Quick Guide to Ruins
When conquered and occupied, the numerous ruins found around the world provide a variety of benefits and prizes.
- Buffs
- Region Territory
- Daily Rewards
Each ruin has its own buff when occupied.

Region Territory:
The guild that occupies a ruin will gain control of the region’s territory, allowing guild members to teleport there using guild relocation.
Daily Rewards:
You can claim 50 diamonds and 1 silver chest for each ruins you occupied.

How to Conquer a Ruin
There are two stage you have to win before you can occupy the ruins:
- Ruins Guardian – These are the monsters you have to defeat first before the barrier.
- Barrier – Barrier stage is where you will fight the heroes of the defending guild.
There is an option to Scout, Attack or rally a ruin:
- Scouting will reveal the defending guild’s heroes stationed at that ruin..
- attack will send your team marching to hit the ruin.
- Rallying will enable your guild members to join your attack and hit the ruin together..

Players can also review their damage in the ruins battle logs.

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