Crafted at the Workbench. Must be equipped to benefit. Some Trinkets listed are gated behind quests as well as memories. Survival Memories unlock crafting trinkets. Arcane Memories unlock additional trinket slots up to 3.
List of All Trinkets with Descriptions
Bead Bracelet
- Allows the wearer to skate up sand dunes.
Sun Ring
- Lessens the heat of the sun.
Wooden Bracelet
- A bracelet carved of wood that makes you feel strong. Increases inventory by 10 slots while equipped.
Does stack with Pearl Bracelet.
Twist Bracelet
- Protects you from tumbleweed (and other sharp edges).
Copper Ring
- Cuts the damage the holder takes by 1/3, but breaks after taking 50 damage.
Flower Bracelet
- Increases the player’s mana regeneration, but decays over time.
Water Ring
- Helps resist the desiccating effects of the Salt Flats.
Only visible after Quest Crafting A Water Ring Received.
Crystal Ring
- Cuts the damage the holder takes by half, but breaks after taking 75 damage.
Lifespark Ring
- Will save the holder from death once before breaking.
Feather Bracelet
- While Airborne: increases speed and reduces mana used by floating with the Cloak of Winds.
Only visible after Quest ?? (assuming after Cloak of Winds received).
Pearl Bracelet
- A Heavy Bracelet that increases your strength! Your inventory is larger and you can pick up large trees, but you get hungry faster.
Does stack with Wooden Bracelet.
Obsidian Ring
- You deal more damage, but also take more damage. Damage taken also reduces the ring’s durability.
Vine Bracelet
- Increases climbing speed.
Jade Bracelet
- Reduced the harmful poisons absorbed by the wearer until it breaks.
Only visible after Quest Crafting A Jade Ring is received.
Air Ring
- Purifies the air around you, protecting you from the worst of both dust and poisonous miasmas.
Sky Bracelet
- Protects you from the chill of high altitudes
Only visible after Quest Altitude Assistance is received.
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