Wildmender – All Resources Guide

List of All Resources with Descriptions

Materials are raw ingredients used in crafting. They generally have no use by themselves. Most resources can be found by digging up hotspots (or glowing spots on the ground) near certain locations. All resources that spawn as a hotspot have a chance to spawn during each Sandstorm around whatever node they’re associated with.


  • Assorted tree branches – can be used to make many things.
  • Common component for Structures. Used in a lot of crafts and upgrades. Can be acquired by damaging/cutting down woody plants and Deadfall. May also be found as a resource hotspot near woody plants or just on the ground. Can be composted in the Compost Bin. (5x Wood = 2 Fertilizer)


  • A durable stone that could be ground into shape with enough patience.
  • Common component for Structures. Found buried in hotspots around Stone Outcrop. Has a chance to spawn near Stone Outcrops after every Sandstorm. May also be dropped by Tectonic Wraith. Used in expanding wellstones.

Plant Fiber

  • Tough, fibrous plant material.
  • Common component for Structures. Used in a lot of crafts and upgrades. Can be acquired by damaging/cutting down leafy plants and deadfall. May also be found in hotspots near plants or on the ground around them. Can be composted in the Compost Bin (5x fibers = 2 Fertilizer).


  • Spread to enrich the soil near plants, improving their growth and yield.
  • Produced by the Compost Bin. Plants will consume fertilizer on the ground. Used to refresh and revitalize tired plants. A plant’s effective fertile ground range is the same as it’s plant range (or the outer circle when planting or moving mature plants). The more filled out the area is, the greater the bonus. A maximum of 50% bonus will be applied to plants. (Consumed 5 Bountiful Amaranth for x Fertilizer)


  • A nugget of raw copper metal.
  • A common component of magical structures. Most notably Wellstones and Sun Sigils. Found at Mineral Veins in the Dunes and Salt Flats and is dropped by Starving Wraiths and others.


  • A rock that can be chipped to a sharp edge.
  • A common component of Sigils and wellstone. It’s used quite extensively in expanding wellstones. It can also be used to craft certain Trinkets.

Shard of the Guide Spirit

  • A shard of a spirit speaking in a familiar voice, trying to share information with you. Return it home to gain new insights and help your friend.
  • Story Item. Find these at Wraith Outposts and return them to The Spirit Guide to get helpful side-quests and additional information about the world.

Bone Fragments

  • Pieces of old dry bone. Might be Useful in returning minerals to the soil if properly composted.
  • Useful for making large amounts of Materials/Fertilizer. Can be found by the Map/Large Bones. Commonly dropped by Wraiths. Consumed by the compost bin one at a time, but only if food is in the compost bin.

Frozen Essence

  • Living Magic somehow frozen into solid form. Touching it too long leaves your fingers numb.
  • Useful for clearing large areas of Wasteland from near your Wellstones. Can also be used for getting essence in a pinch at the cost of poison. Drops from Wraiths and Wraith Outposts. Recovers 25 Essence at the cost of 45 Poison.

Festival Cake

  • A small cake once eaten on holy days. It’s sticky, sweet, and shockingly well preserved.
  • Found at Broken Caravans or inside Chests. Can be crafted at the Workbench after acquiring the Ancestral Lore Memory. It does not spoil. Recovers 20 Hunger and reduces Hydration by 10.


  • An herbal mash that reduces pain and encourages healing. Can be applied to your wounds or to hose of injured plants.
  • A simple healing item crafted at the Workbench after learning the Handcrafts Memory. Decays over time which reduces effectiveness. Recovers 40 Health when fresh. Values decay with freshness of Poultice item stack. Material Freshness dictates the base freshness of the item.


  • An herbal infusion that will neutralize poison and speed recovery.
  • A simple healing item crafted at the Workbench after learning the Handcrafts Memory. Decays over time which reduces effectiveness. When fresh, restores 15 Thirst, Reduces Poison by 30, and heals 15 Health. Values decay with freshness of Poultice item stack. Material Freshness dictates the base freshness of the item.

Luminous Tonic

  • Ancient Medicine created and preserved with Magic.
  • An advanced healing item crafted at the Workbench after learning the Ancestral Lore Memory. Does not Decay. Restores 15 Thirst, Reduces Poison by 30, and heals 80 Health. An invaluable healing item and emergency water source.

Trickster Treat

  • A snack for a certain rolling mischief maker. One will make them your friend. More will send them searching for gifts in return.
  • Special food item for Pangolin. It is used to both tame them and send them on material hunting missions. Not edible by Players.


  • A gift from a spirit darter that has the wonderous ability to reconnect a dead plant to its spirit.
  • A wonderful item that players will need many of. Crafted by Spirit Darters. Only one per Darter per day can be crafted.

Soothing Poultice

  • An improved poultice made with rare ingredients. Can be applied to your wounds or to those of injured plants.
  • Like the Poultice, this item can be crafted at the workbench (After learning Seed’s Power) and its efficacy decays as it decays. Restores 90 Health when fresh. Material Freshness dictates the base freshness of the item.

Glowing Infusion

  • A faintly glowing herbal infusion that will neutralize poison and speed recovery. It will also reduce the effects of any poison received within 60 seconds after drinking.
  • Like the Infusion, this item is crafted at the Workbench after learning the Seed’s Power Memory. Decays over time which reduces effectiveness. When fresh, restores 15 Thirst, Reduces Poison by 50, and heals 25 Health. Values decay with freshness of Poultice item stack. Material Freshness dictates the base freshness of the item.

Rock Crystal

  • A Piece of natural crystal that is clear and flawless.
  • Component used for Sigils and upgrades. Most notably used for Flame Sigil. Found in hotspots around Broken Caravans and Mineral Veins in the Salt Flats and Mountains. Also found in Chests.


  • A yellow-orange crystal that somehow contains an ancient insect.
  • Component for Sigils and upgrades. Most notably used for Flowering Sigil and its upgrade Fertile Sigil. Commonly found around Broken Caravans, Mineral Veins in the Canyons and Mountains.


  • A greenish stone that can be polished to a beautiful translucency.
  • Component for Sigils, wellstone upgrades, and equipment upgrades. Found around Broken Ships, Broken Caravans and Mineral Veins in the Salt Flats, canyons, and Mountains. Also found in Chests.


  • Dense, Gnarled wood from an old-growth tree.
  • A more rare component for Trinkets and for Structures. Can be found in hotspots around Witchwood, Spindlewood, and Oracle Trees as well as by chopping those same plants down.


  • The shell of an ancient sea creature.
  • A component of Cement. Can also be used to make Fertilizer in place of Bone Fragments. Found in the Salt Flats all over (Especially in the crevices).

Rock Salt

  • A lump of natural Salt. Unpalatable on its own.
  • A component for upgrades to Storage Baskets. Can also be used to make Spinebomb Sigil. Commonly found in the Salt Flats near Stone Outcrops.

Dry Feather

  • A dried-out feather of unclear age.
  • A reagent for Glowing Feathers and used to craft some Trinkets.

Ancient Pearl

  • An iridescent pearl of great age. A warm glow of life and magic resides within.
  • A component of Luminous Tonics as well as Wellstone Upgrades and some Trinkets. Found in Large Bones or around ships wreckage in the Salt Flats.


  • Hard stone that can be polished to a beautiful luster.
  • A component of Wellstone Upgrades and Sigil and their upgrades. Commonly found around Stone Outcrops in the Canyons and Mountains.


  • Clear glass. Refined from sand with great heat.
  • A common component of Lanterns and Metal Lanterns. Commonly found near Broken Ships, Dry Docks, and Lighthouses in the Salt Flats. Can also be found in Chests. It is also a byproduct of the lightning bolt from the Glowing Feather.


  • Glassy Black Stone which chips into dangerously sharp edges.
  • A component for tool upgrades. Typically found around Mineral Veins in the Mountains.


  • Sweet honey in the comb. Stored properly, it’ll never spoil.
  • A food item that never spoils. Produced by Worker Bee Sigils and Soldier Bee Sigils. Used in crafting Worker Bee Sigils and Soldier Bee Sigils as well as festival cakes. Restores 8 hunger, drains 5 thirst, recovers 15 health.

Runic Gear

  • A carved runic mechanism that is needed to repair the gate on the border of the canyon city.
  • Story item. Retrieved from Mountain Spire Basement chests.

Blessed Drop

  • A small quantity of pure water, infused with the power of a mighty spirit. It can negate poisons in you or the soil.
  • Crafted at and by Naia. Does not spoil. Can be consumed for water or spread on the ground to remove poisoned ground. (Red Tiles)

Fallenstar Tea

  • A tea brewed from flowers. Improves your connection to the spirit world, increasing mana recovery by 50% for 5 minutes.
  • Crafted at Ancestral Altar with Fallenstar Flower. Decays over time and restores water. Amount of water restored decays as the item decays.


  • A useful building material compounded of ground-up shells and stones.
  • A component in upgrading some Walls or Planters.


  • The gift of a mighty spirit, it will restore health and power.
  • An extremely rare and high-quality restorative item. Does not spoil. Restores 15 Thirst, 200 Health, and 30 Essence. Also reduces poison by 100 points. Can be found in Chests.


  • A mysterious lump of metal fell from the sky. It’s supremely hard and still warm to the touch.
  • Found at Fallen stars in the Mountains. Only one be harvested when the fallen star is glowing. Can also drop from Burst Wraith outposts (found in the mountains).

Naia’s Lifeflame

  • A Wondrous creation made from life sparks, and the magics of Naia. Use it to restore entire groves in the Dunes.
  • Crafted at and by Naia. Used to restore and awaken Mystic Wellstones. Also restores plants and generates Meadow biome in a large area around the wellstone it is used on.

Stryge’s Lifeflame

  • A Lifeflame modified by Stryge for use in the Salt Flats.
  • Crafted at and by Stryge. Used to restore and awaken Mystic Wellstones. Also restores plants and generates Marsh biome in a large area around the wellstone it is used on.

Gleb’s Lifeflame

  • A Lifeflame modified by Gleb for use in the Canyons.
  • Crafted at and by Gleb. Used to restore and awaken Mystic Wellstones. Also restores plants and generates Grove biome in a large area around the wellstone it is used on.

Oros’s Lifeflame

  • A Lifeflame modified by Oros for use in the Mountains.
  • Crafted at and by Oros. Used to restore and awaken Mystic Wellstones. Also restores plants and generates Alpine biome in a large area around the wellstone it is used on.

Tree of Life Seed

  • A seed from the Tree of Life, previously carried by Sellan. Although many tried, new trees were never successfully cultivated from the rare seeds the Tree of Life would produce. Sellan used this seed to bind his soul to the now destroyed tree.
  • Story Item. Dropped by Sellan after defeating him during the last fight.

Brittle Scroll

  • …to life is to change; the essence of life cannot remain static. The inevitability of death follows from this…
  • One of 3 types of Secret Memory scrolls. Dropped by Wraiths and Wraith Outposts. (need which memory goes here)

Charred Scroll

  • …to manifest the flame of will in time of great need…
  • One of 3 types of Secret Memory scrolls. Dropped by Wraiths and Wraith Outposts. (need which memory goes here)

Corrupt Scroll

  • …the key to ascendancy, in the end, is the will to do that which lesser minds recoil from…
  • One of 3 types of Secret Memory scrolls. Dropped by Wraiths and Wraith Outposts. (need which memory goes here)

Tarnished Talisman

  • A talisman which seems to o damaged to channel magical energies, and is marked with flame and tiger iconography.
  • Dropped by Flame Wraith. Used to craft and upgrade the Flame Talisman at and by Naia.

Runic Key

  • A faintly magical key carved with sigils. Can be used to open a Sealed Chest.
  • A key used to open Sealed Chests. Can be crafted at any altar of Arx for 1 Copper and some essence. Players would be smart to keep a few on them at all times.

Arcane Scroll

  • The research notes of a magical adept.
  • A scroll that grants 1 Arcane Memory point. Found in chests and dropped by wraiths.

Spiritual Scroll

  • Revelations given to an ancient priest.
  • A scroll that grants 1 Spiritual Memory point. Found in chests and dropped by wraiths.

Survival Scroll

  • The journal of a traveller.
  • A scroll that grants 1 Survival Memory point. Found in chests and dropped by wraiths.

Strange Orb

  • A smooth, oblong orb given to you by Oros. It seems to influence time.
  • Story Item. Given to you by Oros when following their questline to restore the Mountains’ Mystic Wellstones.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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