Save File Editing Guide
Editing Sell Prices for More Cash:
Select an item file for what you want to print money with. For example, Accelerated Rifle.
- \Xenonauts2\Assets\Assets\xenonauts\template\strategy\item\weapon\ballistic_rifle_v2.json
Edit the file in a text editor like Notepad++ or w/e you use. Look for and edit the following line to edit the numeric value to what you want to sell it for, like adding a zero.
Bam, 320k per rifle you sell, and they still only cost 20k to manufacture (plus materials).
Editing Weapon Damage:
Look for the config file for the weapon you want to modify and edit the following line. For example,
- \Xenonauts2\Assets\Assets\xenonauts\template\groundcombat\item\weapon\ballistic_rifle_v2.json
Here, you want to edit _val”:40.0, to the base damage you want to see. Damage will still fluctuate up and down depending on if you get a grazing shot or a critical hit and other factors, but it’s all starting on a higher base. So your 52 point critical hit might be a 99 instead, or your 18 point grazing shot could be 45 instead.
The same applies to other factors in the weapon config, using the “_val”:#.#,” as the base number. Just remember the numbers are on the left, and the name of what you’re changing is on the right of that. This applies to all GroundCombat item files and the name is usually self explanatory for what it effects, like ArmorPenetration, LongRange (the threshold at which your shot is considered too far to be accurate), or EMPDamage (great for making OP stun guns).
Note: If you’re editing an advanced version of an earlier weapon (like a v2 / v3), some item properties won’t be there, but will be referenced from whatever the file’s “Parent” is as an AssetReference (for instance, anyting Ballistic_rifle_v2 does NOT contain, like LongRange, is pulled and used from it’s parent file, Ballistic_Rifle.json).
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