The Past Within – Hidden Scrolls Guide (How to Obtain)

This guide will describe how to obtain the hidden scrolls in The Past within.

Guide to Secret Scrolls


Beware of spoilers!

As some of you may have noticed the Rusty Lake youtube channel has been broadcasting some strange streams of a black cube.

The community has discovered that by solving the clues hidden in these streams you can find Hidden Scrolls in the game. In this guide I’ll explain how to find your hidden scrolls!

MemoryCube Recording 02481

The clues in this stream lead to the message “Year Of Birth”, if you put in “1867” (Albert’s birthyear) into the future computer when it asks for the year of the memory you will be prompted with the image of the smoke-and-gas discharge puzzle. Slide the slider into the following position(from left to right); Top: 2, Middle: 4, Bottom: 4.

To obtain the first scroll.

MemoryCube Recording 02715

The clues in this stream lead to the message “Remember The Books In The Cabin” which points towards the books placed in the first official TPW trailer, the books have symbols in them which can be used on the big box on the floor in the past. use the following symbols to unlock the box and collect the second scroll:

MemoryCube Recording 02932

The stream was filled to the brim with a collection of tiny puzzles each being paired up with an “X” or “O” in the top left corner. When deciphered the community quickly discovered that the puzzles lead towards items found on the chalkboard in Chapter 2 of the future. When every item accompanied with an “O” is circled they obtained the third scroll, so to get the scroll do the following:

In Future Chapter 2, when you’ve obtained the chalk go to the whiteboard and circle the following including the scroll:

Small note: the stream also contained some other “puzzles” that remain unsolved; namely some weird nose and what sounded to be parts of a piano song.

MemoryCube Recording 03152

The stream opened up with a “loading” Bar, when this was completed the steam trading cards for The Past Within dropped. The 8 cards each contained a letter in their extended artwork, referring to a note on the piano. After that followed 16 small puzzles the community had to decipher each note with x/16 in the top left corner. The puzzles when solved led to a note on the piano.

The scroll discovered in this stream can be obtained in the past chapter two, unlock the piano and play the following:

Order – Note

  • 1 – A
  • 2 – B
  • 3 – C
  • 4 – D
  • 5 – C
  • 6 – D
  • 7 – E
  • 8 – G
  • 9 – E
  • 10 – D
  • 11 – C
  • 12 – B
  • 13 – C
  • 14 – B
  • 15 – A
  • 16 – G

MemoryCube Recording 03669

This stream recapped the scrolls from all the previous streams and also contained slivers of a commercial, which Rusty Lake uploaded after the stream was done.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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