Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader – How to Fight Against Edge of Daybreak

How to Beat Edge of Daybreak

Fight Against Edge of Daybreak

You might miss the most important mechanic of this fight (which gets even worse due to bugs) so I’ll explain it. When EoD steps through a portal, he summons a bunch of pink demons and a herald of Tzeentch. He also covers himself in a blue force field. As long as that force field is up, EoD is basically invulnerable (takes 2 points of damage maximum per hit).

One of the demons he just summoned is sort of the catalyst that keeps that force field alive. That demon gets exposed when EoD takes even a single point of damage or when that demons gets attacked. You can (or should when it’s not bugged) see a faint shimmer around the demon that keeps the force field alives AS SOON as EoD has taken damage and when you check the details of that demon, you’ll also see a special ability (or effect) on that demon that tells you he’s the one that keeps the force field up.

Another way to identify that demon is to deal damage to him (by chance, as you don’t know which one it is) and unlike the other demons, when he’s taking damage or getting shot at, he will start to run away even though it’s not his turn. Then you know it’s him. You need to kill that demon and only then the force field will collapse. At that point you theoretically could start damaging EoD were it not for his extremely high armor value (over 150% IIRC).

As I said, it only makes sense to unload on EoD when his shield is down. Unfortunately, he summons his portal every other round which means he also summons the demons in that round and reestablishes his shield. The good news is, if you haven’t killed the demon that keeps his shield intact during the two rounds before, then it’s still the same demon, so you could wait for EoD to do his portal thingy, then quickly kill the shield demon and then have 2 rounds time to unload on EoD

It’s very important to have your operatives stack exploits on EoD and have, if possible, one operative put that heroic debuff with -30% armor/dodge on him. Make sure not to inadvertently remove the exploits by poking EoD with one of your operatives. Use “expose weakness” when his shield is down and then nuke him

You may be tempted to ignore the Heralds of Tzeentch that start to pile up after a while. Don’t! While one or two aren’t that problematic, three or four become a problem when they start focusing your squishy characters and/or EoD decides to come out of a portal next to your squishy characters and stomp on one of them for ~80 damage.

EoD himself is very controlable, so my advise is to “clean up” after him each time he spawns demons (at least make sure to kill the Herald), and keep stacking exploits on him until you manage to kill his shield demon the turn he just used a portal and then pepper him for two turns while he’s got no shield and you lowered his armor. If you manage to always “clean up” after him, the fight becomes tediously long but remains under your control and you can chip away his HP bit by bit.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

1 Comment

  1. Jeesus i hate this boss fight. The fact i had to come here to find out why i had a TPK s f-ed upp.

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