Your Chronicle – How to Duel Sigurd and Get the Sixth Ending

To get the ‘Thirst for Victory’ ending, you need to beat Sigurd in a fight. This can be hard if you’re not ready. This guide will tell you what you need and how to beat Sigurd to get this ending.

How to Beat Sigurd (Thirst for Victory)


Dueling Sigurd is an event that takes place in in a Dungeon in the Academic City. This event however, only becomes available when certain prerequisites are met and even then you need to be very strong to beat him.

Hard requirements

  • Beating the Serious Spearman
  • After reincarnation, beat Serious Father before leaving the village
  • Choose the ‘Decline training’ option in the village

Recommended requirements

  • Have 50M levels in ‘Status Up’ on the Astral World page
  • Purchased all upgrades in the Astral World page
  • Finished all other endings at least 5 times (You need a lot of destiny)
  • Unlocked and fully leveled up all allies in the party (see next section)
  • Fully leveled up all equipment for the party (see next section)
  • Unlocked the title ‘Sense of Villain’
  • At least 10 Queue slots (clear pride reincarnations for this)
  • At least 5 auto eat slots (clear pride reincarnations for this)
  • At least 500 Envy levels in Max HP
  • At least 200 Envy levels in Physical Defense

Common routines

At this point in the game, you probably give 1 Habit to most skills after a Dark Ritual or Reincarnation. For full details, look at the Serious Spearman guide.

Make sure to use Habit on useful skills like Familiar, Will, class skills, and Energy. Choose based on how you like to play.

Keep defeating guardians to get sin and complains. Use some gold on Sacred Ritual to get inspiration for more Status Up levels.

Grinding Gluttony

In the Academic City you’re very limited compared to all the bonuses on HP defense and attack that are still awaiting you after graduation. However, you can access those. The furthest you get is the Dragon’s Nest in the Ancient Ruins and the bonus is laughable compared to what you get in the Dragon Village.

This means that when you’re stuck in the Academic City, there is only one option left to beat Sigurd, Gluttony.


When I’m done with all other meaning full tasks in the areas available at that moment, I configure my Sloth Overlay as follows:


  1. Lostlorn Forest – Abyss (3x)
  2. Rocky Hill – Top (2x)
  3. Dragon’s Nest (1x)


  1. Milk Cow (1x)
  2. Harvest Wheat (2x)
  3. Catch Fish (1x)

Other (order is important here!):

  1. Make Firewood (1x)
  2. Make Bread (1x)
  3. Make Dessert Carnival (1x)
  4. Make Baked Apple (1x)
  5. Make Anchovy Sandwich (1x)


Put your auto eat slots on:

  • Milk (Physical Defense)
  • Egg (Not needed for Sigurd, but it helps the Satiety)
  • Anchovy Sandwich (Physical Defense)
  • Baked Apple (Max HP)
  • Dessert Carnival (Physical Defense and Max HP)

To get Honey and Wood, keep Queen Bee and Tree Golem in your team while you collect Gluttony. For dungeons, make your first attacker use a fast, easy move like Wind Step. This helps you finish dungeons quicker.

It’s good to put some levels in Dungeon Reward. This gives you more from dungeon bosses and helps you collect Gluttony faster. Also, put at least 2000 levels in Greed – Dungeon Reward for an extra 45% bonus. If you want, you can also level up Greed – Drop Chance to get more items from bosses.

Dark Ritual

Keep doing your Dark Rituals as they reset the gluttony costs and increase your satiety.

Party Lay-Out

Sigurd is a warrior that uses physical attacks. This party setup is adjusted to get the highest P.Def possible, highest HP second and M.Atk after that, but a P.Atk would work as well.

Party members:

  • Greedy Beast
  • Rage Goblin
  • Fire Drake
  • Jack of Clubs
  • You
  • Gravekeepr Ghoul
  • Skeleton Warrior
  • First Horn
  • Goblin Elite
  • Barbaric Fool


  • Steel Sword
  • Magic Wand (for P.Atk, use Wooden Sword instead)
  • Spirit Orb (for P.Atk, use Overlord’s Sword instead)
  • Magician’s Robe (for P.Atk, use Bamboo Chariot instead)
  • Sacred Spellbook
  • Stone Spear
  • Leather Shield
  • Magma Rod
  • Barbarian Vest
  • Adventurer’s Armor

Secondary equipment is pretty much random, so focus on P.Def and Max HP in that order, followed by your play style, so either M.Atk or P.Atk.

Equip the ‘Sense of Villain’ title as it gives you more HP and P.Def compared to ‘Blessing of the Flame’.

The Duel with Sigurd

Sigurd is a warrior that uses quick physical attacks, very similar to the Serious Spearman. It is impossible (or at least very unlikely) that you can attack him faster and kill him in one hit. So, the general tactic is to tank his attacks with sufficient HP and Physical Defense.

His attacks hit for at least 200Qi+ damage and easily over 250Qi if not prepared properly.

The Battle

Set up your team as the guide says. Put all your levels in ‘Greater Demon’. Start the battle with Physical Formation on for better defense. Your first character should survive the first hit and might attack Sigurd. This attack isn’t required.

Next, two of your characters will likely die quickly. Your third character should survive one attack. Then Jack of Clubs will attack you, but you should survive.

After this, Sigurd needs to rest. This is your chance to attack. Use a strong move like Wind Canon. Sigurd has a lot of health, so switch to Magical Formation if you’re using magic attacks. If you can’t beat him in one hit, keep improving your character and try again.

Further On

After beating Sigurd the story goes on. Without giving too much spoilers, just continue your journey. For the ending of C6, Thirst for Victory, you can use the exact same setup and strategy as you did for Sigurd, although I do recommend to get the stat bonusess from all the other areas, especially the Holy City and Dragon Village, before going to the Demon Kingdom.

TLDR: How to Reach Ending 6

  • Buy factors for a new story from akashic record, requires beating ending 5 to unlock.
  • Pick ”punish the bad kids” option after talking with norn.
  • Beat serious father before leaving village.
  • Read new father dialogue and Choose decline training, if you’re leaving alone make sure to do this before reaching spirit spring.
  • Proceed with normal guild quests until going to guild after beating rock golem, (going further should be fine but don’t graduate yet).
  • Click through sigurd talks in academic city and beat him in a duel.
  • When faced with a choice choose one of the top two options (giving destiny max or stats) and not the the bottom one (giving sacred ritual).
  • Go through new dialogue in forest until talk with spearman 16/16, rest are optional.
  • Graduate.
  • Kill normal demon king and talk with him until last blow option appears, choose last blow.
  • Beat ending 6 boss.
  • Finish with Taste of Victory.

Bonus: Best Party to Clear ED6 Boss

The Party I used to clear ED6 boss. First screenshot is my active party, second is the skills I used, Third is passive party slots, fourth is equipment, and fifth is secondary equipment.

I did the fight entirely in Magic formation. I got stats mostly from gluttony, will -> Transform into power, familiar -> greater demon, and all of the party buffs the other summons in this group give. I had about 8K% Matk from gluttony, and Heart of Justice title (most Matk, and Matk was the only stat that ended up mattering in this build).

With Joker and Brutal right arm in your party, you seem to need about 11.2% attack speed from optimisation to attack before the spearman attacks if you want to use windstep and take advantage of dried fruit. If you have less attack speed he kills you and then wipes your party instantly. The idea of the party is just to 1-shot everything and hope for the best, basically?

I also note that my party overshot the ‘needed stats’ by a bit. I think I ended up doing nearly 40% overkill damage to the boss during the fight because I forgot body strat exists for a while. So you can drop Matk by a bit and still be fine. Going into the fight I had 16M Status Up.

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Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2153 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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