher plate 1 and then cipher plate 2 into the box, they will be taken to the coordinates (1,2). (0,0) will be the default location.
Stabilizer Locations
- In 552, go to the side of the machine.

- In (0,1) go to the room at the bottom to the left, remove the plates in the corner.

- Grab the coil you found at (2,0) and go back to (0,0), plug the coil in the socket of the right most room.

- Go to back to (2,0) and press the button on the wall.

- Go to (0,2) and search behind the valve pipe.

- After blowing up the wall in (2,0) go in and go to the left and up.

- Go to chapter 8 and warp to layer 5.

- Go back to chapter 5, in (0,1) go down until you see the dog statue, turn the knob.

- Go to (2,1), down in the dog staute room, go left and enter the portal.

- Go to chapter 8 and warp to layer 7.

- Go back to chapter 5 and go to 747, go right until you see a cabinet. Open it and get the red key.

- Go to left most and open the door.

- Insert the secrets and go through the portal.

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