Strinova – Sensitivity Guide

This guide helps you convert your mouse sensitivity from a first-person-only shooter, like Overwatch or Valorant, to Strinova, which has both first-person and third-person perspectives.

Guide to Convert Mouse Sensitivity

While matching 360 distance—the distance your mouse travels for a full 360-degree turn—might seem like the obvious solution, it falls short because it doesn’t account for the differences in aiming mechanics between first and third-person. I came up with three methods to help you convert your sensitivity:

  1. Scoped Tracking Speed for consistent tracking across games.
  2. 360 Distance Tracking Speed for aligning 360 distance across games. 
  3. Hybrid Approach for balancing both tracking and movement. 


*One to One (1:1) ADS Sensitivities:
Shoulder-Firing 1.00
Light Weapons 0.92
Marksman Rifle 0.88
Bolt-Action Rifle 0.83
*Hybrid ADS Sensitivities:
Shoulder-Firing 1.00
Light Weapons 0.67
Marksman Rifle 0.64
Bolt-Action Rifle 0.61

Matching Scoped Tracking Speed

  • Focuses on matching scoped tracking speed or “feel.”
  • Is 1:1 (at the cost of slower 3rd person movement).
  • Hipfire sensitivity is slower than in a first-person game, but this is so aiming down sights does not feel off.
  • When to Use: If you ADS often and prefer to have a more stable sensitivity. Especially recommended if you like sniping. 

  Matching 360 Distance Tracking Speed

  • Hipefire and scoped sensitivity feel like other games. 
  • NOT 1:1, but some people still like it. 
  • Ideal if you like to have a faster freelook speed and a more stable ADS speed. 
  • When to Use: Mix of ADS and Hipfire, with no preference for one or the other. 

Hybrid Approach: Balancing Tracking and 360 Distance

  • Focuses on matching hipfire tracking speed or “feel.”
  • Is 1:1 (at the cost of a faster 1st person movement).
  • If you are mainly using hipfire and do not want ADS speed to feel any slower, this is for you. 
  • When to Use: Hipfire demon.

*Note: You need to be subscribed to to access some settings, and the scoped sensitivities might be +/- 1 depending on your sensitivity. This difference is negligible. 

Matching Scoped Tracking Speed


The focus of this method was matching my Overwatch ADS tracking speed, which is the speed at which you have to move your mouse to track a moving target (while aiming down sights).

Personally, as a Widowmaker/Kanami main, these are the settings I use. Since you need to ADS to be effective, you want to be able to transition from hipfire to scoped with minimal adjustment.

As you can see in the example above, my 360 distance is actually slower in Strinova than it is in Overwatch (~54.9cm vs ~40cm). The conversion is based on the tracking speed of my Overwatch scoped sensitivity, so it’s not expected to have the same 360 distance.

If you do not have premium, you can use the 1:1 values above and this formula below to convert from Overwatch hipfire to Strinova hipfire:

  • OW Hipefire / 2.8571429 = Strinova Hipfire +/- 0.01

Matching 360 Distance Tracking Speed


This is usually how the default conversion is set up. Basically, your hipfire and scoped sensitivity feel the same for both games. 

So this is the best of both worlds… right? Wrong. Since Strinova is in the third person, and most other games are in the first person, there is no way to match sensitivities so that the hipfire/ADS in both games are 1:1. Basically, you have to choose to match the hipfire and scoped sensitivities at the sacrifice of 1:1 aim, or vice versa.

Now, there are some benefits to this. If you like having a faster free-look speed and a slower ADS speed, then you might actually like this. Many people play this way since it is the default for mouse sensitivity.

If you do not have premium, you can use mouse sensitivity to convert your hipfire sensitivities (make sure 360 distances are similar) and then use the hybrid values above.

Hybrid Approach: Balancing Tracking and 360 Distance

Now, this is the last method and is what I recommend for everyone who prefers to hipfire.

Basically, you take the 1:1 values above, and then use the same 360 distance (which you can calculate for free) in both games. This gives you the benefit of having one-to-one sense and keeping the same 360 hipfire sensitivity between games. Your Aim Labs training now won’t go to waste!

Now, as mentioned above, while the sensitivity is 1:1, your ADS might feel too fast for some people. However, I tried this method for a while, and I think this method works the best, assuming you mainly hipfire. This is also what many people have settled on when trying things on their own.

Oh, and on the topic of Aim Labs, here are the scoped zoom levels of each gun:

  • Light Weapons (Actual Zoom: 1.358517x).
  • Marksman Rifle (Actual Zoom: 1.687672x).
  • Bolt-Action Rifle (Actual Zoom: 2.997184x).
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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