Useful Tips for Stats
Once of the nice things about this game is even if you don’t meet weapon requirements, you can still use weapons (at a tiny penalty to attack power).
But the penalty for not meeting requirements is minimal compared to the attack power gains from stat scaling…
Option 1: The “Easiest”
Strength and Vitality ignore every other stat…
Vitality around 30 > everything else into Str
Just make sure you prioritize using a weapon with high Strength scaling.
Option 2: Will Work, But Max Damage Capability Is Reduced
To be more well rounded go with Vitality 30 and an even split between Dex and Str — Doing this will allow you to use MOST weapons effectively (except the few that scale with focus). The only thing is you won’t be doing “maximum damage” possible.
Option 3: A Safer Option, But Requires Saving Souls
The final option would be to go 30 vit, 20 str, 20 dex then save souls till you find a weapon you like (though this is obviously risky)
And once you find a weapon you like, focus that primary scaling stat for that weapon. You won’t be AS optimized for end game, but at least you will be able to use the weapon you prefer.
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