The Mortuary Assistant – All the Pieces Achievement Checklist

Checklist on what to look for the achievement All the Pieces.

Checklist to Obtain All the Pieces Achievement


All the Pieces requires you witness all the ‘major story events’. Whether haunts constituents as story events, I’ll list them anyways just in case they count towards the achievement.

Note: If you missed the achievements ‘The Phone’s Dead!’ and ‘No Way Out’, don’t worry. As of writing this, I haven’t unlocked them so they do not count towards ‘All the Pieces’.

Note 2: It took me 11 runs to unlock this achievement.

Let’s begin:

  1. Unlock all endings. This includes selecting the right demon, selecting the right demon for a second time, failing to select the right demon, basement ending and closure ending. See other guides to finish them. There’s also the ending where Raymond puts you in a coffin if you take too long. In total, I’ve seen two variations of this ending.
  2. There will be two (2) apartment haunts.
    A) First apartment haunt will have you collect items around the apartment and end with a demon jumping on you.
    B) A second apartment haunt will have you picking up the phone to head outside.
  3. Grandma. Grandma should show up two (2) times.
    A) Grandma should show up right outside the window when you’re embalming. She’ll be there for about 2-3 minutes.
    B) Grandma will show up in either one of the hallways, doesn’t matter which. I got her in the room to the cremation room but I’ve seen her in the opposite hall online. I think if you try to leave to the embalming room while she is at the window, you’ll trigger this. I’ve seen this two ways.
  4. Dad. Grab the necklace in the apartment(in a drawer underneath the TV) and it’ll be in the drawer next to the Methanol. Dad will appear twice(minus the phone calls in Rebecca’s apartment haunt), maybe three times*.
    A) An event will happen when you sink into the floor of the bathroom. Rebecca wakes up near water and sees her dad slip and die.
    B) This event happens when you teleport to an underground area. You’ll see Dad on a table. I’ve killed Dad and given him the necklace. It’s unclear if you have to do both or just see him on the table.
    C) I’ll include this here because I’m unclear of who it is, but during a certain haunt, you’ll see a coffin in the middle of the hallway leading to the cremation room. Interact with it. I’ve also seen Dad on the table in the embalming room.
  5. Rebecca. Make sure to grab the coins(located where the necklace is; see Dad section for location). You’ll experience two (2) Rebecca events.
    A) Rebecca will be seen hung on the way to embalming room. If you don’t already, grab the coins from the drawer in the embalming room, and give them to Rebecca. Like Dad before, I have and have not given Rebecca the coins.
    B) This one is a little long. At one point, Rebecca will teleport to a Medical Ward. Look at everything. I checked the anti-depressants just in case. Grab the ‘High Risk’ key about 3/5 of the way through the Medical Ward(you’ll find it in a room with a floating desk). Find the ‘High Risk’ room. Before clicking on Rebecca’s head, I interacted with the coin in her right hand. There’s two notes to read in this room. On the cabinet to the left, and to the right. There’s also a box containing another copy of the ‘5 year coin’ and ‘Dad’s necklace’. I looked at those just in case.
  6. Hatch. This one took about 8 runs to appear. A giant hatch will appear in the cremation room, you can’t miss it. Head towards it and enter. You’ll head to a door, grab some numbers and a key, head out. A quick cut scene will play and you’ll be outside. You’ll find documents and a tape in the basement after you get the code(Note: you don’t need the Hatch to spawn in the cremation room to enter the basement as you can just enter the code regardless. You will want the Hatch in cremation room at least once).
  7. Audio tapes and documents. I believe there are five (5) audio tapes in total. There are three audio tapes in the main building, one in the basement and one in a haunt. I’ll cover this haunt again but you’ll find this audio tape when you are teleport to an underground area. You’ll see a bucket hanging down and the audio tape will be on a table to the right. The audio tape in the basement is in the drawer where all the papers are. As far as documents, not including the documents you find in Rebecca’s haunt, there are four. One underneath the tablet cabinet in a drawer(near the computer), a note in the drawer next to the methanol, and two documents in the basement.
  8. Mom and bucket.
    A) Mom will appear in the bathroom mirror. I believe you head down the main hall and pass out to start this event. After the event, there will be a photo sitting at the bottom of the mirror. Exam it. You won’t be able to take it so just leave it be.
    B) I’ve had this event occur when I’m using the Trocar in the abdominal cavity. Blood will drip on the stomach and transport you underground. You’ll find a bucket on the string in this cave like area. Make sure to grab the audio tape to the right if you haven’t already.
  9. Ghosts. I highly doubt these count towards the main story achievement but I will run towards ghost/demon that I can interact with. It just involves the demon throwing me on the ground. Again, I don’t think these count but there is no way to check.

This will definitely take some time. I’ve read people finishing this achievement in about 9 runs, took me 11.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

1 Comment

  1. For 8, just wanted to add that it’s not mom, it’s Vallery, since she’s the one whose blood is being used to make the reagent. Same with 4C.
    You are missing the haunt with Rebecca’s mom. It’s the one where she’s dead of an overdose in the apartment, and then her body contorts and the demon grabs you

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