Here is 100% achievement guide for the Past Within game.
How to Obtain All Achievements
The Past – Chapter 1
1 – Behind the mask (Unmissable)
- Put on the mask when you get it.
2 – Bone, Flesh and Blood (Unmissable)
- Place the bone, flesh and blood into the machine.
3 – The Past has changed (Unmissable)
- Beat chapter 1
4 – Catch me if you can
- Click on the critter inside the critter picture.
- Then click on the rose multiple times to make the critter fly away.
- After the vase breaks, the critter will be on the lantern at the mirror.
5 – You know what to do
- After looking at the picture of the crow and clicking on it, look at yourself in the mirror.
6 – The Devil
- After corrupting Albert’s corpse, check in the grave for the tarot card.
The Past – Chapter 2
7 – Ear on the inside (Unmissable)
- Send the flesh to the future.
8 – Dead eye (Unmissable)
- Stab the voodoo doll with the needle.
9 – Rooted in The Past (Unmissable)
- Beat chapter 2.
10 – Breaking in
- Trap the critter inside the hidden compartment of one of the gears.
11 – Victor
- Keep clicking the keys on the piano.
12 – Hidden treasure
- Put in the gems without any false placements.
The Future – Chapter 1
1 – Who is that? (Unmissable)
- Finish the lens puzzle and look through to see young Rose and keep clicking on her.
2 – The year of The Future (Unmissable)
- Correctly enter the year of the future inside the terminal.
3 – The Future is ever changing (Unmissable)
- Beat chapter 2.
4 – Checkmate
- Finish the chess puzzle without making a false move.
5 – A tooth for a tooth
- Finish the teeth puzzle only after having hit the next tooth after the other player obtains bone.
6 – Squeak
- Click on the mouse whenever you see it.
The Future – Chapter 2
7 – All ears (Unmissable)
- Get the ear inside the room.
8 – There will be blood (Unmissable)
- Resurrect Albert with bone, flesh and blood.
9 – Branching out (Unmissable)
- Beat chapter 2.
10 – Frankenstein
- When doing the flesh puzzle with the poison, water and coffee, do not mess up.
11 – No way out
- Repeatedly click on the mouse running around.
12 – Harvey’s Song
- Play Harvey’s Song on the radio (about 97.0, very precise) then look at the mirror.

I managed to miss “The past has changed” (which is marked here as unmissable)…
Does anyone know how to do it?
I don’t get what I have to do for the ‘A tooth for a tooth’ achievement. I’ve tried several times but I haven’t unlocked it yet.
I’ve tried to do Squeak 2 times now and feel like I’ve definitely clicked the rat whenever I saw it but no luck. Any tips?
make sure the mouse is standing still next to the computer and not running by, you may need to click it on multiple occasions of the mouse standing still
I somehow didn’t get Who is that? in a full future walkthrough
I’ve tried to do Squeak 2 times now and feel like I’ve definitely clicked the rat whenever I saw it but no luck. Any tips?
make sure the mouse is standing still next to the computer and not running by, you may need to click it on multiple occasions of the mouse standing still
i think for both the bee route and the butterfly route harvey’s song is somewhere at 97. thanks for the guide btw helped me so much!!!!
For “Rooted in The Past”, you have to complete the past and watch the full ending credit. I actually missed it on my first playthrough xD
For “Harvey’s Song”, the numbers are different for bee route and butterfly route.
pretty sure Frankenstein is missable cause I missed it lol