Xenonauts 2 – Ultimate Base Guide

The organization can support up to 6 bases at the same time. The three circles around each base show its possible radar coverage. Each base has its own inventory storage. Items can be transferred between bases.

Definitive Guide to Bases


There are 3 types of staff that can be stationed at each base:

  • Soldiers are units that can participate in tactical missions against enemy forces. Each soldier has a set of semi-randomized attributes that govern how effective they are in battle. These attributes can increase through combat experience or training, leading to an increase in Rank. It is not unusual for soldiers to suffer injury or death on the battlefield. Each one costs $12,000 each month, and you can hire more soldiers on the Soldier screen.
  • Scientists are staff that contribute to the Research efforts of our organization. Scientists require 1 Living Capacity to hire, and they also require 1 Research Capacity (in a Laboratory) to produce research. Each one costs $25,000 each month.
  • Engineers are staff that contribute to the Engineering efforts of our organization. Engineers require 1 Living Capacity to hire, and they also require 1 Engineering Capacity (in a Workshop) to produce engineering progress. Each one costs $25,000 each month.


Each base will have the capacities which determine what the base can do:

  • Power Capacity shows the total power generation at the base and how much of that power is currently being used by structures at the base. Additional Power can be obtained by constructing Generators. Many types of base structure require Power to function. If you have insufficient Power then that building can still be constructed, but the building will enter a deactivated state on completion. Deactivated base structures can be reactivated by left-clicking on them once you have enough Power available to activate them. Structures can also be manually deactivated with a right-click (this only works on structures that consume Power).
  • Living Capacity shows how many staff can be stationed at that base. Each member of staff requires 1 Living Capacity, with additional Living Capacity added through construction of Living Quarters.
  • Research Capacity shows how many Research slots are available at Laboratories at this base, and it can be increased by constructing additional Laboratories. Research Capacity is not required to station a Scientist at a base, but each Scientist will not contribute to your research efforts unless there is a free Research slot for them to use.
  • Engineering Capacity shows how many Engineering slots are available at Workshops at this base, and it can be increased by constructing additional Workshops. Engineering Capacity is not required to station a Engineer at a base, but each Engineer will not contribute to your research efforts unless there is a free Engineering slot for them to use.
  • Training Capacity show how many Training slots are available at this base versus the number of soldiers stationed at the base. If there are more soldiers than Training Capacity at a base, your soldiers will not be able to train effectively and the Training Efficiency at the base will decline (reducing the Progress Points gained by each soldier).
  • Hangar Capacity shows how many Hangars are present at the base, and how many of these Hangars already contains an aircraft. A free Hangar is required to construct a new aircraft or to transfer an existing aircraft to another base.
  • Storage Capacity: Bases have limited capacity for storing items, which can be increased by constructing additional Storeroom buildings. Each item in the stores fills 1 Storage Capacity, except Alien Alloys and Alenium which each fill 0.1 Storage Capacity. If a base exceeds its Storage Capacity, all engineering work at that base will cease immediately and it will not be possible to transfer items to that base.


Each base will have the following stats:

  • Detection Range measures the distance at which this base can detect alien UFOs on the Geoscape. The radar range of a base can be extended by constructing Radar Array buildings (up to a maximum of three).
  • Defense Strength represents how much total damage the defensive turrets at this base (such as the Missile Battery) can inflict on any UFO that attacks the base. If the turrets inflict enough damage to destroy the UFO before it lands, no alien ground forces will disembark and no tactical battle will be required. However, even if the turrets are unable to destroy the UFO the damage they inflict may kill some of the attackers before the mission begins! Be aware that the Defense Strength is a range, and the actual damage inflicted could be anywhere between the minimum and maximum values.
  • Research Speed shows the increase to Research Speed that is being provided by the staff and facilities at this base. You can see the total Research Speed on the Research screen.
  • Engineering Output shows the number of man-hours of progress generated towards engineering projects each hour by your staff and facilities at this base. Engineering is not global, so adding additional engineers at a base will only speed up engineering projects at that base.
  • Survival Chance In some circumstances soldiers killed in battle may have a chance of surviving, and returning to base with 1 HP. The survival chance of a soldier is defined by the quality of medical facilities at their home base, and can be viewed on the Base screen. Units cannot survive if they have been Gibbed, which usually occurs due to an explosion or as a result of massive overdamage.
  • Healing Rate is the amount of HP regenerated each day by any wounded or injured soldier stationed at this base. Healing Rate can be increased through the construction of medical facilities such as the Medical Room.
  • Training Rate is the amount of Progress Points each soldier stationed at this base will gain in each of their attributes every hour they are stationed at this base. This is modified by Training Efficiency. The rate of progress will increase as your organization gains more knowledge about your extraterrestrial foes. Completing autopsies of dead aliens and interrogation of captured specimens will therefore lead to an increased Training Rate across all your bases.
  • Training Efficiency measures the efficiency of soldier training at this base. With a Training Efficiency of 100%, each soldier gains the full number of Progress Points indicated by the Training Rate. This value is calculated based on the amount of Training Capacity at the base and the number of soldiers trying to use it. As long as the number of soldiers does not exceed your Training Capacity, they will train at full efficiency. You can increase Training Capacity by building additional Training Center structures.


Each base is made up of 36 squares arranged in a 6×6 grid. On these squares the buildings can be constructed. Each building takes one square with the exception of hangars which take two. When a base is constructed the access lift must be placed. Buildings can only be constructed adjacent to another building or the access lift. Most buildings also have an adjacency bonus if they are constructed next to the same building. Buildings can be demolished to recover half of their construction cost.

BuildingEffectAdjacency BonusCost ($)Build Time (days)Power Used
Hangar+1 Aircraft Capacity100,000150
Living Quarters+10 Living Capacity+4 Living Capacity250,000150
Storeroom+100 Storage Capacity+25 Storage Capacity100,000150
Training Center+12 Training Capacity+2 Training Capacity250,0002025

Upgradeable buildings

Certain buildings can be permanently upgraded by completing the engineering project of the same name. Upgraded buildings have the same cost, build time and power requirenents.

RoleCost ($)Build Time (days)Power UsedTier 1Tier 2
BuildingEffectAdjacency BonusBuildingEffectAdjacency Bonus
Power generation200,000120Generator+50 Power Capacity+30 Power CapacityAlenium Generator+80 Power Capacity+50 Power Capacity
Engineering250,0002015Workshop+5 Workshop Capacity+2 Workshop CapacityNanotech Workshop+5 Workshop Capacity+50% Work Speed+2 Workshop Capacity+50% Work Speed
Research250,0002015Laboratory+5 Research Capacity+2 Research CapacityQuantum Laboratory+5 Research Capacity+50% Work Speed+2 Research Capacity+50% Work Speed
UFO defense200,0001520Missile Battery+100-200 Damage+10-20 DamageLaser Battery+140-260 Damage+12-25 Damage
UFO detection400,0002060Radar Array+750KM Radar RangeQuantum Array+750KM Radar RangeDetect UFO class, crew and mission
Soldier recovery350,0001525Medical Center+30% Survival and +2.5 HP/Day HealSurgical Center+35% Survival and +3.5 HP/Day Heal

That’s it!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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