The Lost Village – Skill Work Explained + How to Pair Them with Weapons

The Guide

Purple and Gold Body Types give you a special passives when you breakthrough to the Foundation, Condensed, and Tribulation or Nascent level. At least one of these passives will be specific to the weapon associated to that Body Type. Dragon = Spear, and I believe the passive received at Foundation is +12% CRT.

Blue, Purple and Gold body type (I’d prefer to call that “constitution”) will have a chance to gain special passive ability (again I prefer to call them “perks”) when breakthrough. which grant you special passive ability that enhance specific weapon. You can see them at lower right corner in detailed character information screen.

But, if your character hasn’t been granted any weapon specified perk then you don’t need to worry about what weapon your character should use – none of them get any bonus anyway.

And sometimes you might acquire some godly weapon (very powerful skill on weapon) then you can consider ignore the weapon enhance bonus perk your character has. An extra skill somehow more powerful than bonus.

For skills, go to collection in the town screen and there on the left is the “Archive” button. This will display the 3 skills you get from the book.

Every disciple has a way they need to be focused to be truly effective in battle based on both their base stats, since not everyone starts with the same ones, and the Traits that they have when recruited.

  • Body type that gives HP on breakthrough with traits enhancing HP/DEF/CRR/DODG.

Turn them into a Tank. A skill setup that is decent is: Bloody (Toxic Cloud) Semi-Devil (Toxic Cloud, Ruthless Sword (Ruthless Sword), Qisha Stare (Blade Flurry), Peace-Sword (Iron Armor), Dust Sword (Iron Armor)

Note: All gear effects apply during combat, so during bosses/sect war/dungeon/bloody land/tower.

How to know which skillbook gives what skills?

Press “L” and it brings up a screen that shows all SKill Books that have been found/arrived on a disciple and also lets you look at formations. It lists the books and the three skills that you get when learning that book, the static stat bonus, the bonus granted in the tile laying illusion realm, and the bonus passive ability they grant.


In an effort to optimize my playstyle and spend less time dealing with the non-combat focused disciples, I added a modifier to the start of their name e.g. Yaun Xia => *Yaun Xia. I keep Notepad open and tally them up there as they are recruited and fit one of my teams. I take in recruits as a stopgap, but happily expel them when someone else comes along that properly fills that role.

This is the breakdown that I settled on as it fit what I needed. adjust this however you need!

  • Top 9 – 9 disciples = These are the 9 disciples you use the most for combat; no more than 2 that fill the same role
  • Combat – 27 disciples = These fill out the rest of your combat roster for things boss battles and sect wars
  • Slacker/Immortal/Smart – 22 disciples = These decrease the Mental/Stamina/Both consumption of the disciples they are assigned to jobs like the crafting tower and the aura bottle, as they don’t actually produce anything,
  • Crystal I-VI – 20 disciples = These are your dedicated Crystal workers.
  • Hardwork/Recyler/Butcher – 42 disciples = These Traits increase the base production of the disciple.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2273 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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