Shard Farming
At the waypoint East of Fort Koken in Frostmarch, take a right (west) out of the ruins and look to your right immediately.
There is a chance of an Egg containing a Star Shard, if it’s not there simply return to menu and log back into the world.
It can take a few attempts as the spawn chance is relatively low, but it is by far the fastest and easiest method to obtain Star Shards.

Halcyon Orb Farming
Map Layout
I ran the Codex Hall many times. I saw a pattern in the portal locations and Halcyon Orb room spawns. When the portals are diagonal, the Halcyon Orb room spawns 90% of the time. To farm Halcyon Orbs, keep leaving and rejoining until you get a map with diagonal portals like in the images.
The attached image shows the full map layout:

This is map layout without the fog:

General Farming
Click to enlarge…

Lost Kite Farming
Making Lost Kite more efficient!
But this might make Lost Kite farming more efficient:
- You must have at least one other party member.
- Player A must be at the part of the quest to turn it in to Lost Kite.
- Player B must be at the part of the quest to look for and kill the Shrike.
- Queue for The Pit (Sphere 4, imbuement not necessary) and turn off matchmaking to make it faster and not ruin other players’ runs.
- If only one of you has the quest marker, abandon the zone and go back to Step 4. Else, proceed.
- Have player A turn in the quest and get a new one.
- And then, player B heads over to kill the Shrike, submits the quest, and gets new one.
- Basically, this will ensure that you both finish the quest every run.
- This means Player A and Player B swap roles after every successful run.
- It is imperative that step 6 happens first before step 7 and that Player A DOESN’T turn in the quest after step 7.
- Also make sure to track the quest again after getting a new one.
- If the distance of the marker is over 300 or high 200 meters, there’s a good chance that it goes through the Excavation Unit event (Escort the drill). Your choice if you want to actively abandon just because of it. But a tip here would be to have one player wait at the drill while the other looks for the fuel.
Misc. Tips
- Glimmering Verdant Spectra – Dropped for me from creatures in southern highlands (Bears and sometimes goblins)
- Treasure Phoenix Down – Dropped from me on phoenix kills from the event where you have to kill just 1 phoenix. Had this event only appear in the mine so far (Not sure if it can spawn in other dungeons)
- Glimmering Cragged Spectra – Like the verdant version you can get this in the southern highlands. Dropped from goblins and white crystal clusters in the area.
- Nights Maw Viscera – Night’s Maw is the worm boss in the highlands. Travel to Codex Halls, run up the stairs towards the dungeon and turn right. Run down into the big cave opening and keep to the right. You should end up in a room with a few small worms and 3 bone piles near the wall opposite the entrance. From this part I’m not sure if a event need to be triggered or if it is possible at any time. Basically you need 3 worm bait. You can find those from treasure piles all over the highlands. Place a bait on every bone pile and the boss will spawn. There is a time limit to kill him (I think 8 or 10 minutes)
- Archaic Bone – These can drop from an event in the mines gloomdungeon. So far it spawned for me only in the bloodworks. It’s a relatively small drill on the ground you can interact with. It requires 1 godsblood & 1 imbuement to be sent off. Afterwards you have to search the dungeon for where the drill reappeared. (This can be in areas you have already cleared)
- Bloodwarped Spectra – Can be farmed from red crystal clusters in the mines gloomdungeons.
Wingrave Materials Farm
- Molten Spectra: Lost Zones with a Solar Imbuement (Power: 96-655)
- Glimmering Molten Spectra: Lost Zones with a Solar Imbuement (Power level: 752 – 1,637)
- Glimmering Shadow-warped Spectra: Lost Zones with Shadow Imbuement (Power level: 752 – 1,637)
- Gem of Avarice: Dropped by Treasure Goblins
- Archaic Bone: You have to find a drill in the Bloodworks (and only in this map), put the Godsblood and any Imbuement, it triggers an even called What Lies Beneath, the Drill will disappear, you have to find it in the map. When you find it, kill all the enemies and you can drop the Archaic Bone from the Drill
- Treasure Phoenix Down: You have to complete the Treasure Phoenix event that you can find in Lost Zones
Vestige (You Need 3 of Each):
- Vestige of Wingrave’s Courage: Bloodspawn boss
- Vestige of Wingrave’s Faith: The First boss
- Vestige of Wingrave’s Prowess: The Argent Hand boss
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