Wildmender – Tools Guide

Tools and Equipment

This is meant to reflect the Player’s Journal.

Currently, there is no toolbar, however there is a UI display in the bottom left that shows the current active tool.

There are three methods to changing tools.

  1. The mouse scroll wheel.
  2. Number bar (fixed keybinds)
  3. Hold “T” for a radial wheel



Every player starts with this item. It slowly leaks over time. Plants can be manually watered with it. It has a maximum capacity of 75 units of water. Each unit of water counts as one unit of player hydration as well as plant hydration. If enough water is poured from the bottle in a small area, a puddle may form. When pouring water, 15 units (maximum) at a time are released upon the ground.

Amber Bottle

  • Crafting Cost: (1) Bottle, (1) Amber, (3) Plant Fiber

The direct upgrade from the regular bottle. Leaks slower than regular bottle. Learned from the perk Crystal Clarity.

Jade Bottle

  • Crafting Cost: (1) Amber Bottle, (1) Jade, (3) Plant Fiber

The last and final upgrade of the bottle. Directly upgraded from the Amber Bottle. Further reduced evaporation, and filters toxins when filled. Learned from the perk Jade Purity.


These are used to cull plants (dead or living) and to maintain your gardens. It can also be used to remove some pesky Structures, but not everything. The ability to move and/or pick-up (to inventory) has been suggested.

Wood Sickle

  • Crafting Cost: 2 Wood

Crafted as part of the introductory questline with Vidyas, it is used (primarily) to beat the ever-loving life out of dead (and living) plants. A secondary use would be for combat.

Flint Sickle

  • Crafting Cost: (1) Wood Sickle, (2) Flint, (1) Plant Fiber

A Direct upgrade from the Wood Sickle, it deals slightly more damage than Wood Sickle. Learned from investing in Survival Memory “Flint Tools.

Obsidian Sickle

  • Crafting Cost: (1) Flint Sickle, (2) Obsidian, (2) Copper

An upgrade from the Flint Sickle. Does more damage than it’s predecessor, and swings faster. Learned from the perk Obsidian Tools.

Starmetal Sickle

  • Crafting Cost: (1) Obsidian Sickle, (2) Starmetal, (1) Knotwood

The last and final upgrade of the Obsidian Sickle. Does even more damage than the Obsidian sickle and has a cooldown swing of 0.3 seconds. Learned from the perk Starmetal Tools.


These tools are intended to both sculpt the land and dig up hidden resources shown as bright glowing spots on (or rather “in”) the ground. Using a Spade on any hotspot (in any way) will dig up the hidden/buried item(s) in its’ displayed radius.

Wood Spade

  • Crafting Cost: (3) Wood, (2) Plant Fiber

Crafted as part of the introductory questline with Vidyas, it is used to slave out in the hot sun to dig waterways, to build up hills/walls, and to level ground. It’s slow, but no garden manager would do well without one.

Flint Spade

  • Crafting Cost: (1) Wood Spade, (1) Plant Fiber, (2) Flint

Direct upgrade to Wood Spade. It affects more ground and makes the work go faster. Learned from investing in Survival Memory “Flint Tools.

Obsidian Spade

  • Crafting Cost: (1) Flint Spade, (2) Obsidian, (2) Copper

The upgrade from the Flint Spade. It’s more efficient and affects more ground. Learned from the perk Obsidian Tools.

Starmetal Spade

  • Crafting Cost: (1) Obsidian Spade, (2) Starmetal, (1) Knotwood

The last and final upgrade of the Obsidian Spade. Is more efficient and covers even more ground. Learned from the perk Starmetal Tools.


Magic-based ranged weapons. Channel your inner reserves of mana and shoot starlight from the palm of your hand.

Copper Mirror

  • Crafting Cost: (1) Copper, (1) Plant Fiber, (1) Dunegrass Seed

Crafted as part of the introductory questline with Vidyas, it is used to fire projectiles at the enemy. The secondary action is used to reflect incoming projectiles.

Crystal Mirror

  • Crafting Cost: (1) Copper Mirror, (2) Rock Crystal, (1) Copper

The upgraded version of the Copper Mirror. Does more damage than the previous mirror. Has a new ability called “Blinding Flash” that blinds and disorients wraiths. Holding down to charge increases the flash’s size. Learned from the perk Crystal Clarity.

Starry Mirror

  • Crafting Cost: (1) Crystal Mirror, (2) Starmetal, (1) Obsidian

The last and final upgrade of the Crystal Mirror. Does even more damage than the Cystal Mirror. Learned from the perk Stargazing.


Umbrella Mushroom

Used to slow down falls and glide slowly. This item degrades over time and exposure to air after maturing, but can be regrown.

Memory Seed

A gift from the gods. Granted to the player by Naia, Goddess of water for freeing her. It has 3 functions and all of them consume Mana at varying rates.

  1. Vines – Creates vines on a surface. Greatly increases climb speed.
  2. Roots – Creates a rather risky looking root bridge to cover a short distance.
  3. Flower Path – Creates a temporary Path that is marked by large blue lotuses. Consumes mana while making a path.

Cloak of Winds

A gift from the gods. Given to the player by Stryge, Goddess of the Wind for freeing her. It can be upgraded two more times after being given the base Cloak. It has 3 functions fully upgraded and all consume Mana at varying rates.

On activation, causes the player to gain wind walking. Like the Umbrella Mushroom, it allows the player to fall and glide slowly.

  • Gust: Spend mana to propel yourself forward while in the air.
  • Updraft: Spend mana to lift yourself a short distance while in the air.

Earthwright’s Chisel

A gift from the gods. Given to the player by Gleb, God of the Earth for freeing him and assisting defending his temple. It has three uses that consume Mana at varying rates.

  • Fissure: Carves a straight trench between two placed markers.
  • Uplift: Raises the ground in an area. Fully enclosing an area in markers will raise the land to the highest point.
  • Earthquake: Levels the ground in a large area around you. Charge to increase the range and damage.

Time Needle

A gift from the gods. Given to the player by Oros, God of Time for bringing his temples life. It has three uses that consume Mana at different rates.

  • Fast Time: Speed up the flow of time in an area. Increases the speed of your movement and projectiles, reduces your cooldowns, and seems to effect plant growth.
  • Slow Time: Slow the ravages of time in an area, reducing your resource consumption. Slows wraith movement, projectiles, and cooldowns.
  • Reverse Time: Rewinds you briefly into the past, restoring lost ground, lost food and water.

Blessed Drop

  • Crafting Cost: (14) Water, (10) Essence

A blessed drop crafted and created by Naia, the Goddess of Water. Can be used to negate poison in the player or in the soul, cleansing poison tiles. Gives 8 water and removes 35 poison.

Shining Feather

  • Crafting Cost: (1) Dry Feather, (15) Essence

A feather that has been blessed by Stryge. Summons her lighting and wind when thrown. Stronger winds are summoned by throwing the feather further. Creates glass when strikes ground.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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