White Start Screen Issue [Fixed]
This guide helps fix the White Start Screen Problem. You might have this problem if the Borderless Screen option is on. To fix it, turn off this option in the graphics settings file.
For that we have to go to:
…\steamapps\common\No Man's Sky\Binaries\Settings\
And here, select the file TKGRAPHICSSETTINGS.MXML and open it.

This is graphic settings’ file. You can edit it with Notepad or Notepad++ right-clicking and selecting [Open with…]
In this file, you have to find these lines:
<Property name="FullScreen" value="false" />
<Property name="Borderless" value="true" />
And change them by:
<Property name="FullScreen" value="true" />
<Property name="Borderless" value="false" />
Save the file and close it. Now you should have this problem fixed!
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