Subterrain: Mines of Titan – Console Commands Guide + Save File Location

This guide is about cheats/console commands, how to enable and use it. Also the guide will show you the save file location.

How to Cheat

Warning! This might disable the achievements!

Enabling Commands

  1. Press Ctrl + ~ (tilde) to open the console
  2. Type “CheatMode iamveryafraid” and press enter to enable debug commands

Useful Commands

  • commands – list all commands
  • PlayerGiveAdrenalin
  • PlayerGiveCredit
  • PlayerGiveExp
  • PlayerGivePerkPoint
  • SetAttributeValue (strength, agility, endurance, perception, mutation, …)
  • UnlockAllIDTags

Save File Location

Knowing where a game’s save files are kept can be very helpful in the event of an unintentional data loss or computer breakdown. Here is all the information you want for the Subterrain: Mines of Titan save location.

  • C:\Users\Your Username\AppData\LocalLow\Pixellore Inc\Subterrain Mines of Titan

That’s all you need to know. Losing game progress may be really annoying. It is always wise to take steps to prevent it. Backup your save files!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. The dev seems to have disabled the console command in the game’s latest update.
    Pressing Ctrl + ~ no longer pops the console input window.

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