The Suicide of Rachel Foster – Walkthrough Guide

A brief PC walkthrough of The Suicide of Rachel Foster. Your ending may vary.

Guide to Walkthrough


  • Read the notes by clicking through to gain some info on the story.
  • Meanwhile move forward every time it switches to the funeral umbrellas.
  • Once completed a cut scene will happen and the camera will shift to the casket.
  • A new cut scene will occur and a car is driving up a snowy road while the radio talks about the weather.
  • When the cut scene is done, you’ll be in a garage.
  • Feel free to look around but when you are ready to head in the only door that’s accessible.
  • Go up the stairs and explore.
  • In the back of the office area, the room opposite of where the American flag is on the first floor sits a voicemail machine on a desk – listen to it.
  • Play through the different voicemails and feel free to explore the office as it plays.
  • Afterwards, it’ll present the Map feature so for PC’s hit ‘M’ which will pull up the map and also close it.
  • With this map, you can find your ‘To-Do’ list which hints at what’s going.
  • A layout of the buildings to help navigate this gigantic layout.Once done head out to the main area to the right-hand side of the room and go up either staircase to the next floor where the wild designed carpet is.
  • Feel free to explore but eventually make your way to the back left of the red hallway and enter the ‘Master Suite’.
  • Head to the door in the back with the poster on it and open it, this was your old room.
  • Look around and pick up the key on the desk.
  • Look around a bit more and the phone should start to ring.
  • Pick it up and a cut scene will happen where a conversation will then begin
  • Follow the noise to the overlook and the shutters will blow off – click when the report icon appears.
  • Click through the conversation using your mouse and scroll button to pick/select options.
  • Afterward head down to where you began, the garage, and click on your car to start the phone call.
  • Go to the garage door and press the button – it will get stuck.
  • Another phone call happens and now begins the official day counter!

Day 1

  • You will wake up in the master suite and hop on the phone.
  • As this conversation happens walk down to the first floor.
  • Make your way through the office where the message machine is and head through the door left of it.
  • Head up the stairs, go through the kitchen double doors, take the first right, head down the stairs, and into the boiler room.
  • A phone call will occur, during it head to the three buttons between the furnaces.
  • When the call ends hit the button and the furnace will start, you’ll then hop back on the call.
  • Head to your room in the master suite.
  • Play the bass to trigger the next cut scene.

Day 2

  • When you wake up you will be on the overlook.
  • Hop on the call and click through the conversation.
  • Head to the kitchen and go to the left of the doors we used earlier to check out the pantry.
  • Report the moldy food.
  • Head to the freezer room right of the double doors and enjoy the moment of anxiety once you find the beans.
  • A cut scene will trigger where you will be locked in.
  • Get out by clicking the door again and head to microwave to cook your beans.
  • Use the microwave, cook them up and eat.
  • Afterwards you will be asked to start the inspection on the second floor by yourself.
  • Get ahead and make your way there.
  • Moldy floor/wall area.
  • Sealed door.
  • Head towards the ringing phone and pick it up when available to do so.
  • Click through the call and the day will end.

Day 3

  • When you wake up you are in your room, click through the call.
  • Head to the first floor and go to the staff area.
  • Opposite of where the broken TV, on the left-hand side of the wall, is a closet where on a shelf sits a flashlight you can pick up – do so.
  • Next to that same shelf is a crawl space, open it and click through the call.
  • Head through the crawl space and follow the red cables which will lead you removable grating which leads to a room in the garage that wasn’t accessible before.
  • Go through and pull the electrical board lever.
  • Click on the lipstick on the desk and click through the call.

Day 4

  • When you wake up you will be staring at a wall of clues, click through the call and report everything you see on the wall before you.
  • Next move down to desk and report everything with a piece of yellow tape below it.
  • Click through the call.

Day 5

  • You will wake up in a snow-covered area in a breezy forest somewhere with a mans voice talking.
  • In the distance is red smoke, head to it.
  • You will be moving slowly so the conversation can play out, reach the fire and the next day will begin.

Day 6

  • When you wake up you are in the kitchen of the master suite, click through the phone call.
  • Head to room ‘117’, room with green tape above handle.
  • Report the latch on there and you will be prompted to get a screwdriver.
  • Head to the area in the garage where the level was and grab the screwdriver.
  • Go back to the room and unscrew the latch that keeps it closed.
  • Turn left and pick up the device on the desk.
  • On the desk in the middle of the room is a small TV, click on it and watch the video.
  • Stuff will occur and you will be on another call.

Day 7

  • When you wake up, Merry Christmas! You will be in the master suite and immediately hop on a call.
  • Head to the back near the cleaning supplies and locate the crawl space on the wall.
  • Go through and click through the call.
  • Use the sound device and locate the sound you keep hearing.
  • It will lead you to the ball room and behind the stage.
  • Open the door on the right and you will see a picture of the ballroom from back in the day.

Day 8

  • You will awake in a church that is attached to the property.
  • In my play through I went back to the property and a call eventually came through after wandering for a good minute, they re-directed me back to the church.
  • Thinking you can just stay in the church here but if not follow what I did above.
  • Explore the church and report different items located within.
  • Once done head back through the hallway and before you go up the stairs head to the left of them.
  • Access the crawl space on the wall.
  • Follow it to a room in the back.
  • Snag the key on the left-hand side bed table.
  • Head to Leonard’s Room.
  • Use the key to access the hockey music box on the right of the door.
  • Pick up the medal.

Day 9

  • When you wake up you are in front of the sealed door.
  • Head to the ‘Mezzanine’ [area where the staircase leads up to the floors above off the base floor where you check in].
  • Before you go up the stairs head to the left-hand side and look on the right where a craw space is hidden on the wall.
  • Access it and go through to find a creepy display of mannequins.
  • Go to the sealed room and now you can enter as the seal has been removed.
  • Head in and check out the radio transmitter.
  • Handle the phone call while you explore the grim discoveries.
  • Head to the room that is marked private in the back and head up stairs.
  • Snag the key off the checkered board then head to the projector and click on it.
  • Afterwards head to the garage and open the truck and pick up whats inside.
  • Go to the laundry room and use the sink on the far back right-hand side.
  • Click report and soon you’ll hear footsteps.
  • When you wake back up you’ll be in a car with a decision to make.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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