Guide to Character Creation
When beginning a new game in Sun Haven, you get to create your very own farmer! Choose your race, hair style and color, eyes, facial features, and clothing. The character creation screen features a preview of your farmer on the left with a space for you to name your character. Note that you will not be able to move on into the game without inputting a name.

There are currently seven races for the player to choose from; the races provide small differences in gameplay. Descriptions of each race can be found on the right side of the screen. Some races such as Elf or Demon allow the player to choose wings, headpieces, and tails.
Player Races
Race: Human
The first of the seven races players can choose from is the Human race. Humans begin the game with the Expert Crafter perk, which increases the speed you and other players can craft items by 20%. This is a passive effect that does not need to be activated.
“Resourceful and ambitious, Humans have worked to emerge as one of the most prominent races in the world. A legacy of defying the odds and overcoming every obstacle is the birthright of this industrious race. Humans carry the uncanny desire not just to meet expectations, but surpass them.”
Race: Elf
The second race option available is to be an Elf. Elves have the Elven Eyes perk, increasing damage when using a crossbow by 10%. This is a passive effect that does not need activated.
“Elves are one of the oldest races in the world and are mystically attuned to the flow of life energy around them. Friends to all plants and animals, they are most at home in forests. However, younger members of this race are now spreading out into the world and creating villages where Elves have never been seen before.”
Race: Demon
Race three is the Demon- and grants the Shadow Rush spell perk, allowing a 75% increase in speed for five (5) seconds. This perk will show up as a spell and can be assigned to the spell hotbar, which we’ll go over later in the guide. Shadow Rush has a ten (10) minute cooldown.
“Cunning and resourceful, Demons are creatures of darkness. They thrive in the shadow of night and are driven by their appetite for strength. For what is life’s purpose if not to maintain power? This is the Demons’ creed.”
Race: Angel
Race four is Angel, which has another spell perk called Miracle. Miracle allows the player to heal themselves and other nearby players for twenty (20) health. This perk will show up as a spell and can be assigned to the spell hotbar and has a ten (10) minute cooldown.
“With grace unmatched, Angels are beacons of light in the darkest skies. They act as watches of the world and chronicle the history of everything they see. While not every Angel holds to the same principles, whatever path they choose they will walk with complete devotion.”
Race: Amari
A fan favorite, Amari is the fifth available race players can choose for their character. Amari have the Primal Nature perk, which grants attacks a small chance to restore player health. This is a passive perk.
The Amari race allows you to choose between six body types: dog, cat, bird, fish, green reptile, and orange reptile. This is the only race which allows you to change your snout facial feature.

“The origins of the Amari exist only as unfounded myth. What is known is that the Amari are strongly linked to their primal spirits, making them loyal allies who are in touch with the wilds of the world.”
Race: Elemental
Race option six is the Elemental, and one that I hope the team expands upon. The description mentions fire and water body options, but only the fire body is available at this time. It would be cool to see fire, water, wind, and earth Elemental body types. Elementals have the Elemental Tap spell perk, which allows the player to restore twenty (20) mana to themselves and others every ten (10) minutes. Elemental Tap can be assigned to the spell hotbar.
“The oldest of all races, Elementals exist as ethereal beings with bodies of whipping flame or flowing water. All that is known about them is that they are the result of nature’s chaotic elements mixed with strange and powerful magic. It is thought that the elementals alive today are the same that existed for all time since they seem to have no natural lifespan.”
Race: Naga
Last of the race choices is the Naga, a mermaid-esque race. This race has the Mermaid’s Touch perk, which increases the fishing minigame success zone by 25%. If you like fishing, this is a great choice! Mermaid’s Touch is a passive effect, so no need to activate this one.
Naga have special tails and crowns (hoods) to choose from.

“The Naga are a secretive race, living underground for generations to keep their culture unspoiled by outside influence. Because they have hid from the surface for so long, they have learned most everything about subterranean living. Survival is the keystone of their culture.”
When creating your character, you can choose a starter item pack called a profession. Here’s a rundown of what you get with each profession type.
- 4 tomato seeds
- 4 potato seeds
- 4 onion seeds
- 400 coins
Orchard Farmer
- 2 apple seedlings
- 5 apples
- 5 blueberries
- 500 coins
- 1 chicken
- 1 animal name tag
- 10 animal food
- 500 coins
- 5 permanent movement speed boost
- 8 berries
- 500 coins
- 8 permanent bonus mana
- 3 permanent spell damage boost
- 600 coins
- 8 permanent health boost
- 3 permanent bonus attack damage
- 600 coins
Tool Master
- 1 anvil
- 7 copper bars
- 500 coins
- 1 small fishing net
- 4 carp
- 600 coins
Royalty in Your Last Life
- 1 crown (yellow)
- 1000 coins
- 1 cooking pot
- 6 flour
- 2 sugar
- 400 coins
The Train Ride to Sun Haven
Once you are satisfied with your new adventurer, we are introduced to a train scene involving the player and Lynn, with which you have a conversation about Sun Haven’s safety. Your responses during this scene do not affect future gameplay, but you can increase your friendship (hearts) with Lynn by choosing specific responses. Lynn spots a special charm on your belt- this corresponds to an equippable keepsake (you can change your keepsake later on): Romance, Riches, Adventure, or Peace. Choosing one will produce a pop up in the lower left corner of the screen showing your selected keepsake.
Upon arriving in Sun Haven, we are greeted by two additional characters pivotal to Sun Haven’s government systems, Lucia and Nathaniel. They welcome the player with open arms. Nathaniel will see Lynn to her new home, and Lucia will see the player to their farm.
Your adventure in Sun Haven has officially begun! Keep an eye on the bottom left of your screen for tutorial pop ups. These can be turned off in the in game settings menu.
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